Why doesn't the Decembrist bloom? How to fix things?

Why doesn't the Decembrist bloom? How to fix things?
Why doesn't the Decembrist bloom? How to fix things?

Today, for sure, every housewife considers it her immediate duty to grow home flowers. Beginners prefer to choose those varieties that are quite unpretentious in their care, but at the same time delight the eye with their flowering. The Decembrist (zygocactus) is rightfully included in this category. Almost all plants bloom in the spring and summer, but not the Decembrist home. Flowers of this species have one important advantage: they acquire beautiful and bright buds mainly in December and continue to bloom all winter. In summer, it is inconspicuous and pale, and its branches do not have a decorative appeal. However, even despite the unpretentiousness, many housewives are wondering: "Why does the Decembrist not bloom?" We will try to give an answer to it in this article.

why the Decembrist does not bloom
why the Decembrist does not bloom


The tropical rainforests of South America are considered to be the birthplace of the zygocactus. These plants were domesticated relatively long ago, but still they remember their homeland and begin to bloom at the time of the year when on their native mainlandsummer is coming. The natural color of the flowers is whitish-pink. Thanks to the active work of breeders, every year new shades appear. Today in stores you can find plants with lilac and even coral shoots.

Decembrist. Reproduction

Decembrist reproduction
Decembrist reproduction

Zygocactus reproduces mainly by cuttings. As a rule, 2-3 extreme segments are separated from the main shoot. It is important to note that it is better to separate with your hands than with sharp scissors. This procedure primarily contributes to the rejuvenation of the entire plant, and subsequently to abundant flowering. Separated shoots should be dried for several days, and then planted in moist soil. The pot can be covered with foil and aired several times a day.

Why the Decembrist does not bloom. Care Secrets

house flowers
house flowers

When growing any plant has its own characteristics. So that you do not have a question about why the Decembrist does not bloom, you should follow some rules. First of all, it should be remembered that the plant should not be in direct sunlight, it is better to put the pot in the shade. In addition, watering should be moderate. You should carefully irrigate the soil only after it dries. It is necessary to provide peace to the plant in the summer so that it can gain strength for winter flowering. To ensure the flowering of zygocactus, from September to November, it should be placed in a cool, dark place. At this point, it is better to reduce watering and in no case fertilize. closer toin December, the pot is moved to a warm place and active watering begins, thus helping the zygocactus to wake up. After some time, it will be possible to observe the first buds, which, in turn, require increased attention. Decembrist can no longer be moved or flipped. It is recommended to maintain constant air humidity, and the earth should never dry out. Such simple, at first glance, tips will definitely help you achieve the desired results. Do not worry if in the first year the buds did not appear on the plant. Experiment, and then everything will definitely work out, and you will forever forget the problem of why the Decembrist does not bloom.
