Creeping thyme, more popularly known as thyme, has been used by man for more than one century. Our distant ancestors knew this plant not only as a fragrant seasoning, but also as a powerful medicine that copes well with various problems. As a result of the study of the composition of this herb, many of its amazing properties have been scientifically confirmed.
General information
And indeed, the chemical composition of thyme or thyme is so rich in vitamins that it is simply amazing. The healing properties of this plant are also due to the presence of choline, cymol, thymol, ascaridole, ursolic acid, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron and selenium in it.

The uniqueness of thyme is that it is a powerful natural antibiotic that can cope even with Staphylococcus aureus. Creeping thyme helps to normalize the nervous system, has a calming effect, and with frequent use, it perfectly copes with insomnia, depression and even bad mood.
This plantoften called Bogorodskaya grass. Creeping thyme is widely distributed throughout Europe. It is a low-growing semi-shrub culture, the stems of which grow only up to fifteen centimeters in length. They, creeping along the ground, form a dense cover. The stems and leaves of this plant exude a spicy delicate aroma.
Creeping thyme belongs to the Lamiaceae family. The plant is a perennial crop. Its flower-bearing branches, erect or slightly raised, form tufts.
The leaves of thyme have an elliptical slightly oblong shape. They are about 5-10 mm long. Their width is from 1 to 3 mm. The leaves grow on short petioles, in the glands of which there is a high content of essential oil. Inflorescences form compact heads with narrowly bell-shaped cups.
Creeping thyme blooms during August with very small flowers that are collected in capitate inflorescences. Today, this plant can be found not only in the wild in nature, but also in many household plots. Most gardeners actively grow creeping thyme. Photos of this plant during the flowering period can be found in many landscape design magazines. Due to the dense interweaving of its stems, lanceolate leaves and purple or lilac buds, the plant forms a real bright carpet.
The most common varieties
The following varieties of thyme are most often grown in our gardens: "Colchis", "Donna Valley" and "Silver Queen".

The last in the family is considered the tallest variety. The length of its stems reaches 20 cm. The leaves of this creeping thyme are painted in a grayish-white color. The variety "Donna Valley" forms a dense carpet of stems, light yellowish leaves and pink flowers in the clearings all summer. Unpretentiousness is another of the undoubted advantages that characterize creeping thyme.
Planting and care
Photos of this amazing herbaceous plant do not convey the amazing spicy aroma that it exudes. But on them you can see how good thyme looks in flower beds and rocky hills, as a border, etc.
Growing creeping thyme does not require a lot of work and trouble from the gardener. This is evidenced by the numerous reviews of those who planted this culture on their site. But in order for creeping thyme to develop well, planting and caring for it must be carried out in compliance with certain agrotechnical conditions. Only in this case, this herbaceous plant will bloom and fully possess medicinal properties.

First, you need to decide on a place. A flower bed for thyme should be chosen on a site where there is a lot of sun. With a lack of light, creeping thyme will lose its visual appeal - its stems will stretch, the leaves will be crushed, and flowering will not be so long and plentiful. Bogorodskaya grass should be planted only in fertile land. The soil should be light, well conducting moisture. Its acidity level should be neutral.
Before planting, the land in the flower bed should be processed in advance. In the fall, the soil will need to be dug up and limed. To do this, dry lime should be added to the soil and mixed well. Immediately before planting, a substrate should be prepared from river sand, black soil and humus. At the same time, organic fertilizers will need to be applied: this can be compost or last year's manure.
There are two ways: seedlings and seeds.

In the latter case, planting material is planted in open ground in the spring, when both the soil and the air are already slightly warm. When propagated by seeds, the average temperature should not be less than +13 ˚С. The flower bed is dug up again, the earth is mixed with the substrate prepared in advance and leveled. Then the seeds are planted. After that, you need to water them and sprinkle with a thin layer of sand. After the seeds have germinated and grown (up to about three centimeters), they can be planted. The optimal distance for thyme to develop normally is about thirty centimeters.
Another way creeping thyme is propagated is by planting pre-prepared seedlings. It has been grown independently from seeds in small containers since mid-February. The depth of the containers should be 10-15 cm. Holes should be made in the containers, drainage should be laid in layers, a substrate of leafy soil, peat, humus and sand, moistened and seeds should be placed in them. To speed up the germination of the container, it is recommended to cover it with glass. Containers must be placed inbright warm place. Seedlings are transferred to open ground at the end of April.
Basic care rules
Creeping thyme is not at all difficult to grow in the garden.

In order for the thyme to fully develop, it should be watered twice a week. At the same time, it is not necessary to fill the flower beds with a large amount of water: the soil should be soft, not wet. Another prerequisite is the timely removal of weeds. Creeping thyme care also consists in constantly loosening the soil. To get a beautiful appearance of the bushes, they need to be pinched from time to time. This will also stimulate the appearance of young shoots. As a result, the bush will become more lush and voluminous. In autumn, the stems should be shortened slightly to improve the decorative qualities of this herbaceous plant.
In principle, creeping thyme can not be fed. However, in order to improve its appearance and dense cover, urea is supplied to the plant in spring. In the second year, many gardeners recommend feeding with complex mineral fertilizers. Creeping thyme reacts well to wood ash. It is also periodically applied to the soil.
Ash is believed to help reduce acidity.
Diseases and pests
Proper planting and care of thyme will protect the plant from problems. Thyme is an unpretentious crop, so growing it is not at all difficult. In the open field, thyme can be attacked by pests such as aphids, weevil, sandy lingering or meadow moth. You need to fight pests with the help of special insecticidal preparations. You can prevent their appearance by following the rules for caring for thyme - removing weeds, loosening the soil. The list of activities also includes timely liming and fertilization.
Most of all, creeping thyme is susceptible to fungal diseases. Most often, this ailment contributes to improper care, especially excessive watering or lack thereof.

In landscape design
Creeping thyme grows well in cultivation. It can be placed in a rocky garden or in a mixborder in the foreground. Often the plant is planted among the slabs on the paths, on the slides between the stones or in the gardens, stylized as a Mediterranean style. It is decorative even after flowering is complete. Today, several variegated forms have been bred, as well as species with a strong anthocyanin coloration. Skillfully combined varieties will help when creating compositions.

This unpretentious plant can be grown at home. To do this, pour some drainage into the pot, add earth, plant a few seeds and cover again with a layer of soil. Having moistened well, you should wait for the first shoots, and then thin out. Creeping thyme will not only decorate the windowsill, but will also delight the owner with a he althy harvest.
A few tips
Thyme can't stand acidic soil. It is usually grown on carbonate and other neutral substrates with a light to medium texture. the bestThe predecessors in the open field for thyme are winter crops or pure fallow. The soil should be dug up at a depth of 27-30 cm. This plant is useful for the garden. It is not difficult to grow, as it is adapted even to harsh climates. With proper care, creeping thyme can be used as a decoration for the garden, as well as an aromatic spice and raw material for medicinal tinctures.