How to build a tandoor with your own hands

How to build a tandoor with your own hands
How to build a tandoor with your own hands

Resting in the country can become unforgettable if, instead of the standard brazier familiar to everyone, a stove of a different design is installed here. The tandoor is still used by the peoples of Asia in the process of cooking. With it, you can create real culinary masterpieces. The food takes on a special flavor. How to build a tandoor with your own hands will be discussed further.


Tandir (a photo of one of the options is presented below) is a vessel made of clay, which tapers upwards. There is a hole through which fuel is placed inside, as well as food for cooking.

Ground tandoor
Ground tandoor

The blower is arranged at the bottom. It is closed with a shutter. This allows you to maintain the necessary traction. It is important that the material does not crack during heating, and that the walls maintain a constantly high temperature inside. It will be difficult to create a real tandoor from the same materials used by Asian craftsmen. Therefore, to ensure good thermal insulation of a clay vessel, it is lined with bricks. Betweenthe walls are space. It is covered with sand, clay or s alt.

This arrangement of the tandoor allows the inner walls to accumulate heat. The oven inside heats up to 200-400 ºС. Clay releases temperature slowly. Therefore, the heat inside such a hearth remains at a high level for up to 4 hours. At this time, with the help of the tandoor, you can cook a variety of dishes. You can bake, boil and fry.

Keeping an even temperature inside, as well as the closed design of the oven, keeps the products juicy. They cook quickly, acquiring a special taste and aroma. Cakes are prepared by attaching the dough to the walls of the oven, the shish kebab is hung on skewers. Also, a lattice is arranged inside, which is fixed with the help of special fasteners. It can cook many dishes.

To properly operate the tandoor, you need to perform several steps. First, a fire is lit inside. The walls should warm up well. They turn red with heat. At this stage, the blower remains open. The walls will absorb the heat as the fire burns.

When the combustion process is completed, coals will appear, you need to close the blower. The walls are splashed with water. This will prevent food from sticking. After that, prepared dishes are loaded inside. They also need to be sprinkled with a little water. Cover the oven with a lid to ensure even cooking.

Classic clay oven

The classic tandoor (photo below) was made at all times from special clay. There are special requirements for the material. Classic altandoor is molded from Akhangaran kaolin clay. It allows you to create a vessel with high thermal insulation qualities.

Tandoor device
Tandoor device

To avoid cracking of the material during heating, camel, sheep wool is added to it. Because of these features of classical technology, it will be quite difficult to make a classic version of the tandoor. It is difficult to get special kaolin clay, for obvious reasons, in our country. The secret of the Asian composition of the master is still kept secret.

Clay for tandoor can be prepared according to a special recipe. This option is suitable for those owners who, by all means, want to create a classic tandoor. It is necessary to prepare kaolin. It is mixed with wool, which must first be cut into 10-15 mm fibers. You should get a viscous mixture.

The clay is left for a week, stirring occasionally. This will allow it to dry evenly. If water settles on top, it is drained. No need to mix excess liquid into the clay. The less water left in the composition, the less likely it is that the oven will crack when heated. After a week, the material will begin to resemble plasticine. Any object can be molded from such clay.

Further, oblong-shaped sheets are created from the material. They should be at least 5 cm thick. Moving in a circle, a stove is molded from them. In the classic version, the height of the tandoor is 100-150 cm. The diameter at the widest point is 100 cm, and at the neck - 50-60 cm. In the lower part, you need to leave a blower hole.

Tandir driesin the shade for about 30 days. It is best to overlay the walls of the furnace with fireclay bricks, the price of which is approximately 50-60 rubles. a piece. As a solution, you can use the same clay or a special refractory composition. Sand is poured between the walls of the vessel and the brick casing. Each layer must be well compacted.

The inside of the tandoor is covered with cottonseed oil. Next, the clay is fired. The temperature rises gradually. The procedure takes a day. Cracks may appear with sudden heating.

Brick tandoor

Modern oven is fireclay brick tandoor. The price of such a building will be slightly higher than when using clay. But technically it will be easier to create such a design. The fact. That without special training, the master, most likely, will not be able to create an earthen vessel the first time, which will not crack when heated. Technology is mastered by trial and error.

Brick structures can be created by a master who does not have much experience in creating furnaces. The risk in this case will be less. According to reviews, many clay tandoor falls apart in the first week of drying. The use of bricks guarantees the high quality of the finished furnace. A drawing of a fireclay brick tandoor is presented below.

