Plum refers to ancient fruit trees, the significance of which is enormous for humans. The culture is characterized by early fertility, regular and generous fruiting, valuable dietary and medicinal properties. The Ussuri plum has such a valuable quality as frost resistance, and therefore it is actively cultivated in the northern regions, where the temperature can drop to forty degrees.

What kind of
The origin of the variety of Ussuri plums is connected with Chinese ones, therefore these cultures are similar in genetics, but differ in morphological and biological properties, history and distribution. Ussuri plum does not grow in the nature of the Far East and China. It was discovered by Russian settlers on the ruins of an ancient village in Primorsky Krai. The tree was carefully moved to the backyard garden and began to work on reproduction.
Over time, the Ussuri plum, the photo of which is posted below, began to be cultivated in the gardens of the Far East. And Northern China was engaged in the supply of high-quality forms of Chinese plum. Planted in the same area, these species were pollinated andas a result, hybrids appeared that were distinguished by higher rates of adaptability to the local climate.
Today, the Ussuri plum is represented by a self-sufficient hybrid species, varieties and species of which have distinctive characteristics. The biological value of the culture is characterized by a high level of adaptation, which allows it to be cultivated in the harsh climate of the northern regions.
Appearance Features
Ussuri plum trees cannot be called dwarf. They grow up to three meters high and have high fruiting rates - in harvest years, one tree can produce about twenty kilograms of fruit.
The crown of the tree is formed by thin flexible branches, but despite their fragility, the shoots hold abundant crops well. Depending on the branching, two types of tree are distinguished: with a sparse and thickened crown, which can have a spherical, paniculate or cupped shape.
Plums with a thickened crown have the shape of a wide pyramid, panicle or cylinder, which is characteristic of plants with wild roots. More domesticated crops are vase-shaped, bushy, or indeterminate.
The trunks and skeletal branches are covered with brown or gray bark with different shades, initially shiny and smooth, and with age - rough, because scales of dying cells form on the bark. The bark of annual shoots has a light brown color with a red-burgundy tint and lighter subcutaneous blotches.
The tree bears fruit on fruit twigs, shortened bouquet branches and spurs. fruit budsplaced crowded on two or three year old shoots.
Leaves have different sizes and shapes, painted in light green shades. The sheet plate is smooth glossy with curved edges. Plum blossoms occur when the leaves have not yet blossomed, and the timing depends on the weather and the variety of the variety. Flowers have predominantly whitish petals and are small in size.
Ussuri Plum, the description of which indicates the inability of intervarietal cross-pollination, needs pollinating neighbors. A grafted tree begins to bear fruit in the third or fourth year of life, and seedlings in the fifth or sixth. The duration of fruiting depends on the conditions of care and can be 20 years.
Fruit characteristics
Ussuriyskaya plum fruits are of various sizes. Depending on the variety of the variety, they differ in shape, color, taste and ripening time. The smallest fruits do not exceed a weight of 2-3 grams, and the largest specimens reach 15-25 grams. The fruits are round-elongated, have a pointed apex and a longitudinal seam, which may be weakly expressed or clearly visible.
The color of fruit also depends on the cultivar and can vary from bright yellow to deep burgundy. Often you can also find variegated fruits, when various reddish-burgundy shades are blushed over the main yellow or green color. The skin of the fruit is covered with an abundant wax coating.

Plum pulp is distinguished by color and juiciness, sweet or soursweet taste. In the peel and pulp adjacent to the stone, pronounced bitterness is felt, giving a slight sour-astringent aftertaste.
In the center of the pulp is a medium-sized bone that repeats the shape of the fruit. It is often poorly separated from the pulp. Fruit ripening depends on the region of growth and ranges from the second half of July to September.
In order to improve the quality characteristics, the variety of Ussuri plums was constantly crossed with other species. As a result, its new varietal species were born.
Ussuri Holiday
Plum Ussuri holiday is the most frost-resistant. Thanks to selective genotypes, even after forty degrees of frost, the shoots practically do not freeze slightly and fruiting continues. A feature of Ussuri plums is that the higher the frost resistance, the smaller the fruit.

