Why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom? Main reasons

Why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom? Main reasons
Why doesn't Kalanchoe bloom? Main reasons

The main reason why Kalanchoe does not bloom is improper plant care. Given that this plant is a representative of the "succulent", then Kalanchoe should be taken care of with proper care even at the flowering stage. But even if you are trying to care for him, then it is worth considering several factors due to which Kalanchoe may not bloom.

why is kalanchoe not blooming
why is kalanchoe not blooming

Why Kalanchoe does not bloom - interfering aspects:

1. High humidity. Despite the love of extensive watering, Kalanchoe prefers dry air, and frequent spraying and watering will lead to plant disease and root rot.

2. Lack of sunlight. Kalanchoe prefers light rather than darkness. The second, by the way, can lead to the early death of the plant.

3. Irrigation failures. In summer, Kalanchoe needs fairly frequent watering, and in winter it can grow even with a lack of moisture.

4. Pests. With proper care and periodic watering, the plant quite easily withstands the attacks of various harmful creatures, but the lack of moisture makes it helpless against pests.

what flowers bloom in autumn
what flowers bloom in autumn

Kalanchoe Kalandiva - care and recommendations

The main reason why Kalanchoe does not bloom is still improper care. No less important are the lack of sunlight and temperature conditions. A flowering plant requires an ambient temperature of at least twenty degrees Celsius, in winter - at least sixteen degrees Celsius.

Soil for Kalanchoe

This plant is quite unpretentious to the ground. It can even be grown in soil that contains equal parts soddy, leafy, and humus soil and peat/sand. Kalanchoe should be transplanted annually in the first or third decade of March. Moisturizing procedures should be maintained in moderation at fairly high humidity. And it is best to create conditions under which such a rich watering will be perfectly combined with dry air, which will be a kind of balance and will not let the flower wither. Do not forget about the negative attitude of the flower to heat fluxes. With this in mind, you can not leave a flower in front of open windows, from where it can blow hot cold, and it is better to keep it away from heating appliances.

What flowers bloom in autumn? Many people ask this question before choosing a flower. Of course, Kalanchoe belongs to this species, since autumn is almost ideal conditions for its prosperity. Warm, but not hot climate, dry air - all this is very important for the representative of the "succulent".

kalanchoe kalandiva care
kalanchoe kalandiva care

But there are often cases when care seems to be correct, but why Kalanchoe does not bloom. ATIn general, make sure you give enough light, water moderately, and grow the flower at room temperature. But if he still does not continue to grow, arrange a “quarantine” for him. Trim off any faded flower stalks. Cover the plant with a reliable material and keep it in this state for three to four weeks. Then open it and put it in the previous place, preferably by feeding it with special fertilizer. It is necessary to feed Kalanchoe from April to August, once every three weeks.