Tandoor drawing
Tandoor drawing

Of course, such an oven looks different from the classic Asian version. However, the food in such a tandoor is no less tasty. To make a similar design with your own hands, you will need to prepare the necessary materials. First of all, you need to buya sufficient amount of fireclay bricks. In order not to have to buy it in addition or to avoid overpaying for the surplus, it is recommended to develop a drawing of the furnace. It must be accurate, showing all sizes.

Based on the created project, it will be easier to calculate the required number of bricks and other materials. You also need to purchase a special refractory mixture for masonry. It includes a number of necessary elements. It is better to buy ready-made mixtures. The manufacturer provides the correct proportions of ingredients in them.

You should also buy kaolin (chamotte clay). To create the foundation, you will need concrete grade M400, sand and mesh reinforcement. The template frame is made of wood. She will also need to purchase the required amount of material.

Kiln types

There are different types of tandoor. They can be divided into 2 large groups. The first of these includes a variety of stationary furnaces. They differ in large dimensions. The second group includes portable (mobile) varieties.

How to build a tandoor?
How to build a tandoor?

Stationary structures are made of brick or clay. For a summer residence, a personal plot with significant dimensions, this option would be preferable. It is easier to make this type of furnace with your own hands. One of the options for such structures is the pit tandoor. It is completely underground.

A real underground (pit) type tandoor is built on loess rocks. Its diameter is 50 cm, and its depth is 35 cm. An inclined course is created nearby to supply air during the combustion process. If the rocks on the site are of a different type, the walls are lined with dry fireclay bricks. The air duct is created from pipes. Experts say that the second option is somewhat inferior in quality to the pit tandoor.

Most often, ground-based tandoors are created with their own hands. They can have both vertical and horizontal loading axis. The first option is universal. In such an oven, you can cook any dishes. With horizontal loading, the tandoor is used to prepare various dishes (pilaf, barbecue, flat cakes, etc.). Food is taken out of the oven with the help of hooks, ladles. Saving firewood in such a device will be significant. They will need 2-3 times more than when using a conventional barbecue.

Mobile tandoors are sold in stores. They are not made by hand. It is easier to purchase a similar stove, periodically using it in your country house. The wall thickness is 3-7 cm. Dimensions are relatively small.

Preparation for construction

A portable tandoor can be bought at the store, and it will be quite difficult to build a clay version with your own hands. Therefore, owners of private plots are advised to choose stationary structures made of clay and brick. This is a relatively simple structure, but you need to clearly understand how to create it correctly.

Chamotte brick price
Chamotte brick price

The set of materials may differ depending on the type of furnace, its dimensions. For example, one of the popular variants of the tandoor will be considered. This is an above-ground type of furnace, which is equipped on the foundation. The tandoor will have a diameter of 100 cm in a wide place. In a narrowpart, it will be 50 cm. To withstand the weight of such a structure, you will need to make a plate with a thickness of at least 10 cm.

For such a construction, you will need to purchase 150 kg of sand, a metal reinforcing mesh with a mesh size of 5 cm (2 m² will be required). You also need to purchase cement brand M400 in the amount of 7 kg. Fireclay bricks are purchased by the piece. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately calculate its quantity. Such a structure usually requires 50 to 70 bricks.

To create masonry, a refractory mixture of 20 kg is purchased. You will also need fiberglass reinforcement with a cross section of 6 mm (minimum 15 m). The cost of purchasing refractory paint (1 l), steel wire with a cross section of 3 mm (15 m) should be included in the estimate.

You should also prepare a set of tools. Almost every home master has some of them. Some tools will need to be purchased separately. You should purchase a plastering rule, a container for mixing cement, a grinder with diamond wheels. You will need a spatula, a paint brush. After that, you can get to work.


How to build a tandoor with your own hands? First you need to create a foundation. The oven will be large enough. Therefore, stationary above-ground models must be built on the foundation. In this case, the design will be stable. It is worth considering that if the soil is clayey, the base must be reinforced.

Pit tandoor
Pit tandoor

If the soil is heavy, you can create a columnar foundation. On light soils, a monolithic base is more often equipped. For tandoor with specified dimensionsyou will need to make a recess in a section of at least 15 cm. The slab will be poured here. In its corners, recesses of about 80 cm should be made. Their diameter is 13-14 cm.