Plum Ussuri holiday, the description of the variety which indicates high frost resistance, reaches a fruitful age by four to five years. Also, the tree is characterized by abundant fruiting and can produce up to 20 kg of yield. Plum Ussuriyskaya Festive, the description of flowering of which influenced the name of the variety, forms small whitish flowers with a pleasant aroma. The flowering is so plentiful that branches are often not visible behind the flowers and the tree takes on an elegant fairy-tale look.
But to a greater extent, the Ussuri holiday plum owes its name to spectacular fruits, over the bright yellow main color of which the red one-sided spreadsblush. The variety forms fruits weighing up to 25 grams with bright orange tender, juicy and tasty pulp. It is recommended to pick fruits slightly unripe, because when fully ripe, the fruits crumble.
Ural prunes
The variety was obtained by crossing the Ussuri plum and the P-31 hybrid of the cherry plum. Plum Ussuriyskaya Ural prune is represented by a wide spreading tree growing up to two meters with good frost resistance.

The variety gives good yields of even ellipsoid fruits, the weight of which varies from 12 to 16 grams. The color of the fruit is black with a reddish tinge in the seam area. The waxy, medium-thick, elastic rind, like the pit, easily separates from the pulp, which is creamy in color, sweet in taste, and has a fine-grained, medium-dense, juicy texture.
Taste qualities are estimated by experts at 4, 6 points. It blooms at the same time as the Ussuri plums, through which pollination occurs. The Ural red variety was recognized as the best pollinator.
Early prunes
Relates to early maturing frost-resistant varieties. Plum Ussuriyskaya early early prunes are represented by a medium-sized tree with a crown of medium density. Forms fast-ripening fruits of blue-black color with a reddish tint. Fruit size is medium. The pulp is fine-grained, of medium density, from which the stone is easily separated. The grade is ideal for drying which turns out soft and elastic with the expressed aroma and good taste. Drying is valued for a number of useful properties, among whichnormalization of hemoglobin levels in the blood and a slight laxative effect, which make it indispensable for dietary nutrition, including for weight loss.

Ussuri early plum is in demand by farmers, because the early harvest is highly competitive in the market and allows you to make good profits.
Yellow Hopty
Distinguished by good adaptability to climatic conditions and good yield. The tree is quite vigorous, capable of growing up to two and a half meters and higher and has a sparse crown with a rounded flattened top. The branches are spreading, covered with smooth gray bark.
Fruits are formed of medium size from 15 to 20 grams. The color varies from light to deep yellow with a pronounced whitish waxy coating. The fruits have a rounded slightly flattened shape with a clear ventral suture. The greenish-yellow flesh has a loose texture and good juiciness. The skin is thin, there is bitterness in the taste. The stone is quite large and easily separated from the pulp.
Ural Yellow
Plum Ussuri yellow early is represented by a tall sprawling bush. It is often called Ural yellow because the variety is suitable for the climatic conditions of the Urals and is often cultivated in regions with a harsh climate.

Fruits are round, bright yellow, weighing up to 16 grams. The flesh is yellow in color, rather sugary and slightly fibrous in texture. The skin is thin elastic without bitterness. The stone is small and easily moves away from the pulp. The harvest is in early August.
Optimal cultivation conditions
When cultivating hardy plums, some species preferences should be taken into account.
Selecting a landing site
Ussuriyskaya Plum, whose variety description indicates adaptability to regions with a harsh climate, grows successfully on southern and southeastern slopes with sufficient sunlight. When planting trees in a lowland or in a valley, flower buds and skeletal branches may freeze slightly. The best place for planting a crop will be a site protected from the northern winds.
Chemical composition of the soil
Ussuri Plum grows well on fertile neutral soils. With increased acidity, the tree feels a lack of minerals, which affects its growth, development and fruiting. With an excess content of peat, the tree discards unripe fruits. Experienced gardeners recommend adding lime to the soil in the amount of 150-200 grams per square meter a year before planting.
Irrigation principles
When growing Ussuri plums, it should be borne in mind that the culture does not tolerate drought well and is quite demanding on moisture. In areas with a dry climate, irrigation should be carried out once every one and a half weeks. The rate of introduced water per square meter is 9-10 liters. After harvesting, watering is carried out less frequently so that the shoots ripen better.
Prevention of dangerous pests
Ussuri Plum, reviews of the quality of the fruits of which are very positive, howeverless likely to be affected by pests and diseases. Most often, fruit moths attack trees, which can cause significant harm to the entire garden. Chemical treatments that are carried out at the end of June help to fight pests. Also, mechanical traps have shown good efficiency, which should be installed when butterflies are flying - around the end of spring.
The period of flowering and fruiting
The flowering of Ussuri plums portends frosts. This does not threaten the plant itself and does not affect fruiting. Small fragrant flowers are scattered throughout the tree in large numbers. They open even before the leaves appear.
In order for fruiting to be abundant and regular, next to Ussuri plums, other varieties should be planted that have the same flowering time. Plums are also known to be well pollinated by sand cherries.

