The living room is considered the main room in the house or apartment. Here, family members gather at the table and holidays are celebrated with friends or relatives. A guest room with a fireplace looks much more impressive. The crackle of firewood and the flames of fire - what could be more romantic and cozy?
Types of fireplaces

A real fireplace is installed in a private house, since for its installation it is necessary to build a chimney. So, you need to make a plan, use the drawings, make the right masonry, because any flaw can lead to irreversible consequences. From which it follows that real models are installed along with the house itself in accordance with the architectural features of the building.
The modern market offers a large selection of fireplaces from different manufacturers. All types of products can be divided into two groups, given their configuration:
· Frontal, which are placed along one wall of the room.
· Corner - placed in the corner of the room.
The second group is not as diverse as the first. But the corner models are more compact than the front ones. Even in a small room, you can mount a corner fireplace, and it will function like a regular one. Andstylistically, it can be done in different directions.
Advantages of corner fireplaces
Mostly, a corner fireplace is used in the living room interior. It is a favorite detail of the interior of a private or country house. Upholstered furniture and a small table or rocking chairs are placed around the family hearth, and comfort is guaranteed.

Corner fireplace can be created in the form of a "red corner" - made of bricks. Fireplace designs are classified according to the direction of radiation:
One-sided radiation that resembles the shape of a triangle in its cross section.
Two-sided radiation resembling a rectangle section.
Three-way radiation is the rarest type, the heat from which radiates only at close range.
For those who want to have their own fireplace, an electric option is a great solution. It is much more economical to maintain, and you can decorate with it not only any room in a country house, but also apartments. Some corner electric fireplaces are designed with characteristic sounds that resemble the crackling of logs in the hearth. Electric models do not pose a danger to children and animals; there are wall-mounted and floor-mounted options, protective screens and decorative firewood racks are sold for them.
Advice to those who will build a fireplace
An excellent solution would be to arrange a modern fireplace in the corner of a red brick room with your own hands. To perform high-quality work, you need to know the features of the material with which you have to work. Not worth ituse overdried material - brick with white spots.

When choosing a red brick, it is worth considering the parameters of the future decor element. The optimal ratio of the height of the furnace hole and the width is 2:3. To make a corner fireplace with your own hands, you need the following materials:
Quarry sand.
Cement (preferably M300-400).
Chamotte powder.
Refractory brick.
Crushed stone (diameter 2 to 5 cm).
Handmade corner fireplace will transform the living room or hall and become the pride of its owner.