It is impossible to carry out decorative finishing and prepare the walls for further work without putty. These compositions may differ from each other in terms of granularity, form of implementation, and some other parameters. Such a variety of putties was created so that in each case it would be possible to choose the most suitable material. For example, for external and internal work, different mixtures will be needed.

According to the purpose, putties are divided into:
- universal;
- finish;
- starter.
The latter have high grit, good adhesion and excellent strength. They are used to level walls with differences up to 15 mm. The finishing putty is applied after the starting one. It is used for final cladding before decorative finishing. Such compounds have a smaller grain size, therefore, they allow you to create a perfectly smooth and even surface.
Problem Solving
In terms of strength, the finishing composition is inferior to the starting one, and its application can be carried outlayer up to 5 mm. Among other market offers, Shitrok putties should be especially highlighted, which will be discussed in the article.
Consumption and some characteristics of SUPERFINISH

This composition costs 1200 rubles. for 17 l. Its base is a polymer. This finishing mixture can be applied in layers up to 2 mm thick. Drying time is 24 hours. The composition is intended for walls and ceilings. Application can be carried out indoors. The grain size is 0.03 mm. Excellent "Shitrok" is suitable for painting and wallpaper. The application temperature can vary widely, but the minimum is 13 ˚C.
Consumption of "Shitrok" in this case is 1 liter per square meter. The putty is ready to use and can be applied to mineral and plastered surfaces. With the help of the composition, cracks in masonry, plaster and concrete can be repaired. If you have plasterboard walls, then the seams between the sheets can be sealed with connecting tapes, applying the described mixture on top.
It is also used for finishing corners with the help of appropriate corner elements. The first layer is applied to the metal surface, after which you can start applying the finishing layer. Excellent "Shitrok" copes with gluing drywall sheets. The material can be used indoors with normal humidity.
Consumption and some specifications of Danogips Fill & Finish Light

This formulation is ready to use andhas a universal pasty consistency. Polymer putty is used to create a high quality surface suitable for wallpapering, painting or decorative coatings.
Consumption of "Shitrok" in this case is 1 liter per square meter. This is true for a layer thickness of 1 mm. The mixture is excellent for leveling plastered or sheet materials, painted or previously puttied surfaces, fiberglass or tongue-and-groove plates. Suitable for finishing seams on gypsum boards with thin edges.
Corners can be processed with Shitrok using paper-based accessories. The consumption of Shitrok is not all that you should know before starting work with this material. He is lightweight. This parameter is 30% less than that of ready-made classic finishing compositions. Differs in the reduced shrinkage, is easily plastered by hand.
Shitrok's consumption is low, but many craftsmen ask themselves how much repairs will cost before starting work. You can calculate the costs yourself if you know that for one square meter of such coverage you will pay about 35 rubles.
Vinyl acetate and ethylene copolymer act as binders in this case. The fraction varies from 20 to 25 microns. The maximum layer thickness is 3 mm. When operating Shitrok, the consumption per m2 of which you know, it should be borne in mind that the material is able to withstand up to 5 cycles of freezing and thawing.
Drying time per coat is approximately 24 hours. The final value will depend on humidity, air temperature and layer thickness. The consistency before starting work should be homogeneous, in connection with this, the composition should be mixed. Among the main advantages of "Shitrok" should be highlighted:
- ready to go;
- lightness;
- convenience of manual plastering;
- minimum layer thickness;
- frost resistance.
Applying technique
Shitrok putty, the consumption per m2 of which was mentioned above, can be used to level surfaces. The base must be dry, free from dirt, dust and looseness. Significant differences up to 6 mm should be leveled with putty. To work on an absorbent surface, prime it.

No priming required when used on drywall. The consumption of "Shitrok" per 1 m2 is not all that the master should know. For successful work, you must know how continuous puttying is carried out. To do this, a layer of material is applied to the surface and smoothed with a spatula. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. The putty is sanded by hand using sandpaper. The resulting surface is treated with soil. After the primer coat dries, you can proceed to further finishing such as wallpapering or painting.
Instructions for finishing seams

The material is applied with a narrow spatula to the joint. Next, apply to the surfacetape, which should be fixed without pressure with a spatula. For best results, paper tapes from the same manufacturer should be used. Putty accelerates along the tape from the middle to the edges.
The tape is glued by removing excess layer from under it. The surface must be leveled and left to dry completely. Next, use a wider spatula, applying a layer over the tape. It should be wider than the previous one by 5 cm on each side. As soon as the layer dries, you can proceed to continuous leveling.
Use putty when processing internal and external corners
Shitrok consumption per 1m2 is known to you. However, before starting work, you should also learn about corner processing technology. It is necessary to prepare a piece of a corner or tape in advance. For a perfect result, use professional corners from the same manufacturer.
On the surface on both sides of the corner it is necessary to apply a layer of putty with a narrow spatula. A corner or tape is fixed on the surface. Under the tape, disperse the material from the middle to the edges. So you can stick the tape and remove the excess layer, level the surface. Next, you should wait for complete drying. Then you can apply a layer of tape or corner using a 30 cm trowel. Once the layer is dry, you can start continuous filling.
What else you need to know about the application technique

The consumption of Shitrok putty is almost always the same if you follow the layer thickness. Material should only be wornindoors. Each layer must dry well before applying the next. The grouted seam must be dry before decorating or staining.
If you decide to use the dry sanding technique, then a paper grain of 240 units will do. For decoration and painting, follow the manufacturer's instructions. All surfaces must be clean, dry and matt before applying paint. Paints must be completely dry before decorating. The surface of drywall sheets should be covered with a thin layer of putty to equalize suction before painting in areas where plasterboard walls and ceilings will be exposed to natural side lighting or artificial lighting, followed by painting with a semi-gloss or gloss paint. When using dry sanding, sanding the outer paper layer of GCR and paper tape should be avoided.
In conclusion

The consumption of the finishing "Schitrok" will be approximately 1 liter per square meter of surface. The layer thickness should be approximately 2 mm. But this is not all that the master should know. Among other features of the work, it is necessary to highlight wet grinding. It involves the use of a damp sponge. This process is good because it does not contribute to the formation of dust. When wet sanding, a dense polyurethane sponge is the most successful material.