Today, there are elementary housework that men can do with their own hands. The most important thing is to follow certain recommendations and observe safety precautions during their implementation. Many novice craftsmen are often worried about a seemingly simple question: how to hammer a nail? Let's try to find the answer.
Materials and tools

Before you try to hammer in a nail, you need to decide on the appropriate sizes of consumables. The size of the cross section of the nail should be no more than 25% of the thickness of the attached wooden element. In the case of using more massive dowels, the board may simply split. As for the size of the nail, it should enter the lower part by two thirds of the length. The same requirement is made in the process of nailing. The hammer for work should be chosen in such a way that it is convenient to hold it in your hand. It is impossible to work with a tool whose head dangles. Otherwise, you risk injury.
Hammering nails: the right technique
So, how to hammer a nail? To do this, you need to follow some simple instructions. The pile is taken with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand. It is better to take a nail in the middle of the rod. The tip should rest against the place where you plan to score it. As a rule, the spigor is installed perpendicular to the plane of the element. Right-handers usually hold the hammer in the right hand, left-handers - in the left. If you drive a nail into the surface of a tree, then it will be enough to deliver 2-3 accurate blows. After that, it should enter the tree at 20% of its total length. This is enough to fix the position of the nail. Then, with more powerful blows, you can drive the dowel into the tree up to the hat. If you are interested in how to drive a nail into a wall, then it should be borne in mind that the fewer pushes you make when driving it, the stronger it will be installed in the tree. This is due to the fact that when striking at any angle, the structure of the wood can be broken. It is best if the driving process consists of a couple of pushes.
Due to incorrect strikes, the nail may bend. They can be bent even by experienced repairmen due to poor quality metal or thin legs. Another reason why the dowel can be difficult to penetrate into the wood is when the sharp part gets caught in the seal. In such a situation, it is best to pull it out and make a hole with a smaller diameter drill in the appropriate place. You can also use pliers to drive in a bent nail. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that if you manage to drive a bent nail into the wood at such an angle, then it will be extremely difficult to pull it out.
Often, if you need to drive a nail from the end of the board, the surface can split. ToTo prevent this, just drill a small hole. If you first blunt the tip with a file, you can also avoid splitting. In this case, the wood fibers will diverge in different directions, and not tear.
Choosing a hammer

Today every man should know how to hammer a nail. In fact, there are many subtleties in this process. If you handle the hammer carelessly, you can injure your finger, bend the nail or ruin the wall. There are a few simple guidelines. After reading them, you will learn how to hammer a dowel-nail.
One of the most important elements when driving in nails is a hammer. The instruments are of various sizes. The MCT-1 type hammer has a handle 25-28 cm long, a working area of 9 cm and a weight of approximately 250 grams. Such a tool can be used for wallpaper nails, the length of which does not exceed 40 mm. To drive in larger fasteners, it is better to use an MCT hammer. It has a handle length of 30-32 cm, a working area of 11 cm and weighs about half a kilo. These are the most commonly used tools. The MCT-3 hammer is designed for the same purposes, only it has more weight. For hammering dowel-nails, it is better to use an MCT-4 hammer. It has a handle size of 35-37 cm, a working area of 13 cm and a weight of 1 kilogram.
Recommendations for driving in nails

Here are just a few tips to help you learn how to drive a nail:
- Drive in a nail should start without strongblows. You should move on to powerful pushes after you have made sure that the dowel is set in the desired position.
- When driving in a nail, hold the hammer by the end of the handle.
- You must keep your eyes on the hat when hitting.
- When working with wood, please note that the diameter of the fastener cannot exceed 25% of the thickness of the element.
- To connect two boards together, you need to choose nails so that they pierce the first board and enter at least a third into the second element. The strength of such a system increases when driving fasteners at an angle.
- The end of the nail should be smeared with soap if necessary.
- You can not drive a large number of nails nearby. The board may break under such a load.
- A large hammer can be used as a support for weighted attachment points.
- To drive a long nail into hard wood, hold fasteners near the head with pliers.
- To install the dowel in the surface to be plastered, you can use a punch. It only needs to be applied to the head of the nail and struck. If you use a hammer, you will not be able to avoid the appearance of defects in this place.
- Before hammering a nail into a concrete wall covered with wallpaper, experts recommend lightly cutting a layer of paper with a cross. Corners should be parted to the sides, put a nail. After that, you will need to glue the wallpaper.
- If you need to nail telephone wires, then they must first be pierced with a fastener so that itdid not touch the veins.
- Many craftsmen are interested in how to drive the dowel with their bare hands. It is clear that it will not be possible to manually drive a nail into a concrete slab. But in a clay surface - it is quite possible.
- In order not to damage your fingers when trying to drive in fasteners, it is enough to use a regular clothespin. The question of how to properly drive in a nail often appears if the master needs to work in a hard-to-reach area. For example, when fasteners need to be hammered into a recess. However, this can be achieved simply by using a metal tube and a steel core.
Dowel-nail: how to drive in correctly

Beginners quite often face the question of how to hammer a nail into a concrete wall without a drill. First you need to learn how to drive the dowel into the concrete surface with a drill. To do this, you need to mark the place for the future nail with a center punch or hammer. After that, a hole of a suitable size is punched with a drill. It is worth noting that a marking with its diameter should be applied to the surface of the drill. The same marking must be applied to the dowel. If you can’t use a hammer drill, then you can use a drill to work with concrete. To remove residual dust, it is convenient to use a conventional vacuum cleaner. The dowel cartridge can be driven into the wall with a hammer. Then drive in the nail to the desired length.
Working with brick walls

If you're wondering how to hammer a nail into a brick wall,The information in this section will be helpful to you. First of all, you need to decide on a place. It is best to choose in the middle of the brick. The mortar holding the bricks is not the most reliable support. It is advisable to use a drill for drilling bricks. You should start carefully so as not to disturb the masonry. When the drill enters the wall by more than 1 cm, you can increase the rotation speed. After the hole is drilled, crumbs and dust will need to be removed from it. Now you can drive a nail or cartridge.
Can I drive nails into tiles?
With the right approach, you can drive a nail into a tile. First, be sure to mark with a marker the installation site of the dowel. In this case, you can drive nails both into the surface of the tile itself and into the seam. It is better to pre-mark the surface with a metal screw. This is done by light tapping. Then, using a drill and a drill, the tile must be drilled to the full depth. The hole can be brought to a suitable size. The surface under the tile must be drilled, depending on what material it is made of. After that, carefully install the dowel nail.
Can I drive a nail into drywall?

Before you try to drive a nail into drywall, you need to think about whether the surface will be damaged. If you plan to hang some kind of heavy object, then such material will not be the most reliable support. For small items, you can use the mount,specially designed for surfaces with low bearing capacity. On a plane, this requires making a hole of a suitable diameter. The fastener is inserted into the gap made until it stops. Then, manually or using a screwdriver, tighten the screw.
Hammering the Nail: Conclusion

Now you can easily figure out how to hammer a nail into a concrete wall with a hammer without a drill. Simply follow a series of helpful tips and use the right tools and fasteners.