Create an original and stylish bedroom interior 12 sq. m in typical apartments of multi-storey buildings is not easy, but quite possible. This area is considered standard for most bedrooms in our apartments, so the decor in these rooms is not original. Everything rests on the notorious 12 m2 and not very convenient layout when the door is opposite the window or the bedroom is adjacent to another room. Ideally, lounges should be located away from living rooms and hallways, but in reality this is not the case. Therefore, if you want to create the bedroom of your dreams in a small area, you need to carefully develop a design project and take into account all the nuances of the future interior. How can you create the illusion of a larger room?
Light colors

The first thing you want to achieve when designing a bedroom is to increase its volume to accommodate all the necessary items. If this is technically impossible, then visually this problem is easily solved. Light colors play the main role in this. bedroom interior design,made in white, cream, milky shades, visually increase the area. However, such a monochrome approach to decoration can make the bedroom dull and uninteresting. To avoid such a negative effect, it is better to use a combination of the color palette. All neutral shades go well with almost any color. Depending on the style direction, you can use equally light and dark tones. It is important to remember that warm shades can optically reduce the space, while cold ones, on the contrary, will push the visual boundaries of the room.
Proper lighting

Lighting fixtures can drastically change the interior of a bedroom. Photos of various models of lamps and ways to place them will help you choose the most suitable option. The optimal solution for creating a feeling of spaciousness will be a multi-level way of lighting: upper and lower. Volumetric hanging chandeliers must be abandoned, they "eat up" the space. It is better to use recessed fixtures or small compact models for central lighting. Lamps located close to the floor will create the effect of additional volume and weightlessness of the bedroom. Sconces are traditionally placed near the bed. As an alternative to wall lamps, the interior of the bedroom is 12 sq. m perfectly fit suspended with soft diffuse lampshades.
Minimalism is the best solution for a small bedroom
In addition to the color palette and lighting, an important role in the transformation of space isstyle. Of course, a place to sleep and rest in an apartment should be the most comfortable and conducive to relaxation. In the usual sense, comfort is curtains, figurines, pillows, soft chairs. However, all this can narrow the space. Therefore, it is better to choose a bedroom interior design in a minimalist tradition. The style of minimalism has many branches: hi-tech, eco, ethno. Common features for them include a two-tone palette, a small number of accessories, comfortable modular furniture.
Which furniture is better

Since such a bedroom (12 m2) cannot accommodate a furniture set, it is best to use transforming designs. Folding sofas can easily replace bulky beds. If you are against a sofa in the bedroom, you can choose a lightweight bed with built-in drawers for linen and other things. It is advisable to place cabinets in niches or make them to order. Chests of drawers in the bedroom are very comfortable and practical, because this is a fairly roomy piece of furniture. Bedside tables and a dressing table made of transparent plastic will not look bulky and will suit any style of interior.
Bedroom accessories
A small room does not need to be decorated with numerous details. For an extraordinary decor, a few bright or unusual accessories are suitable. Handmade things look great as accents, 12 square meters will bring special charm to the bedroom interior. m textile elements of decor. These can be bedspreads, sofa cushions, curtains andother nice little things.

Curtains for a small area bedroom should be selected from light transparent or translucent fabrics, as dark dense shades visually reduce the room. Today, textile design offers the most diverse and incredible models of curtains. You can choose extravagant or classic curtains. It is important to consider that a horizontal pattern on the curtains will increase the width of the room, and a vertical pattern will increase the height. The same applies to the configuration of the curtains. Light blinds, Roman blinds or tails framing openings are most suitable for small rooms. Long narrow curtains for the bedroom will create a feeling of airiness and stretch the room up. In addition to textile accessories, vases, planters, paintings, mirrors, prints, watches will be appropriate here.
Mirrors in the bedroom
There are many opinions about whether or not to place a mirror in the bedroom. Whatever the adherents of different theories say, but today a bedroom without a mirror is simply unthinkable. This is a necessary item for the owners, and a wonderful element of decor, and a way to transform the space. Do not include large massive mirrors in the interior of the bedroom. Photos of unsuccessful placements of mirror surfaces will help you avoid your own mistakes. Such elements will simply reduce the room. Most designers recommend putting a floor mirror in a narrow frame in the bedroom, but in no case in front of the bed. Place it at the headboard, next to the window so that it reflects in the mirror. This will help make the bedroom lighter and more spacious.

Children's bedrooms of small area
12 sq. m - this is a very small area for children's rooms. It is good if the bedroom and the playroom are separate rooms. But most often in one room you have to combine several functional areas: a place to relax, for games and activities. In a bedroom designed for two or three children, you have to go to various design tricks and inventions so that the children can safely coexist and develop in the same room. Bunk beds are a godsend for teenagers. Due to their compactness, such beds take up little space, and by choosing a model with drawers or built-in drawers, you can save on a chest of drawers. It is best to equip a place for classes near the window, because no lamp can replace daylight. It is advisable to decorate children's bedrooms with practical accessories, such as a globe-lamp, a geographical map on the wall. Soft bean bags are very comfortable for children.

Bedroom zoning
In some cases, the bedroom performs several functions: it is a place to relax, and an office, and a living room. Here you can not do without zoning techniques. Divide the interior of the bedroom 12 square meters. m into several sections is not easy, but the result of the transformation will justify all efforts. The easiest and most convenient way is a portable screen. The variety of shapes and models of such partitions will help to make the interior colorful and unique. You can separate the bed from the office with the help of various color shades onwalls and floors and multi-level lighting.