The final result of decorative wall and ceiling decoration depends on the quality of the pre-finishing of the base. For this, a special putty is used. First, a rough starting layer is applied. After that, the finishing putty is applied. This material has a number of special characteristics.
Before starting repairs that the owners of the house plan to do on their own, it is necessary to consider how to apply the finishing layer of plaster to the surface, as well as material consumption. This will allow you to purchase the optimal amount of dry plaster, as well as finish the walls in accordance with existing rules.
Material purpose
Finishing wall putty today is used almost everywhere when carrying out repairs in various rooms. This material is necessary to give the base completeness. After this treatment, the wall becomes perfectly smooth. It will be possible to stick any kind of wallpaper on it, paint, etc.

Modern technologies have stepped forward significantly. Finishing coat todayputty allows not only to level the base, but also to give it additional strength. Almost any decorative materials can be applied to such a surface. Their adhesion to the base will be many times higher than without the use of putty.
Finishing layer consists of a fine fraction. Thanks to this, you can get a perfectly flat wall. Any, even small, cracks, defects disappear after such processing. The wall is perfectly white. This allows you to paste even thin paper wallpapers of light shades on it without fear of color distortion. Plastering is also carried out before painting.
Material requirements
The requirements for plastering walls are high. When purchasing materials for finishing, it is necessary to give preference to trusted brands. In this case, there is no doubt that after the finishing putty the surface will be white and smooth.

Quality putty is applied to the surface of the wall very simply. Lumps do not appear in its mass. Also putty should not reach for the spatula. After application, the presented material must not run off. It remains in the form that the master will give it with the help of a construction tool.
It should also be noted that, unlike the starting putty, which is applied in a layer of up to 3 cm, the finish is thin. Its thickness does not exceed 3 mm. This should be enough to hide the unevenness of the base. High-quality material after drying in no case should crack. It has an even color.over the entire surface. In this case, the shade can be either white or with a pink tint (this depends on the composition of the mixture).
Any type of plaster presented is distinguished by a special composition. Finishing putty can be used to process walls both inside and outside the premises. In this case, the composition must be appropriate for the operating conditions. Regardless of the type of putty, it includes a certain list of components.

A dry powder binder is added to any finishing type of putty. It contributes to the connection of all components and is responsible for the curing process of the plaster. The fine fraction allows the layer to harden very quickly.
Also, the composition necessarily includes a filler. Most often, chalk and limestone are used for these purposes. A marble fraction can also be used. Allows you to improve the composition of the modifiers. The mixture can be sold dry or ready-made. In the second option, the composition contains water. If the mixture is purchased dry, it must be mixed before use. In the right proportion, water is added to it.
There are several main varieties of finishing type putties. They differ in composition, performance characteristics and cost. The most inexpensive is cement plaster. It is used for technical rooms.

Modern materials used for interior work are gypsum mixes. They are more expensive than cement mortars. However, the quality of gypsum compositions is significantly superior to such mixtures. When using them, further painting of the finishing putty is possible.
The most expensive are the polymer varieties. They can be acrylic or latex. Such compositions are highly elastic and resistant to adverse environmental influences. Therefore, they can be used for outdoor work. Such compositions do not absorb vaga, resistant to temperature extremes. The cost of such varieties of mixtures is the highest.
Cement compositions
Finishing putty based on cement is used for processing concrete bases. It may include marble chips and special modifiers. This composition improves the quality of the material. The basis of such mixtures is cement grades 400 or 500.

This composition is characterized by high moisture resistance. Such material is used for finishing bathrooms, showers, baths. Most often, cement finishing compositions are used in technical rooms, basements. This is due to certain disadvantages of such mixtures.
The fact is that cement putties shrink over time. It is required to strictly adhere to the drying technology of the composition. Otherwise, it will not be able to gain the required strength and will crack. Such a layer dries for a very long time. It needs to be moistened with water so that it dries evenly.
One of the popular manufacturers of such plasters is the company"Bolars". The cost of packing a dry mix of 25 kg is 300-350 rubles.
Gypsum plaster
Finishing putty for wallpaper should be made on the basis of gypsum. This is an environmentally friendly mixture, which has a number of advantages over other types. With its help, you can create a perfectly smooth white surface. Gypsum plaster does not shrink after drying.