It is important not to miss the timing of the harvest, because when fully ripe, the fruits fall off. Harvesting begins at the moment when the fruits begin to turn a little yellow. The harvested fruits are placed in clean, dry boxes in several rows, where they reach full maturity within a few days.
Principles of planting
When planting the Ussuri plum, it should be remembered that the culture does not tolerate spring root diaper rash. This is often due to an unfortunate planting site that has been covered with snow for a long time, and can also be hollows or the north windy side of the garden.
To prevent this phenomenon, the plum should beplant not in an ordinary hole, but in special bulk mounds, the height of which should be enough to accommodate the roots and at the same time they should be above ground level. After rooting, the tree itself will deepen as it needs and will give good harvests of tasty and he althy fruits.
Possible threats
A significant disadvantage of all plum trees is a weak immunity against diseases. Plum orchards are affected by:
- klusterosporiosis (perforated spotting);
- moniliose (grey rot);
- coccomycosis;
- soot fungus;
- root cancer;
- marsupial disease;
- milky shine.
Also, plums can be affected by diseases inherent in all stone fruits:
- gommosis (gum disease);
- rust;
- fruit rot.
People call the disease perforated spotting. This disease is caused by a fungus that affects all parts of the plant. Symptoms of the disease appear as brown spots on the leaves, which eventually turn into holes. Affected fruits are unsuitable for food. High humidity contributes to the disease.
Gray rot is a fungal disease that damages not only the leaves and buds, but also the fruits themselves. As a result, plums become soft in texture and acquire an uneven gray color with grayish bumps in which spores are located. Humidity contributes to the rapid spread of the disease.
The most dangerous fungal disease thatit manifests itself as brown or reddish spots on the leaves, which eventually affect the entire leaf plate, and a pink coating of fungal spores forms on the inside. The disease leads to a decrease in frost resistance, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and the fruits stop developing and dry out.

Sooty fungus
Manifested by a black coating in the form of soot on the leaves. Such formations are erased without much effort, but its presence prevents the flow of oxygen into the cells of the plant.
Marsupial disease
Destroys the crop because the affected fruits begin to grow, do not form stones and become covered with a gray bloom.
Root cancer
Growths form on the root system due to the activity of pathogens living in the soil, which penetrate into the tissues through damage. An adult tree stops developing, and seedlings die. This disease is promoted by drought and neutral soils. Therefore, it is very important not to allow the soil and roots of the Ussuri plum to dry out.
Milky shine
Can affect not only plums, but also other fruit crops. The development of the disease often leads to the death of the tree. The leaves turn silver and begin to die. The bark becomes darker. Trees damaged by winter frosts are the most susceptible.
Ussuri plum is well adapted to cold climates. Its vegetation begins in late spring. First, flowers begin to bloom, which keep the color for about tendays. After flowering shoots begin to grow actively.
By providing the necessary conditions for growing the Ussuri plum, you can achieve the normal development of trees and abundant regular fruiting. Plums will gratefully respond to care with tasty and he althy fruits that are rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the functioning of the human body.