Why doesn't the hibiscus (Chinese rose) bloom? Description, growing secrets, photo

Why doesn't the hibiscus (Chinese rose) bloom? Description, growing secrets, photo
Why doesn't the hibiscus (Chinese rose) bloom? Description, growing secrets, photo

A representative of the Malvaceae family, whose homeland is considered to be the Celestial Empire or Western India, hibiscus has long been established in our apartments and estates, having found loyal fans among Russian flower growers.

Why isn't hibiscus blooming?
Why isn't hibiscus blooming?

But the southern origin of the plant often becomes an obstacle in its development at home or in the conditions of the domestic garden, since this culture is very demanding. This article will help flower growers, who are tormented by the question of why hibiscus does not bloom, to correct the situation. So, let's talk about this interesting plant.


Including about two hundred species of hibiscus, wild and "domesticated", is quite extensive and is represented by various plants - trees, shrubs, perennial and annual herbs. The basis of the genus is still woody shrubs -decorative blooming and striking solemnity and magnificence. This is how Russian flower growers know this plant, calling it a Chinese rose and successfully growing it at home. In nature, hibiscus grow in the humid tropics and subtropics, often forming lush flowering thickets.

hibiscus photo
hibiscus photo

The addiction to the abundance of moisture in these plants gave rise to another unofficial name, but emphasizing their features - marsh mallow.

Large exquisite flowers with bright, graceful corollas, blooming at the ends of the shoots, are very beautiful. They made the plant a national symbol of Hawaii and a particularly revered culture in many countries of East Asia and South America. Dark green leaves of varying degrees of incision, dense and petiolate, support the decorativeness of the plant. The fruit-box, splitting into several wings, contains many seeds, smooth or slightly pubescent.

Hibiscus, the photo of which is presented in the publication, is not only decorative, but also useful. Young leaves and stems of many plant species are eaten, and seeds, fruits and roots serve as raw materials in pharmacology, perfumery medicine. We will learn the features of growing crops in the home and garden.

Meet Home Hibiscus

This is a well-known greenhouse plant, an evergreen ornamental shrub that grows quickly and delights with luxurious flowering every spring and summer. There are more than 500 varieties of this crop, which we refer to as indoor flower hibiscus, Chinese rose.

hibiscusSyrian landing and care
hibiscusSyrian landing and care

The culture is distinguished by dark green oval leaves with a figuratively serrated edge and a glossy surface, as well as flowers - single, large, reaching 15 cm in diameter, simple or semi-double, according to varietal characteristics. Depending on the variety and the color of the flowers, it is extremely diverse, shades ranging from purple-red and purple to golden and pink.

Features of growing room culture

Plants often forgive flower growers for mistakes in agricultural cultivation, but the consequences still occur and manifest themselves in different ways. For example, you can understand why hibiscus does not bloom by analyzing the quality of all caring activities - watering, degree of illumination, compliance with the required temperature regime and transplants.

Light-loving hibiscus requires good lighting, tolerates even short-term exposure to direct sunlight. He needs light all year round, both during the growing season and during dormancy. The air temperature in the room where the culture is located should be moderate and maintained at:

  • spring and summer +18…+22 °С;
  • in autumn and winter +14…+16 °C.
hibiscus home
hibiscus home

Reducing the temperature to +8…+10 °C may cause leaf fall and stop bud formation.


Particular attention is paid to the rules for watering such lovers of moisture as hibiscus. The photos shown in the article emphasize the beauty and decorativeness of the culture, and this is due to proper hydration. Generous waterings provide inactive growing season, maintaining a normal level of soil moisture. Water the plant as soon as the topsoil begins to die. In winter, the intensity is reduced by moistening the soil about once a week or less often if the flower is kept in a room with low temperatures (+12 … +14 ° C). But the plant is calm about air humidity, but welcomes spraying with warm water, taking them as a means of increasing decorativeness and a hygienic procedure.


Fast growth and high-quality flowering of hibiscus is impossible without regular feeding of the plant. In the spring-summer season, it is monthly fed with nitrogen-containing mineral fertilizers that stimulate long-term flowering. Fertilization in winter is due to the conditions of detention. If the plant is in a familiar room with a comfortable temperature, then every 1-1.5 months it needs phosphorus-potassium top dressing with a solution concentration reduced by half of the recommended rate. Hibiscus do not fertilize when kept in cool conditions.

hibiscus leaves turn yellow
hibiscus leaves turn yellow

Proper maintenance of a home plant will not cause anomalies in development, and the question of why the hibiscus does not bloom will not arise. We examined the features of growing room culture, but there is also a garden one.

Syrian hibiscus: planting and care

A common ornamental perennial shrub grown in open spaces is the Syrian hibiscus. The southern origin of the plant also suggests its thermophilicity. And if in the gardensIt is impossible to cultivate it in northern latitudes, but in warmer regions the Syrian hibiscus is successfully cultivated, surrounded by care, warming for the winter and caring for it with high quality.

Garden hibiscus, like home hibiscus, needs attention. Illiterate care for him will provoke the same question - why the hibiscus does not bloom. We list the conditions that must be met when growing it in a summer cottage.

Garden Hibiscus Care Rules

Syrian hibiscus blooms luxuriously only under the condition of sufficient sunlight, it frankly does not tolerate shade. In an open, bright area, the culture grows up to one and a half meters, while the bush is very compact, even elegant.

Syrian hibiscus flowers are simple or double, and double varieties are more frost-resistant than simple ones. Hibiscus has no preferences for the structure and composition of soils. It adapts equally well to soils where roses are traditionally grown. However, the soil must be water and breathable, fertile.

flower hibiscus chinese rose
flower hibiscus chinese rose

The bush requires moderate watering. The soil should not dry out, but stagnant water is dangerous. It is he who can cause a variety of problems in a plant such as hibiscus. Leaves turn yellow, young shoots dry up, buds fall - all these are the consequences of unreasonably abundant watering.

Garden hibiscus needs top dressing with a high phosphorus content. Do them every 15-18 days. In autumn, the plant is simultaneously fertilized with a potash preparation. This will help him get through the winter.

These are the main stepsexotic hibiscus, an elegant ornamental plant.
