How to make a basement in the garage?

How to make a basement in the garage?
How to make a basement in the garage?

The cellar is an important object for everyday life. Here the owners store various preparations, food. The basement can be equipped both in the private house itself and in a separate building. For those who live in an apartment, the second option will be the only option.

The basement in the garage can be arranged independently. For this, it is necessary to consider detailed instructions for the construction. Each stage is performed in a specific sequence. Only if all the recommendations and requirements of sanitary and building codes are followed can a high end result be obtained.

Sequence of actions

When studying how to make a basement in a garage, you must first consider the sequence of steps in this process. Preparation begins at the design stage of the garage. It will be much easier to do this at this stage than to subsequently dig out the cellar already in the finished building.

Basement garage
Basement garage

You should also prepare the necessary equipment, materials. Next, a plan for future construction is drawn up. Its arrangement is carried out according to a certain technology. At the first stageit is necessary to scout the features of the soil on the site for construction.

Based on the research, a basement project is created, drawings are prepared, and the required amount of materials is calculated. After that, you can start earthworks.

After arranging the pit, create a floor, walls and ceilings. Installed hydro and thermal insulation. Ventilation is installed. At the final stage, you should purchase a ladder and carry out lighting. Racks and boxes are being installed.

Soil Features

Before creating a garage project with a basement, it is necessary to carry out reconnaissance activities regarding the characteristics of the soil on the site. The choice of construction methods, as well as the equipment involved, will depend on its density.

If the soil is loose enough, you can dig a pit by hand. However, it often happens that the ground on the site is solid. It is difficult to dig it out with a shovel. In this case, it will be necessary to provide for the possibility of using an escalator. Special equipment must be free to drive up to the construction site.

basement garage project
basement garage project

It is also necessary to know the level of groundwater in the area. If such sources come close to the surface, it will be necessary to provide a layer of high-quality, thick waterproofing. The foundation in this case will be poured with high-density monolithic concrete. In addition to the depth of groundwater, it is necessary to find out to what level the soil freezes in winter. The choice of basement insulation system depends on this.premises.

Preparation for construction

After exploration work, a project for a garage with a basement is created. The depth of the pit should be 1.7-1.9 m. The width inside the room should be 2-2.5 m. Experts do not recommend increasing this figure.

Drawing up a drawing of the room indicating all dimensions will allow you to calculate the required amount of materials. The distance from the walls should be about 50 cm. This is how much space the waterproofing layer will take.

Walls in basement garage
Walls in basement garage

If the foundation is of a strip type, the level of the base of the room must exceed 30 cm from its mark. This option can be chosen only if the calculations confirm that such work will not harm the building. The surface of the strip foundation can be used as a wall.

The plan should indicate waterproofing, ventilation system. The most practical option for creating an entrance would be a hatch with a ladder. If the basement area is large, concrete steps can be built.

Types of cellars

All cellars can be divided into two types. In the first case, a house is being built with a basement and a garage, which make up a single structure. In the second option, the garage and basement will be at a certain distance from the main building.

How to make a basement in the garage
How to make a basement in the garage

The pit can be completely buried or only half. The choice depends on the characteristics of the operation and the capabilities of the owners. If groundwater is close to the surface, the owners can createsemi-buried pit. Its walls are poured out of cinder-block. They can also be laid out of brick. The depth of the pit is only about 70-90 cm.

Fully buried pits are very popular. Their depth can be 1.5-3 m. Groundwater should not come closer to the base of the basement than 50 cm.

Creating a pit

Building a basement in a garage requires excavation. This work is hard enough. Therefore, it is best to perform it together with partners. Sometimes it is possible to dig a basement pit by hand using shovels.

If the ground is dense, you will need to resort to using an excavator. However, it will be possible to do this before the construction of the garage. If it is already built, it will be almost impossible to bring equipment inside the building.

Basement garage construction
Basement garage construction

The pit should have small dimensions. Its walls and floor should be well compacted. This simplifies finishing work. If, during the arrangement of the pit, it turns out that the groundwater comes closer to the surface than expected, it will be necessary to immediately lay a thick layer of insulation. It will be easier to mount if the base has been well levelled.


Building a garage with a basement involves careful selection of materials. They differ in cost. The fastest way to make walls is with reinforced concrete slabs. This is one of the most expensive options. Finishing with monolithic concrete will cost less. You can also use high-quality burnt red brick. This material hasacceptable cost. Slag concrete and silicate brick are not recommended.

How to build a basement in a garage
How to build a basement in a garage

To make a foundation, you will need to purchase M100 concrete. You can also prepare the solution yourself. For this, cement grade M400 is purchased. It is mixed with gravel and sand. The solution is poured into the floor, and the walls are also finished.

