Linen curtains in the interior of the house: photo

Linen curtains in the interior of the house: photo
Linen curtains in the interior of the house: photo

Modern designers focus on natural fabrics when decorating a room. Linen occupies a special place among them, as well as silk and wool. The material is used to transform rooms of any style. Linen curtains testify to the excellent taste of the owners. Read more about the products in the article.

Colors and shades

Linen fabrics for curtains have been used for a long time. Their aesthetic advantage, which makes the curtains original, is the natural color - natural and natural. This is due to the characteristics of natural raw materials. All colors are pleasing to the eye - from whitish to light beige. But besides natural shades, there are others.

linen curtains
linen curtains

Linen curtains by color are as follows:

  1. From unbleached linen. This textile is similar to hand-woven on an old loom. The material is rough, weaving of gray or brown shades is visible on it. It's perfect for antique rustic interiors.
  2. From clarified. In this case, the weave is not coarse, but the shades are lighter than gray and brown. Thanks to this color scheme, the product acquires sophistication and is ideal for various interiors.
  3. From color. If desired, you can choose dyed linen curtains. But due to the high content of fat-wax components and the characteristics of the fibers, the color of the matter will be muted, as if blurry or slightly faded. It looks stylish and, due to the richness of colors, the products are used in different premises: from residential to commercial.

More intense colors are obtained through printed patterns (printing), appliqués and weaves with other threads. Both bright and thin, elegant embroidery in light colors look great on linen.

There are many 100% polyester linen curtains on the market. Moreover, the color can be natural or bright. Products lose most of the advantages that natural fabrics have, but look almost the same and have a much lower cost. There is a way to check the material for naturalness: you should set fire to a piece of matter. If there is crumbly ash after combustion, then flax is natural.


Linen curtains have many benefits associated with natural origin. The main advantages include the following:

  1. Matter is strong and durable. According to these parameters, it is much better than other textile materials, such as cotton, silk and wool. Linen curtains can withstand up to 300 washes and will only get stronger when wet.
  2. Dense, translucent and transparent fabric perfectly holds its shape, does not stretch or deform.
  3. Curtains have a presentable appearance for many years. Due to the presence of bast fibers, which are absent in other materials, they cannot fade from the sun's rays, and pellets do not appear on the surface.
  4. Linen is a natural antiseptic. It is not able to electrify, so dust does not accumulate on it, dirt does not adhere well to it, and stains are easily removed from it.
  5. Curtains are hypoallergenic, so they are great for rooms where children live and people with weak immunity, asthma.
  6. Because the material is breathable, the room will be naturally ventilated and there will be no greenhouse effect.
linen curtains photo
linen curtains photo

It is precisely because of these advantages that many housewives choose linen curtains for home decoration. Photos of these products confirm their original look in any room.


But linen is not perfect, like everything else in the world. The disadvantages of curtains include:

  1. They wrinkle quickly, and you need to work hard to smooth them out. If this minus is significant, you need to choose materials with the addition of other fibers. It can be cotton, viscose, lavsan, silk, nylon, polyester.
  2. Shrinkage may occur after washing. This must be taken into account when buying products or tailoring them. Before cutting, the material should be washed, dried and ironed. If the curtains are ready, then you need to ask the seller how much they shrink after washing.
  3. Natural fabrics are not cheap. Therefore, if they are chosen, then you should be prepared to pay a lot of money. Butbut with proper care, products can last a long time.

Selection rules

The same linen products look different in every room. Cloths are smooth, textured, dense, thin, soft. To make linen curtains in the interior look attractive, they must be chosen correctly.

Textiles with lavsan and natural silk, as well as with silver or gold threads, make the room aristocratic. Linen curtains in the living room should be combined with other home textiles - upholstery on furniture, pillows, tablecloths. In the bedroom, products should be combined with bedspreads of the same material.

linen fabrics for curtains
linen fabrics for curtains

Linen curtains for the kitchen are usually short, to the windowsill, which is a classic. Moreover, you can choose standard towel curtains, cafe-style products, Roman lifting options. If the room is decorated with natural materials, then unbleached linen curtains in combination with light cotton tulle are perfectly combined with ceramics, stone, wood. You can decorate the curtains with contrasting silk ribbons.

For a children's room, it is preferable to choose a dense with an average density. They can be decorated with applique, which does not prevent them from letting in air and protecting from the rays of the sun. If you want more darkening, then the products should be planted on a contrasting lining. To obtain it, it is desirable to take satin or cotton.

The curtains will be light and airy thanks to trimming with lace, hemstitching or matching embroidery. They look especially original with linen tulle. This combinationallows you to make the room fresh. Tulle with a rare weave, together with thick curtains, looks elegant. It is suitable for different living spaces, but most of all for the bedroom and living room.

As you can see from the photo, linen curtains in the interior are self-sufficient. They do not need lush accessories, voluminous draperies and lambrequins. You should not choose partner curtains made of synthetic materials for them, even if you choose a material for the kitchen. But curtains made of natural linen or cotton are suitable for them.

The choice of curtain fasteners is huge. You can choose hooks, curtain tapes, backstage, stalemates. Eyelets look original, which makes the interior more elegant and expensive.

With the right choice of color and texture, products are perfectly combined with natural finishing materials: wood, metal, glass, ceramics, as well as high-tech products, such as colored plastic. But usually products serve to decorate ecological, rustic and ethnic styles.


Although the rustic romantic country is varied, all the details in it must be solid. Natural linen curtains will be the best solution. They perfectly shade wood, brick, ceramics and stone. Products are combined with accessories that are embroidered with tapestries, mats, as well as copper, bronze and brass household items.

linen curtains in the interior
linen curtains in the interior

For country, you can choose not only classic long or short curtains, but also linen Roman blinds. Their bottom is decorated with fringe, and the adjusting cords are made of thickropes, for example, jute, and decorate with tassels.


The difference between Provence and country style is the color scheme. The country uses calm tones, reminiscent of home comfort. And the shades of Provence are like lavender fields, vineyards and sea surface.

For such rooms, bleached and dyed curtains are suitable - lilac, purple, blue, mint. Often, products are decorated with brighter applications in the form of floral motifs.


The main idea behind the design of the Russian rustic style is to create a "fabulous" comfort, created using natural materials. This environment will be suitable for spacious, combined with living kitchens in country estates.

linen curtains for the kitchen
linen curtains for the kitchen

To obtain such curtains, a dense, solid, one-colored fabric is used. Materials for curtains are chosen from calm, muted colors - clay brown, green, woody and gray tones. The curtains are decorated with hemstitch, embroidery, fringe and rope ties.


This style is ideal for decorating rooms that face the shady side. So that the room is not very dark, it should have a minimum of furniture and some decor with green, gray, light brown colors. Light woods are used in decoration and furniture.

linen curtains in the interior photo
linen curtains in the interior photo

Roman blinds up to the window sill are more suitable for window decoration. You can choose beige, off-white, gray canvases. Such products are included inthe room is light and spacious.


The style is characterized by natural colors, simple furniture and laconic accessories. Linen curtains on spacious windows can be a discreet backdrop that will set off light, yellow, blue furnishings. For style, it is better to choose Italian linen curtains. With them, the vegetation on the windows will be much more attractive. Available with appliqués.


Linen curtains are also suitable for this style. For this, canvases that are not bleached and artificially aged through the use of dyes are suitable. Products should be combined with blankets and sofa cushions. They are suitable for rooms with wrought iron, brick walls and wooden furniture.

linen curtains for living room
linen curtains for living room

Linen curtains look great in different styles. With them, the room acquires coziness and comfort.
