Plaster - what is it? Putty and plaster - what's the difference?

Plaster - what is it? Putty and plaster - what's the difference?
Plaster - what is it? Putty and plaster - what's the difference?

Plaster is a composition that allows you to form a finishing layer. The word comes from the Italian stuccatura, which means lime, gypsum, alabaster. Plaster can be classified according to its purpose. She happens:

  • regular;
  • special;
  • decorative.

Description of the main types of plaster

Ordinary plasters are used for leveling walls, forming a smooth flat surface for the subsequent application of thin-layer decorative coatings. These compositions allow you to protect the facade from environmental influences.

plaster it
plaster it

Special plaster is a mixture that is used as a screening insulating layer. This material provides sound-absorbing, X-ray protective and heat-saving properties. As for decorative plaster, it is used in the finishing of ceilings, walls, as well as structures, which improves their aestheticexpressiveness.

Varieties and description of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster is a composition that can be classified into several varieties. Among them:

  • color;
  • stone;
  • Venetian;
  • terrazitic;
  • silk.

The color variety is suitable for finishing window and door openings, as well as interior walls. Stone plaster looks like natural stone. The Venetian variety is like real marble. Terrazit mixture is used for facades and interior walls.

Features of silk plaster

Silk plaster is designed for indoor use. It is non-flammable, consists of synthetic or natural fibers, does not accumulate static electricity, and can have various texture and color solutions. When applied to the surface, silk plaster does not form seams, the material does not crack during shrinkage, and is elastic.

plaster reviews
plaster reviews

Silk plaster is a composition that has the only drawback, expressed in low water resistance. However, if the surface is treated with a moisture-protective varnish after drying, then the composition can be used in rooms with high humidity. This includes bathrooms and kitchens.

The most popular traditional plasters

The most common conventional plasters today are:

  • lime mixture;
  • cement-sand mortar;
  • gypsummaterial.

Lime mortars are used in exterior and interior works. The main advantage of this material is the speed and ease of use, as well as high environmental friendliness. Lime mortars also have disadvantages, which are low strength compared to other materials.

internal plaster finish
internal plaster finish

These solutions are made from river sand and slaked lime in a 4:1 ratio. Cement-sand plasters are used for exterior and interior works. The prevalence of these mixtures is due to the cheapness of the material. It is characterized by a higher complexity of application, but the coating is stronger than gypsum or lime mortars.

A mortar of sand and cement is being prepared in a ratio of 4:1. Lime or PVA glue is added to increase plasticity. If you follow the application technology, then the service life of the coating will exceed several decades. Cement-sand mixtures allow you to rid the surface of deep flaws.

Description of gypsum plaster

Interior stucco finishing is usually done with a gypsum compound. With it, you can achieve a smooth white finish. The main disadvantage of this material is the higher cost compared to analogues. We should also note the weak vapor permeability, low strength and insufficient moisture resistance.

machine plaster
machine plaster

Manufacturers quite often try to save money,by adding chemical substances unfavorable to human he alth, such as asbestos, to gypsum plaster. They give the surface whiteness. But gypsum plasters make it possible to simplify the finishing cycle and reduce the time spent on the leveling process.

The difference between plaster and putty

Quite often, consumers are wondering how plaster differs from putty. These are two completely different materials. In order to understand the difference, it is necessary to understand what these mixtures are, as well as what they are intended for. For example, plaster is a building compound with which you can level the internal and external walls, as well as ceilings. Putty is a building mixture for leveling the surface of walls.

There is a difference between these two materials, it lies in the fact that plaster allows you to level uneven walls and blockages, while putty can cover up minor defects, seams and cracks. Therefore, this solution is often used for finishing plasterboard sheets. Putty differs from plaster in that it practically does not shrink.

house plaster
house plaster

If you use plaster at home, this will also save money, since it is cheaper due to the coarse mineral filler. This mixture is much stronger than putty, because crushed stone is added to the ingredients for strength during concreting. This is the right solution for plaster, because the strength depends on the fraction of the filler. This also explains that thisthe mixture is applied in a rather thick layer.

If you still cannot decide whether to putty or plaster, then you should deal with this issue in more detail. Plaster, for example, allows you to level blockages, ceilings and walls. If you are faced with the need to level defects, scratches, cracks and potholes, as well as chips, then you need to use putty. When it is necessary to apply a layer of more than one, then plaster is used, otherwise putty should be purchased. Now it is clear that plaster is required for the initial wall decoration, and only after that you can start applying putty, which perfectly prepares the surface for wallpapering or painting.

Positive feedback about the bark beetle plaster

Plaster, reviews of which you can read below, can be used by you for different jobs. For example, the Bark beetle variety, according to consumers, has many advantages. The material is durable, environmentally friendly and reliable, because it is made from natural ingredients.

The composition is unusually light, as it has mineral fillers, which eliminates the load on the building structure. Consumers like that the material is resistant to weather changes. It tolerates direct sunlight and low temperatures. Not afraid of "Bark beetle" even hail or hoarfrost. Decorative plaster can be applied independently without any problems. After drying, it acquires refractory properties, and the original brightness will not be lost even under the influence ofultraviolet.

decorative plaster on your own
decorative plaster on your own

Caring for the coating, according to buyers, is quite simple. It can be washed with water, to which a small amount of detergent is previously added. A rather important factor is that the layer does not create favorable conditions for the emergence and development of fungus and mold.

Home craftsmen choose "Bark beetle" also for the reason that it is quite difficult to damage it, so you can clean the surface with a vacuum cleaner or a hard sponge. Having visited the store, you can choose the desired shade of "Bark beetle" from a huge range of colors. Usually this decorative composition has a white color, but subsequently the surface can be painted in any shade. Bark beetle wall plastering also saves money, which is why this mixture is so popular.

Features of machine plaster walls

Machine plastering of the walls made it possible to ensure the speed of work and save the solution. The mixture is consumed in a smaller amount for the reason that it is saturated with air, as a result of which its volume increases. As practice shows, applying three layers to the surface using the machine method saves up to 9 kg of composition per square meter. The advantage of the machine method lies in the fact that manual kneading is replaced by a mechanical one. The mixture is homogeneous, thanks to this, bumps do not form on the wall. The operation of the machine is quite simple, and the result is a high-quality and even wall finish.

Do-it-yourself plastering

If inplaster was chosen as the material for finishing, the work can be carried out independently. To do this, the surface is cleaned and primed, and after drying, you can proceed to the finish. The dry mixture is diluted, but you should not knead the entire volume of the existing package at a time. The solution should be spread evenly with a spatula.

plaster work
plaster work

The layer should not be thicker than the size of the granules. Textured plaster is applied in horizontal or vertical rows. In one pass, it is necessary to capture the entire height or width of the base. Once the plaster has been applied, it should be left for 20 minutes for a light setting, only after that you should start grouting, which should be carried out taking into account the desired pattern. Painting textured plaster is carried out on a dry layer with a brush or roller. The dye can also be added to the solution, and the mixture is applied to the surface in a colored form.


Before applying plaster, the surface can be supplemented with beacons, which will allow an inexperienced master to carry out high-quality alignment. If we are talking about internal work, then the application of the composition is carried out in several layers. Fine-grained plaster is usually used for interior decoration. If the ingredients contain a medium fractional filler, then it is better to use the solution for finishing the facade. Most often bark beetle plaster is sold in a ready-to-apply form.
