Today, forged arches installed in parks, gardens, and household plots are very popular. They are not afraid of weather conditions, so they are always in the open air, decorating the territory. This design is both a separate artistic element and a support that supports chic climbing plants.
Functions of arches
First of all, forged arches are a high stand and serve as a support for decorative flowers. In addition, metal structures, in comparison with products made from other materials, are able to withstand such heavy plants as grapes with ripe bunches. It should be noted that the arches are aesthetically beautiful. Thanks to the original execution, they remain attractive at any time of the year, regardless of whether they are covered with flowers or they are naked.

Forged arches can support not only plants, but also serve as decoration at various events and thematicevenings. For example, you can put garlands on them, celebrating the New Year. Also, arches form a corridor, personifying the entrance to heavenly life, so they are often used for weddings in nature. Forged arches adorn not only living plants, but also elegant metal elements woven into the structure.
Types of products
Many people use garden arches as small forms of landscape design. In fact, these designs are not so simple and can be the most functional. In order to achieve greater stability on the ground, forged garden arches are driven into the ground. The shape of the arch they can be gable, arcuate and horizontal. The design will bring originality round arches in the form of rings. And narrow passages along the house will decorate the half-structures, based on the eaves of the building.

The arches can also be combined with flower boxes mounted on them. Consolidated products in combination with a low decorative fence can serve as a partition in the garden, separating functional areas. Similarly, you can combine an arched structure with a gate. Another type of combination is a wrought iron arch with a bench or hanging swing underneath. The facade of the porch of the house, framed by a decorative forged arch, looks original and soundly.
Dimensions of garden structures
It would be logical to install an arch no less than the height of the largest person who could freely pass under it. But there are no standard sizes of arched products. Height may vary depending on overallsite architecture. For example, a small arch is allowed as a decorative decoration.

The width of the product must also correspond to the purpose and location. Under structures such as awnings, benches, tables or couches can be placed. It is advisable to install forged arches for flowers with a width corresponding to the objects located under it. The depth of the structure depends on its purpose. For support under plants and flowers, it is reasonable to use arches with wide racks.
Forged arch for flowers with your own hands
With the help of a welding machine and special tools, metal arches for a garden can be made independently. To accommodate annual flowers, a structure made of light metal rods, which can be transferred by changing the location, will be appropriate. In addition, there is no need to install it by digging into the ground and concrete. To create a strong and durable rack structure, it is better to connect the base and pour concrete.

To make an arched arc, you can make a special fixture. To do this, prepare a wooden semicircle with a diameter corresponding to the width of the arch. Attach it firmly in a horizontal position to any base (such as a stump). To the left of the semicircle, nail the beam, observing a distance equal to the width of the rod. Get the reinforcement between these parts and bend it along the workpiece, creating the shape of an arch. By bending the required number of elements, fasten with weldingtheir transverse tubes.

The easiest way to make an arch with your own hands is to “tie”. In the place you need, observing the required width, several metal rods should be concreted in two opposite places. In addition, each beam, which is the future arch stand, should be a circle. After the concrete hardens, the rods need to be bent with the tops towards the center. Your own weight will help you with this. Then wrap the bundles with thin rods and fasten the ends. Such an arch can be decorated with forged elements in the form of bunches of grapes and leaves.