Finishing ceilings has long ceased to be associated with painting and the use of whitewash. Modern apartments are increasingly being designed taking into account the installation of stretch fabrics, which are distinguished by their aesthetic appearance and resistance to physical influences. In parallel with this, lighting technology is also improving, as can be seen in the example of LED devices. The combination of two innovative solutions allows for a stylistically original effect. You just need to choose the right design concept and install the fixtures in the stretch ceiling, taking into account the technical nuances. The market offers many options for devices that differ not only in appearance, but also in the way of installation and the supply of light.
Choosing from traditional fixtures

If modern ceiling designs, despite the high cost, quickly endeared themselves to the average man in the street, the new lighting means do not yet have a noticeable advantage over classical solutions. Therefore, for tension structures, the usual chandeliers and lamps with lamps are often used.incandescent, as well as halogen and fluorescent models. There are no special obstacles for such a combination, however, some features of operation should be taken into account.
The fact is that the fabric used in the decoration is sensitive to thermal effects, for this reason, a thermal insulating ring should be provided even at the installation stage. This addition will protect the tension structure during the heating of the lamp. However, you can do without a thermal insulator if the power of the lamp does not exceed 20W. Such models are usually used for small rooms. For example, for the nursery, office and bathroom.
LED strip lighting

Diode tapes are worthy competition to traditional light sources. In this case, you can count on getting soft diffused lighting, which is best suited for living rooms and rest rooms. The greatest effect is achieved if such a tape is provided on a high ceiling with a matte finish. But this option requires competent electrical work, since LED lamps for ceilings in the form of ribbons are a whole complex of light bulbs. The main task is to ensure the optimal operating mode of each light source in such a way that the effect of a sliding glow is created. In other words, you should get an even and balanced coverage of the surface with soft light. The color of the radiation can be any, in this regard, manufacturers do not skimp on a variety of decorative solutions for LED strips.
Specialstretch ceiling fixtures
For those who want to initially insure against the risk of installation errors, it is worth recommending special fixtures designed for installation in a ceiling with a tension structure. It must be emphasized right away that in terms of operational properties and external design, this can be a completely familiar model, reminiscent of classic devices. There are also many original solutions. For example, a ball-shaped lamp fits organically into the canvas, providing a pleasant and unobtrusive dispersion. A feature of such devices is the design, designed for installation in a ceiling tension niche. To do this, the developers endow the lamps with the ability to adjust the reflector horizontally and vertically. There are also devices with moisture protection and steel materials in the case.

Firms that specialize in stretch fabrics quite often offer installation of spotlights as an additional service. This solution is really very beneficial both for aesthetic reasons and for the reliability of the design. The device recessed into the ceiling niche is distinguished by its small size and the ability to create interesting highlights in the adjacent area. But if you install spotlights in the stretch ceiling of a spacious and high room, then the amount of radiation may not be enough. This is one of the main disadvantages of such devices. They are good as an element of decor, but they are not suitable as a full-fledged source of light for large rooms. The output could bea combination of spotlights and a full-fledged chandelier.
Classic luminaire mounting
A feature of the installation of traditional lamps is that the attachment point is provided with the necessary devices even before the installation of the stretch fabric. A typical example is when a hole is first drilled and a hook is attached, and then the ceiling is installed. Next, an incision is made in the canvas through which the cable is passed. After that, you can fix the chandelier. There are other methods of fastening. For example, a ball lamp may provide for planar mounting. In this case, you must first install a wooden block that will match the tension cover. The rest of the work is carried out according to the usual scheme. There are other approaches to installation, but they all involve close interaction between the fixing system and the ceiling structure already at the level of the rough surface.

Installation of recessed fixtures
This type of installation is less troublesome, but requires precision and accuracy. After the tension fabric has cooled down and acquired operational properties, work can begin. A special rack is mounted at the place of the future installation. Further, a round profile is applied to it. A piece of canvas is cut along the contour of this device, which is glued to the rack. This will allow you to run the cable and make the connection. It should be noted that the installation of recessed fixtures allows you to implement a lot of decorative solutions at the installation stage. In particular,the hole formed for wiring can be decorated with a border or frame made of heat-resistant materials. Also, the profile itself can carry an aesthetic function.
What to consider during operation?

There are no special requirements for the care of luminaires in a stretch ceiling, but it is advisable to follow the general requirements. The mounting area must be protected from dust and moisture. When performing repair work, it is recommended to protect it with a casing or a special film. To make chandeliers and lamps last longer, experts advise using damping materials in the very niche of the ceiling. However, this function is usually performed by a heat or sound insulator, which is laid at the heart of the structure. Thanks to these materials, vibrations are reduced, which increases the working life of the fixtures.

The use of stretch fabrics is aimed at performing decorative functions. Therefore, fixtures in the stretch ceiling should be installed as a stylistically appropriate addition. The range of offers on the market of lighting devices is so wide that a model suitable in shape and color can be found for any room. Do not forget the design features. For example, the ability to adjust the reflector, the presence of thermal insulating materials in the body, compact dimensions are only a plus for the light source for the stretch ceiling.