Bubble Darts Gold - one of the hardiest ornamental plants

Bubble Darts Gold - one of the hardiest ornamental plants
Bubble Darts Gold - one of the hardiest ornamental plants

Bubble Darts Gold was bred in Holland and is widely used for decorating land. This shrub is distinguished by its unusual appearance and airy flowering, which pleases the eye for 3-4 weeks.

Appearance of the plant

Darts Gold is a dense and compact shrub whose crown looks like a dome. On average, its height is 140-160 cm.

Leaves consist of 3 or 5 lobes. Their color is quite unusual, at the beginning of summer the leaf plate acquires a golden hue, then gradually it becomes light green, and with the onset of autumn it completely transforms into a bronze-orange color. A distinctive feature of the plant will be the fact that the leaves are very densely located on the branches and create a powerful crown.

vesicle darth gold
vesicle darth gold

Flowering falls at the end of June - beginning of July and lasts about a month. White or cream flowers are collected in neat fluffy inflorescences resembling shields. After the flowers fall, decorative red berries appear in their place,when pressed, you can hear a pop. Such fruits stay in place for 1-2 months.

The main characteristics of the plant

Darts Gold is a perennial crop and grows very quickly, adding 30-40 cm each year. Due to these qualities, it is very often used as a hedge.

vesicle viburnum darts gold
vesicle viburnum darts gold

Also, such a plant is not demanding on the care and composition of the soil, it can grow without much difficulty in urban areas, taking into account its unfavorable ecology. The vesicle tolerates winter temperatures down to -34 degrees. It has good resistance to diseases and pests.

Boarding rules

Darts Gold Vesicles, planting and caring for which do not require much effort, have the following preferences regarding the growing location:

  1. The plant thrives best on acidic loams, but it will thrive on other types of soil as well.
  2. Sunny site will provide a brighter and more unusual shade of both flowers and foliage.
  3. It is advisable to plant the Darts Gold bubble plant on a hill to protect it from stagnant moisture in the soil, but if this is not possible, then it is necessary to provide high-quality drainage made of pebbles, expanded clay and broken bricks.

For individual plantings, the vesicle is planted in pits, and when creating a living wall - in trenches. 2-4 weeks before work, 500 grams are applied per 1 square meter of soil.superphosphate, 3 buckets of mullein or humus.

vesicle darts gold planting and care
vesicle darts gold planting and care

After the seedling is buried, the earth is compacted and watered abundantly.

Plant care

The Darts Gold vesicle variety is unpretentious in care and tolerates even adverse living conditions. The most important procedures that should be regularly performed while growing a plant are watering, weeding, top dressing and sanitary pruning.

Water the vesicle in such a way as to prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil. In order for the roots to be saturated with oxygen faster and to be able to receive all the necessary substances, the near-stem circle is cleaned of weeds and loosened shallowly. Another important procedure is soil mulching, which is recommended after each watering.

The Darts Gold vesicle is fed twice a year, adhering to simple rules. In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, the bush is watered with a solution prepared from:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 500 milliliters of mullein;
  • 1 tablespoon urea;
  • 1 tablespoon ammonium nitrate.

In autumn, after all the foliage has fallen, the vesicle is fertilized with nitroammophos.

The shrub grows very quickly and therefore recovers just as quickly after pruning, so do not be afraid to experiment with the shape of the vesicle. Depending on the choice of the gardener, the plant can be in the form of a square, a ball, an oval, and many other interesting shapes. Sanitary pruningtraditionally carried out in early spring and late autumn, while removing damaged, diseased and dry branches. It is also worth cutting off shoots that violate the overall composition.

If you follow all the above rules, then Darts Gold will delight with its beauty for many years.

Reproduction of the vesicle

There are many ways to propagate the vesicle, but experienced gardeners recommend using vegetative methods such as cuttings, layering or dividing the bush. This is due to the fact that when seeds are used, the varietal characteristics of the mother plant are often not preserved.

vesicle varieties
vesicle varieties

Reproduction by seeds, despite its disadvantages, usually goes quite well, and seedlings appear quickly and amicably. Each of the resulting plants can be completely different from the others. To get the Darts Gold vesicle from seeds, you need to deepen them in a moistened mixture of sand and peat. After that, the plantings are covered with a film or glass and watered regularly. With the appearance of the first leaves, small plants can be planted in separate containers. Seedlings are transferred to a permanent place only after a year. This is necessary so that they have time to get stronger.

Reproduction by cuttings begins at the end of June. At this time, the lignified shoots are cut in such a way that at least 3-5 buds remain on them, while the lower cut should be made obliquely, and the upper cut straight. The cuttings are rooted immediately in the open field, in a makeshift greenhouse under the mother plant. All this timethey need to be watered abundantly, and for the winter covered with burlap and spruce branches. Those seedlings that could survive the winter frost can be transplanted to a permanent place.

For propagation by layering, a powerful and he althy shoot is chosen, which at the beginning of spring is bent to the ground and dropped by 5 centimeters, for better fixation it is additionally fixed with metal brackets. Branch care is carried out together with the mother plant. The emerging bushes must be covered with the onset of winter. The next spring, the layers are carefully dug up and the young seedlings are separated from the bush, after which they are transferred to a permanent place of residence.

The division of the bush is appropriate if the vesicle has grown strongly and began to fill the garden, in which case it is carefully dug up from all sides so as not to damage the roots, after which they are cut into several parts, each of which is immediately moved to a permanent place.

Among other varieties of this plant:

  • Red Baron;
  • Diablo;
  • Luteus;
  • Nanus;
  • Summer Vine;
  • Nugget.

Darts Gold blister can become a real decoration of any garden plot. This plant boasts decorative leaves, flowers and berries. In addition, the shrub is unpretentious in terms of care and living conditions.