The presented variety of mixtures is used exclusively for interior decoration. Gypsum plasters are used for dry rooms. Gypsum quickly absorbs moisture and swells. In a normal room, such a composition will regulate the level of humidity.
Among the advantages of such mixtures are environmental friendliness and safety for the human body. The composition does not cause allergies. It doesn't ignite. Also, this coating is a good antiseptic. The microclimate in the room where such a finish is made will be he althy.
Knauf gypsum plaster is the most popular. The cost of a bag of 25 kg can be 300-400 rubles.
Acrylic compound
The best finishing putty is made on the basis of polymers. It is suitable for both indoor and outdoor work. One of the best polymer compositions is acrylic putty. It can be used to create various decorative effects on the surface.
The plastic structure of acrylic formulations makes it easy to apply the product to the surface. When dried, such mixtures do not crack, do not exfoliate. Acrylic compositionssold in ready-to-use form. The layer is very durable and elastic. It is resistant to moisture, adverse weather conditions.
Among the disadvantages of such a composition should be called a high cost. After the layer has hardened, its grinding can only be carried out in a respirator. Also, such a composition cannot eliminate deep cracks, therefore it is applied to the starting layer.
The most demanded composition of this type is ProForm. It is sold in buckets with a capacity of 28 kg. The cost is 1.4 thousand rubles.
How to determine the flow rate?
The consumption of finishing putty depends on a number of factors. Compared to starter mixes, this type of material requires much less. The finishing layer does not exceed 3 mm. There are two main factors influencing the putty consumption rate. The first of these are the features of the composition of the mixture. The second factor is the requirements for surface evenness. In some cases, to create a perfectly even surface, you have to apply 2 or even 3 layers of plaster.

When buying a mixture for surface treatment, you must look at the characteristics of the composition indicated by the manufacturer on the package. It shows the exact flow rate of the mixture per 1 mm.
It should be noted that the consumption of the finished mixture will be an order of magnitude less than dry. However, the first option is purchased for processing small areas. If you need to process a spacious room, it is better to buy a dry mix. This option will be more economical. To purchase the optimal quantitymaterials, a simple calculation should be made. It is necessary to determine the consumption of putty, which is indicated by the manufacturer, and multiply this figure by the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Increase the result by another 10%.
Consumption of different types of mixtures
Finish putty can be spent in different ways. This indicator is influenced by the type of surface, composition and professionalism of the master. To create a layer with a thickness of 1 mm, you need to spend 500 g of dry mix per 1 m².
You should also compare the consumption of different formulations. To finish a drywall base per 1 m², 1.1 kg of dry cement mixture is required. Gypsum putty for such a surface will require only 1 kg. The polymer material is considered the most economical. Its consumption under similar conditions will be only 0.5 kg.
Most often, the consumption of dry mix per 1 m² is 1.2 kg with a thickness of 1 mm. However, technology does not stand still. Today, gypsum putties are widely used for interior decoration. So, the consumption of a similar composition produced by Knauf is only 1.1 kg with a layer of 3 mm.
Preparation for plastering
Having chosen the right composition, you need to consider how to apply the finishing putty. First, the dry mixture is kneaded in the proportions indicated by the manufacturer. Then you need to spray the surface of the wall with a spray gun. It is wiped with a sponge. Next, you need to cover the surface with a primer or an aqueous solution of PVA glue. To prepare it, this composition is mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 9.
Apply putty
Using a spatula, the finished mixture in a verticaldirection is applied to the wall crosswise. The selected area of the surface must be carefully processed. At the same time, it is important to provide high-quality lighting. All the unevenness of the wall should be visible.
Using a wide spatula, the created layer must be stretched. It is also wiped periodically with a damp cloth. You don't need to press hard on the tool. It should be at a minimum angle. It is necessary to monitor the thickness of the layer. When the entire surface has been treated, it must dry. Then, using fine-grained sandpaper, the surface is treated, eliminating even minor irregularities from the layer.
Having considered how to calculate and apply the finishing putty, everyone will be able to do this work efficiently and quickly.