Every spring, the owners of home gardens and summer cottages try to bring some fresh elements to the design of their properties by planting new, original plants. Today, various types of cotoneaster are becoming increasingly popular among gardeners. This shrub is classified into many varieties and is deciduous and evergreen, but the common cotoneaster is used most often in garden design.
General Description
Cotoneaster is a slow growing shrub. Its leaves are small, ovoid in shape, their color varies from dark green (in spring and summer) to red with reflections (in autumn). This plant pleases with small pink or white flowers, and its fruits look like miniature apples. Cotoneasters are frost-resistant and drought-resistant, they grow and develop well both in environmentally friendly conditions and in dusty cities. Besides,most species of this shrub are completely undemanding to the soil, so they can be grown almost everywhere.
Types of Cotoneaster

As already mentioned, cotoneaster is represented by a huge variety of varieties that can be found in summer cottages, parks and squares. Among the most popular species of this pretty plant are cotoneasters, holly and edible, common and chokeberry, horizontal and shiny, hybrid and Alaunian. In general, the shrub is valued not only because of its decorative qualities, but also because of its tasty and he althy fruits. If you are not yet familiar with any of these species, but would like to decorate your backyard with such a wonderful plant, look at the catalog of ornamental shrubs - with the help of it you will be able to decide on a specific cotoneaster variety.
Although the cotoneaster is a rather unpretentious plant, it will still take some effort to grow it, but only for the first time after planting. When the shrub gets used to and takes root in a new place, your worries will be significantly reduced. It will only be enough to provide the necessary care, which, by the way, will not require much time. Almost all varieties, including common cotoneaster, perfectly tolerate both open sunny places and partial shade. Do not forget, as necessary, to prune the shrub, which, by the way, he loves very much. Cotoneaster can be given any shape and shape and not be afraid for his "well-being". Bushgrows very fast. The common cotoneaster tolerates winter cold normally, so it is not entirely necessary to take measures to protect it from frost.
Cotoneaster in landscape design

From cotoneaster bushes you can create real masterpieces on your site, you just need to show a little imagination. For example, a brilliant cotoneaster hedge is perfect for dividing a homestead territory into certain zones. Single plantings of this shrub look no less attractive, especially its evergreen varieties. You can also create beautiful compositions by combining several varieties, for example, cotoneaster cotoneaster will perfectly complement the creeping look, and cotoneaster multiflorum will look great with the willow variety. In general, there are countless options for using this amazing shrub, and your personal taste and imagination will become the main advisers in the design issue.