Many gardeners tend to plant a healing herb - creeping thyme. This is an absolutely unpretentious plant, it tolerates severe frosts and drought well. Grow thyme, planting and caring for which are quite simple, can be in any area. The soil is prepared in the same way as for many other plants. The best yields of medicinal thyme can be obtained by planting the plant in a well-lit area where cold air currents do not enter.
Planting thyme

This plant develops quickly in loose fertile soil without weeds. If you have chosen thyme as a houseplant, planting and care will not cause much trouble. Growing seedlings at home is quite difficult, so it's easier to buy ready-made flowers in a specialized store or nursery. Small seeds germinate for a long time - almost a month, and in the first year the plant develops extremely slowly. If seedlings are sown in the garden, seedlings are easily lost among weeds. If you chose to sow seeds, the best time for this would be early spring or late autumn, undersnow. They are buried to a depth of about 0.5 cm. With a limited amount, sowing is carried out in bowls or pots at home, and the grown seedlings are planted in open ground with the onset of heat. If you grow thyme in this way, planting and care is no different from cultivating directly in the open field.
How does thyme grow?
Thyme grows well at home, on the windowsill in a cool room with sufficient lighting. Breed it

can be done vegetatively - by disconnecting the bush. In the spring, it is divided into separate shoots, each of which must have roots. Prepared seedlings should be planted in moist soil to a depth of 5 cm. In an adult thyme bush, the lower branches spread along the ground, they can be separated throughout the entire growing season and planted for growing in a separate pot or small nursery. Some varieties of creeping thyme are easy to propagate with cuttings about 5 cm long. In the spring, such branches are rooted in greenhouses. If thyme is planted in this way, planting and care are provided for it, as well as for an adult plant. It is important to prevent waterlogging of the soil so that the cuttings do not rot. Rooting occurs after 3 weeks,

survival rate is almost 100%. For grafting, annual branches of creeping thyme are suitable, which have managed to become woody.
Thyme Creeping Care
If you planted creeping thyme in the garden, planting and caring for it will not be in yourburden. All work basically boils down to timely weeding from weeds, loosening the soil between rows and periodic fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. If, when planting seedlings, ripe compost or horn meal was introduced into the soil, top dressing can be omitted for two years. Young seedlings in the first few weeks should be lightly shaded from the burning sun and watered on dry days. To prevent rotting of the roots and shoots of thyme, good drainage is done when planting, and the soil is mulched with fine gravel.