Why doesn't amaryllis bloom indoors?

Why doesn't amaryllis bloom indoors?
Why doesn't amaryllis bloom indoors?

Flowering indoor plants will be a real decoration of any apartment. Amaryllis is ready every year to please caring owners with a whole bunch of amazing bright flowers on a long peduncle. This plant is quite unpretentious, but, unfortunately, it does not bloom for everyone. Improper planting of the plant and illiterate care for it can prevent the timely flowering of amaryllis. Many novice flower growers often ask the question: “Why doesn’t amaryllis bloom?”. We will try to answer it now.

Why amaryllis does not bloom
Why amaryllis does not bloom

Amaryllis is a desert plant, so even at home it lives on its own schedule. Flowering periods are replaced by dormant periods, so care at different stages of a flower's life is different. How to properly care for the plant during the dormant period, so that later the question does not arise: “Why does not amaryllis bloom?”. At this time, watering should be reduced to a minimum, and if moisture remains in the ground for a long time, then you can not water at all. A flower pot is placed in a dark place with a temperature of + 10 + 15 degrees Celsius. The dormant period lasts approximately three months. Then the plant starts to grow.

After the appearancethe peduncle is immediately moved to a warm and bright place. The most suitable temperature for a plant is + 25 + 30 degrees Celsius. Feed the flower twice a month. In this case, it is better to alternate liquid mineral and organic fertilizers. One of the reasons why amaryllis does not bloom may be improper watering. It begins only when the peduncle reaches a height of 8-10 cm. At first, it is watered with warm water, then gradually they switch to water at room temperature. If watered earlier, then only leaves will begin to develop at the flower, or flowering will be very weak. Young plants need annual soil replacement. Adult amaryllis can be transplanted once every 4 years. It is better to do this at the beginning of the dormant period. It must always be remembered that after flowering is completed, wilted leaves cannot be removed. All the nutrients from them should go to the bulb.

amaryllis not blooming
amaryllis not blooming

Amaryllis does not bloom for a number of reasons. In addition to proper care, it is important to plant it correctly. The plant is usually propagated by daughter bulbs. Before planting, young bulbs are cleaned of dried outer scales. They are planted in such a way that about half of the bulb remains on the surface of the earth. Particular attention is paid to the choice of pot. Heavy ceramic pots with good drainage work best. Their size is selected so that the distance between the bulb and the walls of the pot is no more than two centimeters. Subject to all the rules, a flower planted in this way will bloom in 3 years. In very rare cases, amaryllis is propagated by seeds. Thisthe method is more complicated, and flowering will have to wait much longer - 6-7 years. Soil is of great importance during planting. Ideal for amaryllis is a mixture of soddy soil, humus and sand, drawn up in a ratio of 1: 1: 2.

houseplants, amaryllis
houseplants, amaryllis

Care for the plant correctly, and then the question "Why does not the amaryllis bloom?" you will never have.

But for a long time you can admire the regular flowering of your favorite plant.