After drilling such holes, you need to create reinforcement for them. For this, fiberglass reinforcement was purchased.

Next you need to prepare the concrete mix. It is necessary to mix 3 parts of sand, 1 part of gravel (fraction with a diameter of 1 cm), 1 part of cement. By adding water to the composition, they achieve a thick solution.

A layer of sand is poured on the bottom of the prepared pit. It is sprinkled with water and rammed. Next, formwork from roofing boards (width 15 cm) is mounted. Its height above the ground is 5 cm. A reinforcing mesh is laid on the bottom. Concrete is poured inside. It sets for at least 7 days. It is better to cover the surface with cellophane. Concrete is periodically watered to avoid cracking.


A brick (stone) tandoor is arranged on the base with your own hands. When the foundation dries out (at least a week), you will need to lay out a base of refractory bricks. This material will not absorb moisture. It is ideal for creating a wood or charcoal stove. The blocks are very strong, they can withstand the weight of the walls of the tandoor.

DIY stone tandoor
DIY stone tandoor

Fireclay bricks do not collapse under the influence of temperature differences. A stationary oven will be able to withstand any frost in winter, as well as subsequent heating during cooking.

The base will be round. It is necessary to prepare a pattern suitablesize. With its help, the form is set with chalk. In the presented example, the diameter of the pattern is 75 cm.

First, a layer of roofing material is laid on the concrete base. This is necessary to create waterproofing, extend the life of the furnace. Next, bricks are laid on it. They stack one on top of the other. It turns out a rectangular base. Further, with the help of a pattern, a circle is outlined with chalk on the created base. Unnecessary parts are cut with a grinder. This creates a perfectly round base.

After that, the masonry process begins. First, the refractory composition is mixed with water. It is applied to a layer of roofing material. Next, prepared bricks are laid out.


Considering the technology of how to build a tandoor, you should pay special attention to the process of creating walls. Bricks are laid vertically. In order for them to be firmly fixed, it is required to spend a sufficient amount of refractory mortar. The inner edges of the bricks should fit snugly together, creating the inner surface of the oven.

The seams are very carefully smeared with a solution. The first row must be tied with wire. Its ends are twisted. They need to be hidden in one of the seams. The same procedure is done when creating the second and third row. In the second layer, you need to cut the bricks into a wedge.

When the base of the brick walls is created, the tandoor needs to be plastered. During this process, a refractory mixture is used. The layer thickness must be at least 1 cm. The top edge must be rounded off. You need to wait for the mixture to dry completely. Moreover, the oven is covered during this periodcellophane.

Painting the walls inside

Considering the options for how to build a tandoor, it is worth noting that in some cases, craftsmen coat the oven walls with refractory plaster not only outside, but also inside. In this case, it is required not only to dry the composition, but also to burn it correctly. Kaolin clay can be used to make interior wall coverings. Some masters claim that the addition of sheep's wool to such a composition is mandatory.

Having mixed the kaolin clay, you need to wait until the composition dries. To do this, it is kneaded for a week, periodically draining the water that appears on the surface. The surface of the oven is covered with this material, carefully leveling the walls.

When the clay dries, you need to make a bookmark inside a small amount of firewood. They are set on fire, and the lid of the tandoor is closed. The blower remains open. The temperature should rise gradually. When the first batch of firewood burns out, you can add more. So gradually the temperature is raised to the maximum.

This technique is more complicated, but the taste of dishes cooked in such a tandoor will be an order of magnitude higher. If the plaster cracks, it is upholstered and the procedure is carried out again. The minimum amount of water should remain in the clay. In this case, the probability of its cracking when heated will be minimal.

Decorative trim

Tandyr oven can be a real decoration of the site. This is the centerpiece of the place to stay. Therefore, the stove should be not only functional, but also beautiful. The outer walls of the tandoor can bepaint with refractory paint. This is the easiest option. Its shade must be selected in accordance with the characteristics of landscape design. All elements of the resting place should be in harmony with each other.

You can make a casing of natural stone. In this case, the walls will better accumulate heat. You can also make a second layer of brickwork. It must also be fireproof. Sand is poured between the walls.

Having considered how to build a tandoor, you can give a place to relax on a personal plot an original cozy look. Food cooked in such an oven will be extremely tasty.
