Snake tree, or amorphophallus: cultivation and care

Snake tree, or amorphophallus: cultivation and care
Snake tree, or amorphophallus: cultivation and care

The snake tree, which is also called amorphophallus, got its name because of its specific appearance. Its name translates as "escape without form." The plant belongs to the aroid family, which has over 120 different species.

Amorphophallus grows well in Africa, Australia, Asia and other countries with a tropical climate.


It has a thick speckled trunk that resembles snakeskin. It blooms only one flower, consisting of a large carved leaf, which reaches 1 meter in diameter. Like the trunk, it is covered in spots. After flowering, the snake tree sheds it.

The flowering period, which lasts 2-3 months, begins in the spring, like many other plants. It produces an arrow-shaped inflorescence, which is covered with a red-brown leaf.

snake tree
snake tree

Aroma of amorphophallus

The snake tree exudes a fetid aroma of rotting meat and rotten eggs. In this way, it attracts flies, which act as pollinators. Because of this, he was nicknamed the "corpse flower" by the people. The indoor snake tree only stinks whenblooms, the rest of the time it does not smell. In the conditions of apartment "living" it rarely blooms, about once every 3-4 years. The plant exudes the strongest smell in the first three days of flowering, and after its "aroma" decreases and completely disappears.

indoor snake tree
indoor snake tree


The snake tree is a houseplant, it is unpretentious in care and does not require special conditions for growth. Amorphophallus loves light and moisture. You can put it next to the window and water it more often, so you create optimal conditions for it. At the time of active growth, it needs to be fertilized with special dressings. The tuber should be planted immediately in a large and deep outdoor pot, half filled with earth. As you grow, you need to fill in small layers of earth mixed with fertilizers. Abundant watering is required at the time of active growth and during periods of flowering, after its completion, the amount of moisture must be reduced.

Top dressing should contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (mineral). These elements are required by the tree during its growth period. It is also necessary to use organic fertilizers. Mullein and humus are perfect for this.

In the process of growth, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the plant. It can be affected by some diseases, such as aphids, spider mites and scale insects. When you find them, the plant must be treated with special products that can be purchased in stores.

snake tree houseplant
snake tree houseplant


The snake tree is bred with tubers. Themshould be separated in the fall with great care so as not to damage the baby. If, nevertheless, this happened, then the tuber must be disinfected in a moderate solution of potassium permanganate. Store them in styrofoam or cardboard boxes in a dark and cool place (5-9 degrees Celsius). In the spring, around the beginning of March, when the average air temperature reaches 18-22 degrees, they can be planted.

Before planting the tubers do not need to germinate, sprouts appear after planting in the ground.

An interesting fact is that the daughter tubers of the snake tree are actively used in Chinese medicine. They are used to prepare a remedy for cancer.

Interesting folk names

For its appearance and smell, the plant is popularly called by different names, sometimes there are very strange nicknames.

Voodoo lily, snake palm, devil's tongue, dead man's flower, shapeless penis and others are all names of the same tree.

The tree is very beautiful in any period. Its huge flower will not leave indifferent any person. Of course, it has a minus in the form of an unpleasant odor, but it appears only during the first week of flowering. The flower pleases everyone with its beauty for 2-3 months. Therefore, you can see it in all its glory and not inhale its smell.
