Bathroom curtain - to make it beautiful and comfortable

Bathroom curtain - to make it beautiful and comfortable
Bathroom curtain - to make it beautiful and comfortable

Here, finally, the renovation of the bathroom is over. The tile shines, the new plumbing pleases the eye, and the bath attracts to itself. And so I want to keep such beauty for a long time.

Bath screen
Bath screen

Unfortunately, increased moisture, constant contact with water and detergents significantly reduce the life of any things and make them less attractive. But little female tricks always help to make work easier for yourself and keep cleanliness with comfort.

Let's start with the bathroom. No matter how big your washroom is, where the shower is located, and how you are used to using water, you can't do without a bath screen. If you still doubt its necessity, I will describe to you some good options. And your doubts will simply evaporate, like all the drops of water splashed on the floor.

Bath screens. Glass
Bath screens. Glass

First, the bathroom screen must be practical. She must protectroom from water, splashes and unnecessary drips. Therefore, often manufacturers can also supply an appropriate glass structure with a bathtub. This option is very practical and easy to use. And the bathroom curtain, the glass of which is also wonderfully decorated, will even become the subject of praise for your household and guests. But quality items are quite expensive. In addition, such a design is not always appropriate in small apartments or is possible according to the design and location of the bath itself. For small spaces, consider a different solution.

Bath screen
Bath screen

Therefore, secondly, the bath screen should ideally fit your interior. In the case of hanging curtains, you will have an inexhaustible field for fantasies and possibilities. And to maintain practicality, the bath screen should be made of good waterproof material and the optimal length. More on this.

In order for the water from the curtain not to flow onto the floor, creating puddles near the bathroom for some households, its edges should be lowered into the bath itself. This is much more important than the rest of the points if the bathroom is used primarily as a shower room or for children who love to splash and splash. But if there are no such needs, and in most cases the toilet room is used for its intended purpose, then you can give the curtain a more decorative and solid look.

Bath screen. Mounts
Bath screen. Mounts

Third, the bathroom curtain should be beautiful, reflect your taste and give a goodmood. If you have the opportunity, imagination and desire, then you can do everything with your own hands. Give your bath a unique, original and pretentious. There is nothing complicated about this, and all the necessary accessories can often be found in hardware stores. First, we select fastening options: for permanent use, rings are the most practical, but there are other options, as in the case of fastening conventional curtains.

Bath curtains
Bath curtains

Now, having a suitable fabric, we process its edges so that they do not bloom. And on the one hand, we bend a wide strip along the length and adapt it to the selected type of fastening. From a dense fabric, you can also sew ribbons of the same width and use them as fasteners. It's both beautiful and practical. The bathroom curtain itself is ready, and now you need to decorate it with unique, magnificent elements. It can be an appliqué on fabric, voluminous large embroidery, frills and shreds, multi-colored and plain elements. In a word, everything that your imagination is capable of. You can adapt any decor option you like to your product. Don't be afraid to experiment.

Bath screen
Bath screen

And the last interesting moment. Often, in the current conditions, everyone wants to save money in everything, without compromising the high aesthetic taste. Well, if the bathroom fits between two walls, then attaching a curtain rod will not be difficult.

Bath screen
Bath screen

But if you only have two walls, then you're donethe base for the curtain is more difficult to pick up, and it costs an order of magnitude more expensive. But even here there are skilled craftsmen who make fasteners from improvised means and a metal-plastic pipe. A little fantasy and decor, gold or silver paint - and you have a beautiful curtain rod with trim. The most important thing is that you like your work. Besides, who else are you arranging your bathroom for, if not for yourself and your family. Good luck!
