You can decorate your garden with a bench, which is made from different materials. It will look original and interesting, especially if you make such an element of landscape design with your own hands. Before starting work, you need to consider the main types of garden benches. This will allow you to develop a unique design.
The type of shop can be very different. The choice depends on the style of the exterior of the country house, as well as the taste preferences of the owners. The design can be both the most simple and multifunctional. How to make a bench with your own hands will be discussed in detail in the article.
General Requirements
When creating benches and benches with your own hands (photos of some samples are presented in the article), it is necessary to consider the features of such a design. It must be functional. Therefore, when developing a design, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of standards. In this case, it will be possible to create a comfortable bench for relaxing.

Particular attention is paid to the ergonomics of the design. All lines must besmooth, straight or sharp corners are not allowed. This is a place to relax. Comfort and convenience are paramount. It is welcome if the bench has a back. Although some models may well do without it.
The shop must withstand high loads. Therefore, a flimsy, wobbly design will not work. High demands are placed on the quality of materials, fittings and connections. The design must be thought out to the smallest detail. If necessary, it is better to provide additional strapping than over time to repair a broken bench.
Benches, benches for giving with their own hands are created from a variety of materials. The choice depends on the style of the site, as well as the skills of the master. If he knows the technique of forging, the best option would be to make a shop out of metal. Much more often create benches made of wood. However, not every master will be able to cope with this material. Therefore, there are many options for creating benches from improvised means, plastic, old furniture, etc.
When choosing a material, it is important to pay attention to its quality. Surfaces must be free of defects. It is worth considering that the shop will be located outdoors. Even if a portable structure is created, the material must be resistant to sunlight, wind, etc. Otherwise, such a structure will not be durable. Stationary structures are created exclusively from weather-resistant materials. They should not collapse under the influence of moisture, temperature changes.
Determiningto build a bench for giving with your own hands (photos of finished products can be viewed below), you need to decide on the type of construction. The bench may or may not have a back. For long gatherings in the fresh air, it is recommended to opt for designs with a back. Rest in this case will be comfortable. If you need a bench for a short break from work, for example, in the garden, you can put a bench without a back. It will be possible to sit on it from both sides.
Change benches are especially popular. This is a structure on two supports on the sides. The seat in it is 7-10 cm below the level of the handrails. When turned upside down, you can kneel on the seat and do work in the garden. In this case, you do not have to bend over many times, loading your legs and lower back. When the summer resident gets tired of working in the beds, he can turn the bench over and sit on its seat.

By creating a bench with a backrest with your own hands, you can make it even more functional. Below the seat, you can provide for the presence of a drawer. It will be possible to store various things in it, for example, garden tools, tools, children's toys, a barbecue set. You can divide the space of the box into compartments. So it will turn out to put objects of different purposes here.
Another good option would be a bench built around a tree. In this case, it will be possible to enjoy the coolness under the spreading branches. If the tree is fruit-bearing or has hard fruits (e.g. acorns), be sure tomake a canopy over the bench. The bench looks impressive, which covers a group of small trees. A small terrace is built around them. She will also serve as a bench. Instead of a back, pillows can be provided. They are leaned against trees. This will allow you to enjoy outdoor recreation.
Installation options
When deciding to make benches with your own hands, photos of which are presented below, you need to decide how the structure will be installed. It may be under a canopy. In this case, the materials can be chosen less demanding. Most garden benches are installed outdoors. They may have a canopy from the sun and bad weather.
Also, all designs of shops are divided into stationary, portable and hanging varieties. In the first case, before installing the bench, you will need to create a small foundation. It may be columnar. To do this, dig holes in those places where the legs of the bench will be installed. The depth should be below the freezing point of the soil. Otherwise, in winter, the supports may be pushed out of the recesses. Sand, crushed stone are poured down the pits, cement is poured. Supports are made of concrete (formwork is needed) or brick (masonry is done).
A bench placed on supports cannot be moved. It will always be in the place where it was built. These are usually heavy, massive structures. They are made from different materials.
Portable benches are often very light. They can be folded for easy storage. There are also portable structures that do not fold before bringing them into the house. For example, thismaybe a bench from a pipe. It is not difficult to assemble such a structure with your own hands. Wood is also used for portable structures. It should not be too massive (for example, timber or log).