Formwork is assembled from solid solid boards. For waterproofing, you can use the method of laying several layers of roofing material on molten resin.

Finishing the floor

When considering how to build a basement in a garage, you need to study the technology of creating a floor. The base after finishing will rise by several tens of centimeters. First you need to lay a pillow of sand. It should be 20 cm thick. The pillow is laid in layers. Each of them needs to be tamped down. If necessary, sand is mixed with water.

How to make a basement in the garage
How to make a basement in the garage

You can strengthen the bottom of the pit with a layer of gravel. Its thickness should be about 25 cm. It is also well compacted. The floor can be concrete, dirt or clay. In the first option, reinforcement is used. This is the most reliable way. The screed should dry well.

Clay flooring is considered an inexpensive and environmentally friendly option. The first layer of clay should be thick. It is lined with waterproofing. Next, the second layer of clay is poured.

Dirt floor is less reliable. The earth is poured onto a sand cushion and waterproofing. It is well packed.


Walls in the basement of a garage can be made from solid materials. It can be reinforced concrete or foam blocks. The second option is easier. Concrete walls require the use of reinforcement. The mesh is assembled without welding. Next, you need to make formwork. For this, ordinary boards are used.

Before pouring concrete, a layer of clay must be poured between the walls of the pit and the finish. The thickness should be about 15 cm. It is especially important to perform this procedure in areas where groundwater comes close to the surface.

Concrete for walls should be M400 strength class. You can add some gravel to it. The solution is poured into the formwork gradually, in layers (20 cm each). They should be bayoneted. The solution is poured to the level of the future overlap. The finish should dry well naturally.

The use of foam concrete blocks speeds up and simplifies the process. In this case, it is not necessary to install waterproofing. Job done quickly.

Hatch and ceiling

When learning how to make a basement in a garage, you should pay attention to the arrangement of the floor. It must be durable. The floor must support the weight of the car that will stand on the base of the garage. The use of a reinforced frame and a concrete slab is best suited for these purposes.

basement garage design
basement garage design

If the cellar is small, the ceiling can be made of durable boards. From the inside, the ceiling must be well insulated. The roof has a hatch. Its roof should be double.

Next, you can install a ladder. She goes to the first cover from the basefloor in the cellar. If desired, the stairs can be laid out from foam blocks. The room in this case should be large.


The basement in the garage must have high-quality waterproofing. Otherwise, the whole building will not be durable and reliable. Since the cellar is completely underground, waterproofing must be of very high quality.

If the soil is dry, you can get by with a bituminous variety of insulating materials only. And in this case, its hot variety is used. Surfaces are coated with a layer of bitumen.

For wet soils, in which there is a high probability of raising groundwater, another method will do. In this case, the surfaces are pasted over with rolled roofing material. It is made with the addition of bituminous mastic. If necessary, during the wear process, this material can be easily replaced. Repair will not take long.

Waterproofing is laid on the base of the floor. It is also planted on the walls to a height of about 15 cm. This will avoid the processes of decay inside the room.


Ventilation in the basement of the garage is an important element of the building. Without it, dampness will accumulate inside the basement, a fungus will appear. It will become impossible to store products in such conditions. The ventilation plan must be drawn at the stage of creating building drawings.

You can make natural or forced ventilation. In the first case, the cost of effort and time will be minimal. This will require two pipes. On one of them, air will flow into the cellar, and on the second - out ofpremises. The outlet of the supply pipe should be located at a distance of 20 cm from the floor. Its other end is brought out into the street and covered with a protective visor and a net. The chimney should lead out 20 cm before overlapping.

Forced ventilation involves the installation of special equipment. The costs in this case will be higher. This system is necessary for a large cellar. For a small basement, you can choose natural ventilation.

Completion of construction

The basement in the garage requires the installation of high-quality thermal insulation. Otherwise, all stocks will freeze in winter. Insulation material is mounted on the inside and outside of the walls. In this case, condensation will not form.

In some cases, the basement will need to be heated with a stove or similar equipment. This will keep supplies at temperatures below -10ºС outside the garage walls.

Next, you can conduct lighting. It shouldn't be too powerful. For this, a simple housekeeper will do. The wires must be characterized by a high class of insulation. All connections must be made using modern types of terminals. The switch should be installed inside the garage. It can also be installed in front of the entrance to the basement. It is desirable to protect the light bulb with a plastic case. This will prevent the damaging effects of moisture on it, reduce the risk of a short circuit.

Having considered the technology of how to create a basement in a garage, everyone will be able to perform a similar procedure on their own. Following the recommendations of professional builders,you can create a reliable, durable structure. The blanks will be stored in it until spring.
