Before you start finishing the surfaces in the room, they should be leveled. Different technologies are usually used for this, but the one that involves the use of appropriate cement-based mixtures remains the most popular. Among others, it is necessary to highlight the basic putty "Prospectors", which meets the relevant requirements for such building mixtures. First, the composition is easy to apply. Secondly, it is quite simple to process. Thirdly, it can be used to form a moisture-resistant durable coating.
What happened at the beginning
The production of such ready-to-use mixtures began by the Starateli company back in the nineties. Technologists took samples of imported mixtures as a basis, which have proven themselves well in work. The base base is made from cement and sand. Fillers are modifiers and plasticizers.

Prospectors basic putty is a dry mix of white cement that expands the area of use and speeds up the work. When compared with gray Portland cement plasters, the described composition has a light beige color, so finishing can begin immediately after the starting putty has dried.
If we consider the product in terms of composition, then "Prospectors" can be attributed to dry plasters. However, one of the important differences here is plasticity, which is characteristic of putties. This indicates versatility. The mixture combines moisture resistance, leveling properties that are characteristic of gypsum putties and plasters.
Using the base putty "Prospectors", you can take advantage of another important advantage, which is expressed in the possibility of gluing wallpaper without additional puttying the starting layer. This saves money and time.
The composition of the described mixture contains purified sand, the fraction size of which is 0.4 mm. The recipe provides for the addition of gypsum and ground clinker. There are additives in the mixture that prevent shrinkage and improve elasticity, and also help repel moisture. The mixture contains polymer plasticizers and additives.
Starting putty is a modified mixture, because marble flour, fine sand and cellulose ethers are added to it, which helps to retain moisture and allows you to apply the composition in a layer up to one centimeter.
Main properties and reviews about them

Basic putty "Prospectors" is made on the basis of a time-tested recipe. Among the main features of the product are:
- plasticity;
- water resistant;
- high adhesion.
As for plasticity, the mixture can be smeared with a continuous thin layer, which is the main advantage. Application can be carried out with putty tools such as a spatula or grater. On large planes, the composition is leveled without slipping and scuffing.
Reading the reviews about the base putty "Prospectors", you can understand that it is quite often compared with gypsum putties, which have less impressive adhesion to a non-primed surface. Consumers also like the water resistance. When dried, the layer does not form pores. It is easy to grind until the grooves and bumps disappear.
You can use the material both outside and inside the premises. It does not crack if applied in a thick layer. The mixture does not shrink. In this regard, according to consumers, it can be used to level walls with large differences and flaws.
Specifications and consumption

The characteristics of the base putty "Prospectors" are truly outstanding. This is what makes the mixture so popular among consumers. The operating temperature range is quite extensive and varies from +5 ˚С to +30 ˚С. Basic putty "Prospectors", technicalwhose characteristics are described in the article, begins to set 1.5 hours after cooking.
In order to get the optimal consistency, you need to mix a kilogram of the mixture with 0.3 liters of water. The superimposed layer should have a thickness of up to 10 mm in one pass. You may also be interested in the adhesion force to the base, which is 0.25 MPa. The consumption of the base putty "Prospectors" per 1 m2 is 1 kg. This figure is correct if the thickness of the applied layer is 1 mm.
Use Tips: Surface Preparation

Working with any type of plaster mixture, you can achieve a good result if you properly prepare the surface. There should be no crumbling areas on the walls. If the coating peels off, it is removed. Painted walls are cleaned with graters, scrapers and rags. First, the layer must be softened with a building dryer.
Brick or concrete walls are cleared of splashes, influxes of mortar, lime and cement laitance. The base must be free of dust. Compressor units are usually not used for this, wide brushes are better suited. Cracks should be cleaned to remove crumbling material and puttied.
At the final stage of preparation, it is necessary to apply a primer. It is chosen depending on the porosity of the base. For foam concrete, for example, deep penetration soil is suitable. For ordinary concrete, acrylic-based film-forming compounds should be purchased.
How to mix and apply mortar

To mix the solution, it is recommended to assemble a plastic container with a smooth inner surface. Water is poured there, and then the dry mixture is poured out. This sequence must be observed, because otherwise you will have to deal with lumps. A small amount of the mixture must be stirred by hand. But to cope with a large volume, you can only use a mixer.
The amount of solution is calculated from the amount of work that you plan to complete in an hour and a half. The putty is mixed twice. After pouring the mixture, it is stirred with a mixer until dry lumps get wet. The solution is then left for 5 minutes, then the procedure is repeated. These simple manipulations allow the mixture to ripen.