Building a bath from a 4x6 beam is not as difficult as it seems

Building a bath from a 4x6 beam is not as difficult as it seems
Building a bath from a 4x6 beam is not as difficult as it seems

Building a bath from a 4x6 timber is, in principle, not as difficult as it seems at first glance. First, the size of the premises, the boxes of the structure and the foundation are planned. And, despite the individual features of the projects, bath buildings have similar features: a steam room, a washing room, a dressing room.


bath from a bar 4x6
bath from a bar 4x6

Compact structure - a bath from a bar 4x6. The interior design project includes mandatory rooms. At the request of the customer, a small vestibule and a terrace can be made. The entrance from the vestibule leads to the rest room, and from there to the washing room and steam room. The total area of the object is 24 square meters.

Bath 4x6 has a standard layout due to its design features. But the simplicity of the appearance is often offset by a terrace, railings with cut-out gratings. The open porch is a great opportunity to install additional furniture and use the space for pleasant leisure in the warm season.

Choice of foundation

If you wish, you can order the construction of a turnkey bath or build iton one's own. In this case, the savings are obvious.

To build a bath from a 4x6 timber, at the beginning of the work, the type of foundation is selected. The base depends on the weight of the building and the soil:

  • movable soil - monolithic slab or strip foundation;
  • soil of coarse sand, gravel and clay - columnar or pile foundation;
  • plot with slope - piles;
  • rocky soil - any ground.

Strip foundation using concrete pouring and reinforced rods is a rather costly option both in terms of time and cost. But the base can withstand heavy loads and settles on almost any soil.

do-it-yourself bath from a bar 4x6
do-it-yourself bath from a bar 4x6

To build a bath from a 4x6 beam using a columnar foundation is cheaper than with a tape. Since the building does not carry large loads on the base, the columnar structure will completely cope with its functions. During the construction of the foundation, concrete blocks are used every 1.5-2 meters.

It is better to arrange piles on unstable soil and areas on slopes: special steel poles are screwed into the ground, a strapping is fastened and a log house is installed. The arrangement of the pile foundation does not take much time. As for the price: the cost is cheaper than tape or plate.

First Crown

On the surface of the base base, the lower crown of the building is arranged - wooden slats treated with an antiseptic. A do-it-yourself sauna built from a 4x6 timber will last longer if all the wood is treated with anti-fungal compounds.

The lower crown serves as additional protection for the first rows of timber from moisture. The next step is laying the first row of logs. The material should differ in thickness, since the load of the entire structure falls on it. Therefore, a tree with a section of 200x200 mm is used, and for subsequent laying - 150x150 mm.

The logs are connected to each other by a simple method called a "cup": markings are made in the lower part of the wood, recesses are marked with a special tool. With an ax or a chainsaw, a notch is cut down and a log is inserted.


To build a bath from a 4x6 timber, you need to make a slight slope of 3-4 ° when constructing the floor to remove water.

The walls of the building are folded in a certain order: the crowns are aligned horizontally and fastened with steel pins or wooden dowels. The second option is preferable as the material is sold ready to use.

Log joints are insulated with jute or tow. Moss was used in the old days.

After the walls are built, ceiling beams and rafters are laid at the desired height. The design is left until the beam shrinks - about a year. At the end of the shrinkage, caulking, installation of doors and windows, construction of the roof is carried out.

bath from a bar 4x6 project
bath from a bar 4x6 project

Finishing work - interior finishing, flooring or wood decking.
