On earth there are at least 30 varieties of plums that differ in appearance, taste and storage conditions. At the same time, most of the species were bred by breeders who tried to get frost-resistant and high-yielding trees. The Hungarian woman enjoys special love among gardeners.

The most common types are:
- Moscow.
- Belarusian.
- Korneevskaya.
- Italian.
- Pulkovskaya.
- Amazing.
- Donetsk.
- Voronezh.
- Michurinskaya.
- Bogatyrskaya.
- Common (domestic, or eel).
- Dubovskaya.
- Azhanskaya.
Moskovskaya Hungarian plum deserves special attention. The description of the variety, photo and growing conditions of this crop will interest many beginners and experienced gardeners.
Origin, where the variety name came from
Plums, the fruits of which are very similar in appearance, are united by a common name - Hungarian. According to manybiologists, the historical homeland of this variety is Asia, from where its “triumphal procession” across the planet began. The inhabitants of the territory of the USSR got acquainted with this culture rather late, and it was the Hungarians who brought them the lilac-blue and purple-reddish fruits, which is the reason for the name. Also plum Hungarian Moscow is also called Tsaritsynskaya and is one of the old varieties. Her breeders bred in 1947 quite by accident, trying to grow a hybrid for collective farms located within a radius of 25 km from Moscow (European part of Russia). Then the seedlings of Hungarian home (common) self-pollinated, resulting in hardy seedlings that are able to bring a high yield. This variety was included in the state register for the Central District, and the variety itself has since been considered the main one in the standard assortment of the Moscow Region.
What the tree looks like, variety description
If you plan to plant an undemanding tree on your site, then the best option would be the Hungarian Moscow plum - a description of the variety, photos will easily help you find out how it looks. So, adult cultures are distinguished by a sprawling, dense crown, which has a regular spherical shape. Compared to other trees, this species is considered medium-sized. Its height reaches a maximum of 3-3.5 meters. The leaves are green, medium size, shape - elongated. In addition, her fruiting is focused on bouquet twigs and annual growth.
How the fruits of Hungarian Moscow look like
The first harvest of Hungarian Moscow plum appears quite late -for 6-8 years of plant life, but at the same time a lot of fruits are tied. With proper care, fruit becomes more and more every year. It is quite possible to harvest up to 40 kg of crop from one tree.

Plum Hungarian Moscow is distinguished by fruits of medium size, their weight mainly reaches 25 grams, the shape is asymmetrical, round-oval, sometimes ovoid. In addition, a pronounced seam is visible on the fruit, located almost in the middle. The color of the fruit is purple-bluish or purple-red, dark. The peel has an intense wax coating, rough. The pulp of plums of this variety is amber-yellow, honey-colored, dense, rough, but juicy, with a sweetish-sour taste. Their bone is elongated-oval. The fruits ripen not earlier than the end of summer - the beginning of autumn.
Features of planting and growing
When choosing a place for planting a new seedling, it should be borne in mind that growing Hungarian Moscow plum does not require much effort and conditions. The only thing she needs is the presence of heat and light. Care practically does not differ from those agricultural practices that are necessary for most stone fruits. The best soil for a tree will be a slightly alkaline substrate, but acidified soils are highly discouraged. When determining a site, opt for a place where the earth is loose, protected from cold sharp drafts, warmed up well by the sun and retains moisture. Lowlands are not suitable for planting, as cold air and snow accumulate in them in winter.years, which can provoke the process of rotting of the bark. The ideal place would be a hillside located in the southwest or northeast.
After planting, keep the soil in the near-stem circle moist - this will be the key to the proper development of the root system and will help the plant to quickly adapt to new conditions. In addition, the Hungarian Moscow plum tolerates drought well, but in this case it will not bring the desired abundant fruiting. Water it during the flowering period - and then the fruits will begin to intensively increase their mass.

Thankfully, the variety also responds to fertilization - during the annual digging of the soil, pour humus or rotted manure, potassium and phosphorus into the near-stem circle.
How to trim
Proper pruning is extremely important for the Hungarian, as the trees differ in a slightly thickened crown. Proper formation increases productivity and strengthens the branches. Do not delay the pruning process, otherwise you can harm the tree - it painfully tolerates the removal of lignified adult shoots. If you still had to cut off a large branch, then in its place a hollow may form, which will become a breeding ground for a number of pathogenic bacteria and pests. Plum immunity also decreases.
Experts advise 2-3 years after planting a young seedling in a permanent place, completely cut off small branches growing down and inside the crown, as well as all root shoots. Carefully dig the earth with your hands and,after finding the base of each of the basal processes, cut it off. If the tree was damaged by frost, then it is better to leave a few strong branches - in the future, skeletal shoots can be safely formed from them.
Pollination of Hungarian moscow
This variety is self-fertile and, self-pollinating, regularly gives an excellent harvest. But pollinators will help to significantly increase the yield of the plum we are considering (Hungarian Moscow). For these purposes, it is possible to plant red early ripening, Kolkhoz collective farm and Tula black plum on the site.
Advantages and disadvantages of the variety
Despite the fact that the fruits of the described variety do not differ in original taste, they are excellent for transportation and are well preserved. Fruit can be transported over long distances and even picked unripe.

Also, Hungarian Moscow plum tolerates long-term drought well and is disease resistant. The only downside is the lack of fertility. However, modern breeders are now striving to grow hybrids that are able to please gardeners with their harvest much earlier.
Recommendations and reviews of gardeners, interesting facts
It is worth noting that real prunes are made from Hungarian, and the Hungarians knew about this already in the 19th century. They were in no hurry to pick ripe fruits from the trees, waiting for them to fall to the ground on their own. Plums slightly withered, while retaining their benefits. This feature of fruits is associated with the ratiopectin with acids and sugar levels. Thus, the level of sugar content of plums is at least 14-16%, and dry matter - up to 20%. All sorts of tinctures and even wine are obtained from it.

Many gardeners recommend making props for branches in advance in harvest years so that they do not break from the excessive weight of the fruit. It is also important to water the tree in a drought so that the plums do not crumble.
In addition, fruits of this variety are included in the diet of patients with hypertension, tuberculosis, pneumonia and rheumatism. Basically, the owners of the plots leave only positive feedback about the Hungarian Moscow drain. Highlighting many positive characteristics, they do not forget to mention that the variety is not only unpretentious, but also inexpensive.

By planting a stone fruit of this variety, you can always enjoy a bountiful harvest with minimal labor.