Why don't violets bloom? Main reasons

Why don't violets bloom? Main reasons
Why don't violets bloom? Main reasons

Quite often, those who grow indoor plants wonder why violets do not bloom. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. So do not immediately blame the sellers who told you all about violets that they sold a low-quality plant. The reason, for example, may be a lack of some nutrient or an excessive amount of fertilizer, poor soil or water, and so on. Currently, there are varieties of violets that bloom all year round, and there are those that, on the contrary, rest most of the time. However, the absence of flowers on the plant is in any case an indication that it was not properly cared for.

why don't violets bloom
why don't violets bloom

Why don't violets bloom? Reasons:

1. The most common reason is the wrong location of the flower. If he does not have enough light, then the leaves will immediately begin to stretch upward. Bright light is very important for violets, but you should not put them where direct sunlight falls.

2. Flowers may be absent due to irregular watering, overdrying or waterlogging of the soil, watering using cold or hard water.

3. If you are worried about why violets do not bloom, thenyou should feed them every week with fertilizers that are designed specifically for these plants. But the main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of nitrogen and potassium, as this will only harm the plant.

4. Also, violets often do not bloom due to the reduction of daylight hours: they need at least 12 hours of natural light per day.

5. Humidity should reach 50% or more.

6. The soil for planting a plant from the garden is not suitable, as it will not allow the root system to grow, and as a result there will be no flowering.

7. The pot in which the flower grows is not the right size. It is better to transplant the plant into a larger container, because violets love free space. In such conditions, they will begin to bloom faster.

all about violets
all about violets

From all of the above, we can draw conclusions about why violets do not bloom, and what should be done to make such a period come. First, it is best to place the plant pot on the window, about 30 cm from the glass. It is very good if the window sizes are large. +20 degrees is considered the best temperature for plants, so if it is very hot outside, then it is better to cover the glass with some material. Experts recommend placing a flower on the windows, behind which trees grow, protecting it from excess light. It is necessary to water evenly, and the water must be defended and slightly heated before use. You also need to fertilize the soil weekly.

violets do not bloom
violets do not bloom

The humidity level in the room can be controlled by using a humidifierair, a container of water or a wet towel on radiators. You can also put a flower pot on a pallet, and place a layer of moistened sphagnum on its bottom. In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to check the plant for the presence of pests and signs of various diseases. In case of illness, the violet must be cured or destroyed, otherwise other indoor flowers may become infected.
