Purple curtains in the bedroom, in the kitchen. Purple curtains in the interior (photo)

Purple curtains in the bedroom, in the kitchen. Purple curtains in the interior (photo)
Purple curtains in the bedroom, in the kitchen. Purple curtains in the interior (photo)

Textiles are considered one of the key decorative elements of any interior. Its main task is to form an original and complete living space. After reading this article, you will find out how a room can be transformed with purple curtains on the windows.

purple curtains
purple curtains

Features of this shade

Purple is considered one of the most ambiguous and controversial colors. This is due to the fact that it combines two completely incompatible shades - hot red and cold blue. Therefore, not many dare to use such an “explosive mixture” in the decoration of their apartment. An excess of rich purple can cause constant fatigue and bouts of inexplicable anxiety.

However, our distant ancestors believed that the dosed presence of this shade has a therapeutic effect and even helps to get rid of insomnia. Purple has long been credited with mystical properties, so it was considered the color of sorcerers and healers. In ancient times itwidely used in spiritual practices.

purple curtains photo
purple curtains photo

When is it better not to use this shade?

Purple has overwhelming properties. Therefore, most designers do not recommend combining it with any dark shades. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid constant drowsiness and fatigue. In addition, this color visually narrows the surrounding space. Therefore, do not place too many purple details in a small or narrow room.

In addition, professionals do not recommend using textiles of this shade when decorating a nursery and office. In the first case, purple curtains will be tiring for the child, in the second case they will be too catchy, and, therefore, out of place in a business interior. In general, it is important to competently and tastefully use decorative elements designed in this color scheme.

purple curtains
purple curtains

Variety of shades

Elegant purple curtains, whose photo adorns the pages of specialized publications, will be a worthy decoration of any room. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice of a suitable shade. In order not to miscalculate, you can use the general recommendations of leading designers, applicable to other colors.

For rooms of any size and style, textiles of light shades, including lilac, violet and lavender, are ideal. Curtains of these colors will visually enlarge a small room and add airiness to a room full of furniture.

Darker options likepurple, blackberry or indigo require a more serious approach. Curtains of such shades are not suitable for rooms that are too small, because they will only emphasize the limited space. Rich purple textiles are suitable for spacious rooms. It will perfectly emphasize the severity and nobility of the interior.

purple curtains in the interior
purple curtains in the interior

What is this textile in harmony with?

Professional designers offer several acceptable options for using plain purple curtains in combination with other shades. Thanks to the creation of such combinations, you can radically change any room.

The combination of purple and white can be called really successful. This pure and neutral color brings out the depth of purples and violets in a new way, giving them a unique flavor.

The combination of purple and green looks very natural. Lavender and violet shades will be especially advantageous in this tandem. The interior in this color scheme will always look energetic.

Purple curtains with silver or gray look no less successful. These soothing shades lend restraint to a deep and vibrant blueberry color. This combination is perfect for teen bedrooms and offices.

The combination of purple and pink looks rather unusual. However, many designers believe that the gentle feminine tandem of two such close shades is far from appropriate in every room.

purple curtains for bedroom
purple curtains for bedroom

Purple curtains in the interior

The textiles of this shade are quite versatile. It can be used in almost any interior. But such curtains will look most successful in rooms designed in the neoclassical style. For such interiors, you can pick up dark purple curtains, sewn from expensive heavy materials.

Such textiles will look good in rooms decorated in the best traditions of minimalism. In such an interior, you can pick up purple curtains of any shade, from light to rich dark. The main thing is to use a very simple and multifunctional window decor.

These curtains look great in rooms made in one of the most modern styles. Simple dark purple textiles fit perfectly into the hi-tech concept. For such premises, it is advisable to choose window decor made from natural coarse fabrics.

purple kitchen curtains
purple kitchen curtains

Purple curtains for the bedroom

In order not to cross the fine line between sophistication and bad taste, it is important to choose the right textiles in the right shade. So that the bedroom does not lose its primary purpose, curtains of light and delicate colors should hang on its windows. The most appropriate for this room would be dense textiles of violet, lavender or lilac shades. More saturated colors should only emphasize the lightness and tenderness of the main ones.

It is important to be especially careful when choosing bright decor elements. You should not buy purple or purple curtains for the bedroom. Such decor will constantly annoy you, preventing you from relaxing.

Purple textiles in the kitchen interior

Many designers recommend using bright saturated shades in this room. It is such textiles that can give a charge of vivacity in the morning and energetic cheerfulness in the afternoon. To create a solemn atmosphere, purple curtains in the kitchen can be supplemented with the same napkins or dishes. In addition, such textiles are in perfect harmony with the chrome and metal elements that are present in abundance in any modern kitchen.

Purple curtains in the living room

It is in this room that many of us often arrange friendly gatherings and receive guests. Therefore, the design of the living room, as a rule, is given special attention. If you do not want purple to overshadow the entire surrounding space, then it is better to opt not for plain textiles, but for curtains decorated with original purple ornaments. It can be chaotic patterns, all kinds of curls and flowers. Looks good in the living room and window decor in vertical or horizontal stripes. Combined curtains will become a worthy decoration of a window opening.

In order not to be mistaken, you can follow one simple design advice, according to which, in a room decorated in light warm colors, you need to use curtains of dark shades, and vice versa. As for the choice of materials, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the interior. But most often for living rooms they acquire heavy lush curtains from expensivefabrics.
