Use of glue for aerated concrete - basic rules

Use of glue for aerated concrete - basic rules
Use of glue for aerated concrete - basic rules

To build a house from aerated concrete blocks, you need to think through all the nuances to the smallest detail, including choosing the most suitable mixture to be used in construction. The most profitable option may be a special glue. According to its properties, it is most resistant to severe frosts and high levels of humidity. It can also be used when leveling various rough surfaces and puttying buildings.

Main Types, Features and Benefits of AAC Adhesive

Adhesive for aerated concrete
Adhesive for aerated concrete

Glue, which is used for aerated concrete structures, has some advantages over cement mortar. The composition of this tool includes Portland cement and fractional sand. Thanks to them, the thickness of the adhesive layer is 2-3 mm less. However, it does not lose its quality characteristics. Such glue is quite plastic, it is moisture resistant, it sets to the surface instantly. It can harden without shrinkage and does not form "cold bridges". Important properties of adhesive for aerated concrete are the relative ease and practicality of use. It doesn't take much effort to prepare it. Worth onlymix the dry product thoroughly with water - and you can safely begin work. The solution can be used within a few hours.

Components that make up the adhesive

This product is made from special substances such as:

  1. High quality Portland cement.
  2. Sifted sand.
  3. Various polymer additives.
  4. Additives that prevent seams from cracking.

The undoubted advantages of building material are in front of you:

  1. The temperature at which glue is used is from +5°С to +30°С.
  2. Moisture resistance reaches 95%.
  3. Glue is used within 2 hours.
  4. Dries in about 15 minutes.
  5. The surface can be corrected within 3 minutes.
Adhesive for aerated concrete
Adhesive for aerated concrete

Apply this product to the surface with an ordinary spatula 2 or 3 mm thick. The surface is leveled by light tapping on it. In order for the masonry to dry evenly, it is covered with some kind of object. It can be plastic wrap or a tarp. On average, glue is taken in the following proportions: one bag per cube of concrete.

Choosing adhesive in wintertime

If the building is to be constructed in winter, then it is necessary to choose an adhesive suitable for cold weather, as well as one that can withstand low temperatures. The composition of such a tool usually includes additives that protect the surface from frost. However, when it is applied to the surface, the air temperature should not be lower than-10°C.

Main properties of winter adhesive for aerated concrete:

  1. Presence of antifreeze additives.
  2. Grey color.
  3. This material is used for any kind of construction work.
  4. Lack of susceptibility to external factors.
  5. Resistant to frost.
  6. Does not absorb moisture.
  7. Ecologically clean product.

Frost-resistant glue must be stored in a warm room. The solution is made with the addition of warm water. Its temperature should not be lower than +10°C. The surface to which the adhesive will be applied must be absolutely clean. The time of using such a tool is half an hour.

Consumption of glue for aerated concrete

Adhesive consumption for aerated concrete
Adhesive consumption for aerated concrete

Choosing a quality tool is quite easy, as there are a lot of good manufacturers on the building materials market. But, unfortunately, each product has its own consumption of glue for aerated concrete.

This tool has its advantages. It needs two times less than the usual solution, which is used in construction work. The glue joint should be 5 mm, while the normal joint reaches 10 mm. When buying the described product, you can easily determine what is the consumption of glue for each millimeter of the treated surface, since such figures are indicated on the packaging. And yet, theory is theory, but in practice everything can be different. After all, many unforeseen moments affect the consumption of such funds in work. This includes the features of the work of each worker, the tools thatspecialists enjoy the weather in which such activities are performed.

Best price

The price of glue for aerated concrete
The price of glue for aerated concrete

As for the price of aerated concrete adhesive, it may change. If you are faced with a choice: the minimum price or a high-quality product, choose the second. You should not save on the quality of the goods, because otherwise you will have to spend twice as much money as planned. The price of glue for aerated concrete depends on its main components and on what additives are included in its composition. 25 kg of funds cost between 300-800 rubles.

A relatively inexpensive glue of a little-known brand is unlikely to boast of any unique properties. When you purchase it, you will spend a lot, and the work will be done with poor quality material. Therefore, before making such a purchase, you need to carefully study the manufacturer, find reviews of products that come out under this brand. Let you pay a little more money for the purchase, but it will be worth it. The results of the work will pleasantly surprise you.

consumption of glue for aerated concrete per 1 m3
consumption of glue for aerated concrete per 1 m3

Consumption per 1 m³

The use of aerated concrete block adhesive in construction provides good savings. It needs much less than the usual building materials to work. The consumption of glue for aerated concrete per 1 m3 is approximately as follows: an average of 15 to 30 kg of dry glue or a bag weighing 25 kg. But this is only theoretical. In practice, the ideal ratio is as follows: 1.5 bags per 1 m³. The thinner the layer of glue onsurface, the better the masonry will turn out.