Another interesting option is hanging benches. They are a kind of swing. Both adults and children like to relax on such a bench. The bench is suspended on chains that are attached to the support. She won't swing too much. However, the smooth movements of the bench will soothe, tune in to rest.
Scope of application
It is relatively easy to make benches and benches with your own hands if you choose the right material. You should also pay attention to the purpose of the design. In some cases, the owners of the dacha create a bench solely for decorative purposes. It is not intended for recreation. Flower beds are arranged on such a bench, installing it necessarily in a conspicuous place in the garden. Such a shop can be fragile. For example, it is made from weaving branches, nets covered with climbing vegetation, etc.

More often the bench performs a very practical function. For example, it could be a bench near the dining table. It must be strong enough to accommodate a sufficiently large number of people. The bench should be combined with the style of the table. Most often they make portable structures. If the table and benches are located in a closed gazebo, they can be stationary.
You can also do it yourselfbench in the bath. It can be taken out into the street, leaving it near the building. If necessary, the bench is brought into the rest room of the bath. It is placed near the table. For a steam room, street benches can only be suitable if they are made exclusively from certain types of wood (for example, larch). Pine, oak benches are not suitable for a steam room.
The bench can be installed in the recreation area. A fountain, waterfalls, a flower garden can be equipped here. Also, benches must be installed near the hearth or barbecue. The choice of design for such a bench depends on the style of landscape design. You should not put a bench in front of a garage, an outbuilding. Sitting on it, the owners of the cottage should enjoy the views of nature, garden or recreation area. Therefore, the location of the shop must be carefully considered.
One of the easiest materials to use is plastic. When studying techniques for making a bench with your own hands, you should consider this option first. Plastic is not afraid of rain, snow. It does not deteriorate with temperature changes. Therefore, garden benches made of this material can be left outdoors for a long time.
Plastic is also a lightweight material. The bench will be easy to move to another place or put away for the winter in a house or barn. It is for this reason that garden benches are often made of plastic. Their cost will be relatively low. And different plastic materials are suitable. For example, polycarbonate sheets can be used. To do this, collect a metal or wooden frame. They are installed on themappropriately cut polycarbonate sheets.
To assemble a shop with your own hands from a profile pipe and plastic, you do not need to have special skills. All elements are assembled using metal corners, self-tapping screws. This is a relatively simple bench option.

Another option for a plastic bench is the use of conventional water pipes with a diameter of 40-50 mm. In this case, you need to show imagination. They buy several pieces of pipes, as well as corners. The bench is assembled like a constructor. The flooring is made of fabric. Pipes are usually grey. To make garden furniture more interesting, it is painted with waterproof paints. It turns out an original, beautiful bench that can be easily disassembled or moved to the house.
The disadvantage of plastic is its short lifespan. It quickly gets covered in scratches. Therefore, a number of other materials are also used.
Stone and metal
DIY benches and benches can be made of stone. It is heavy, strong and durable material. This shop will last for many decades. You can use artificial and natural stone. However, it is worth considering that this material is very cold, you cannot sit on it without special flooring even in summer. Therefore, when building a stone bench, you will need to stock up on special decorative mattresses and pillows. They can be covered during the cold period, even in several layers.
Effectively bench made of stone looks near the garden hearth. It must be mounted on the foundation. Looksthis bench is very spectacular.
Another popular material for creating garden benches is metal. It is also used in combination with wood. The bench can be assembled from a profile pipe. In this case, it will be quite massive. Twisted benches made of forged elements look much better. This is a rather complicated technique. To make a bench out of metal with your own hands, you will need to master the technique of hot or cold forging.

Such benches are made by hand only by blacksmith professionals. To independently create all the twisted metal elements, you will need a special room and equipment. It is much easier to order all the elements for the shop and assemble them yourself by welding.
Metal is exposed to the weather. Therefore, it must be painted. Moreover, the restoration of the coating will need to be carried out quite often. Once a year, the bench must be painted. Therefore, not every owner decides to create a metal shop.
Much more often, the owners of a summer house or a country cottage make a shop with their own hands from wood. This material has many advantages. It harmonizes well with the natural environment, creating a unified image of landscape design. At the same time, wood is easy to process. From it you can create really original compositions. Moreover, not only boards or timber are used, but also logs, stumps, slabs, branches, etc. The author's fantasy in this case is not limited by anything.

Wood is a warm material. Such a bench does not require the use of additional mattresses or flooring. In this case, the design is often quite light. If the bench was assembled from boards, it can be moved or brought into the house. Fundamental, overall benches can also be created. For this, logs, saw cuts, stumps, etc. are used. It will really be a work of art.
You can decorate the shop with hand carving. Also, this material has a beautiful texture. Annual rings, the relief of wood are almost never hidden behind a layer of paint. The surface is covered with colored or transparent varnish. This allows you to apply the appropriate shade for the finish. The natural beauty of the material in this case remains unchanged.
When creating benches with your own hands from wood, you should be aware of the shortcomings of this material. It can deform under the influence of moisture. Therefore, you need to choose wood that has been properly dried. Also, this material is subject to decay, destroyed by insects and other pests. Therefore, it will need to be additionally treated with an antiseptic. Also, this material burns well. Therefore, when equipping a recreation area with a barbecue, benches should be placed away from the fire.
The advantages of the material cover all its disadvantages. Therefore, the owners of cottages and private houses often choose this option.
Handy tools
DIY benches can be made from improvised means. If there are items in the house that are difficult to find a use for, they can be used for these purposes. For example, a popular optionis the creation of benches from wooden pallets that remained after the construction. Pallets are used for the construction of a variety of objects. It is a cheap material that requires minimal processing. Benches from pallets are assembled quickly and easily. For this, corners, screws and wooden blocks are used. After assembly, the pallets are painted in different colors, covered with pillows and decorative mattresses.
Old car tires can also come in handy. They are often used for landscape gardening. For a garden bench, this option is also quite suitable. You need to put an old wooden box near the wall (height 40-50 cm). Old tires are attached to the wall. To do this, use dowels or screws. You can fill a wooden plank to the base, and fix the tires already on it. This is an easy job. A few more tires are laid on the box. It is also better to fix them with self-tapping screws. Pillows are placed inside each tire. The soft bench is ready!
Considering options for how to make a shop with your own hands, you need to pay attention to the use of old furniture. For example, in the household there is an old, already unnecessary chest of drawers or a wardrobe, several bedside tables. They make great garden furniture. Chair backs can also be used. In the process of designing a shop, you need to show imagination. In this case, almost any unnecessary thing can find a second life.
After building a house, different materials may remain. They are also often used to build benches. The product will be original, functional and inexpensive.
Preparing to assemble the wooden bench
A do-it-yourself garden bench is often made of wood. Therefore, this option should be considered in detail. You need to create a shop project. It indicates its dimensions. For 3 people, the length of the seat must be at least 1.5 m. Its width is 45-50 cm. The height of the backrest can be different (standard 90 cm). Its angle of inclination should be from 17 to 20 °.
When the project is developed, all the individual details are carefully thought out and drawn, you can purchase material, prepare tools. Before starting work, wooden surfaces are ground and treated with antifungal impregnations.
First create the back legs. To do this, mark the height of the bench seat on the beam. Here the legs will be straight. Next, you need to measure the distance that will correspond to the height of the back. From the mark made to the end of the beam, a cut is made. It should have an angle of inclination of 17-20°. Both legs must be absolutely identical.
Next, make the front legs. They must be straight. Next, cut out other details for the bench. Their corners are best rounded. After careful grinding, you can begin to assemble the parts.
Assembling the bench
Do-it-yourself benches are assembled in accordance with a previously developed plan. When all the details are prepared, assembly begins with the rear legs. They are fastened with a beam. The distance on both sides of the beam to the legs should be the same. The evenness of the fixation is checked with a building level.
From above, the legs will be rigidly attached to the back. You need to mount the frame for the seat. 2 front legs are fixed to the beam. On the framenail boards. It is better to make the distance between each flooring element about 2 mm. This is necessary to quickly drain water from the seat surface after rain. Also, with the help of self-tapping screws, the back is assembled.
After that, you need to further strengthen the bottom. To do this, a bar is stuffed between the rear and between the front legs. You can use thin bars that will be nailed between the legs crosswise.
Self-tapping screws need to be deepened into the material so that their caps do not rise above the surface. Next, the surface is sanded again and covered with two layers of varnish. You can also create the desired shade with stain. This will create an interesting decorative effect.
Having considered the options for creating a shop with your own hands, you can develop an original project. A bench assembled by yourself will be a real decoration of the garden. It will become a favorite vacation spot for the whole family.