Roller blinds are able to protect the room from bright light, and also fit perfectly into the interior. What makes them especially attractive is the use of impregnation to repel dust and prevent pollution, as well as the compactness of the canvas. The last factor is relevant for curtains both assembled and unfolded.
During the operation of such an interior item, many housewives think about the question of how to wash roller blinds. The process is simple, but has some nuances. Care is different from the usual washing of curtains and curtains. From the classic washing in the washing machine will have to be abandoned. For some of these curtains, washing is completely contraindicated. These curtains are hand washed. For washing, you will first need to remove the box in which the collected canvases are located.
Washing and rinsing. Hostess Tips

Before you wash the roller blind, you should familiarize yourself with the features of such work. Work is best done inbath filled with warm water, where you can first add detergent. The procedure must be performed by gradually unwinding the roll. You must wash part of the canvas with a soft sponge, brush or rag, folding in the reverse order. The process should be carried out carefully, unfolding the roll and cleaning it from both sides.
After you finish washing, the product must be unrolled completely to rinse the fabric well. The soap solution is washed off with a shower head. You can fill the tub with clean water and submerge the canvas several times. After that, the curtain should be left in the bathroom in a straightened form until all the water flows.
Before purchasing the described canvas, you should ask how to wash the roller blind. At the final stage of cleaning, drying in expanded form should be carried out. The material is left upright. If conditions permit, it can be laid out horizontally. The canvas should lie without overhanging the edges. You can collect moisture from it with a dry cloth. There is no need to wait for the final drying. The product is hung in its place, while the canvas unfolds, and the window opens.
Care recommendations: what products to use

Now you know how to clean a roller blind. But before that, it is important to ask about what tools are best to use. They should be selected taking into account that the fabric is not damaged during washing, because it is impregnated with special substances. Modernmanufacturers offer for sale special products that are designed for materials impregnated in the form of antistatic. But there is no need to specifically purchase a special substance.
For washing, you can use any product that does not contain chlorine. This includes liquid soap or laundry detergent, laundry soap is perfect. Before washing, the product dissolves in water. If you decide to use detergent, it must be completely dissolved, otherwise the solid particles will scratch the canvas and damage the coating. Saturated soapy water should not be used. The minimum amount of detergent should be taken. This will be enough to clean the material. Soap solution should not be left on the surface for too long.
How to wash a curtain without taking it off

Quite often, young housewives wonder how to wash roller blinds on plastic windows. If it is not possible to remove them, then washing can be done in this way. It is better to use a washing vacuum cleaner for this.
First, the fabric is unfolded and wiped with a cloth to remove dust. Using the instructions for the vacuum cleaner, you should apply detergent to the curtain, distributing it over the entire area. In order for the detergent to act on the material, it is left for up to 5 minutes, and then it is well collected.
The canvas must be dried unfolded. You can wash the curtain by hand. To do this, use a soft sponge and detergent solution. Spongethe fabric must be gently wiped, and then remove the detergent with another sponge dipped in water. This will remove any remaining soap solution. The procedure can be repeated several times, changing the water after each approach.
Dry cleaning features

Before washing fabric roller blinds, you should make sure that they are suitable for wet cleaning. Otherwise, you can use dry cleaning. This is also true for the case when you are afraid that frequent washing can make the material fragile. Such cleaning can be done more often, because it is quite easy. To do this, once every 2 weeks with a dry cloth, you can wipe the surface to collect dust. Do not use hard rough cloth. Napkins or rags should be soft.
You can moisten the napkin a little. If you are concerned about the question of how to clean and wash the roller blind, then for dry cleaning you can use a vacuum cleaner, with which you can simply and effectively clean the canvas. You should use this method no more than once every three months.
Wet cleaning

Curtains are very useful and wet cleaning, which is carried out instead of washing. The roll can be left on the window. The most suitable material is soft flannel. You will need three wipes. The first one will be wet. It is moistened in a soapy solution and wipe the surface well. The second cloth must be soaked in clean water without detergent. This will collect the soap solution. ATthe third time the surface is wiped with a dry cloth.
How to remove stains

Now you know if roller blinds can be washed. But care can consist not only in traditional cleaning, but also in removing stains. It is easier, of course, to prevent their occurrence. To do this, the lower edge of the curtain rises slightly, which avoids unpleasant consequences in the kitchen and in the nursery. But if spots were still noticed on the surface, then the problem can be solved.
If the stain did not penetrate the fabric itself, but remained on the surface, then it can be removed with an eraser by rubbing the contaminated area with it. An alternative would be a stain remover. It should be selected according to the same principle as detergents. A product that does not contain chlorine is suitable.
When working with a stain remover, you should study the instructions. If the stain remover did not help, then you should not be zealous and repeatedly wipe the material. So you can damage it. The most rational solution in this matter will be qualified assistance provided by a dry cleaner.
Maintenance of day-night curtains

If you are among those who wondered how to wash roller blinds day and night on plastic windows, then the following recommendations will help you. In general, they are similar to those presented above, but there are some additions. The easiest way is to remove dust with a vacuum cleaner. However, for thisYou will need a special brush head. If you have Zebra roller blinds, you should also know how to wash them. Cleaning should be regular. If you need more thorough care, it is better to use wet cleaning.
It is not necessary to remove the product from the window. Before washing the windows, the fabric is raised, and only after the glass has dried, the canvas can be lowered. When caring for fabric roller shutters "Zebra" they are dried in expanded form. When wet cleaning, the material is not recommended to be twisted, crushed and rubbed, otherwise the structure will be broken and cause deformation. The stain remover must be based on natural ingredients, while solvents are strictly prohibited.
Polyester Curtain Care
When drying polyester, after washing, it is left on the surface so that there are no bends, creases and folds. The resulting defect cannot be corrected. It is not recommended to iron the fabric, but if necessary, you can walk along the surface of the seams with the nose of the iron, laying an ironing net or gauze on top.
Before washing polyester roller blinds, you should remember when the last time such cleaning was done, because washing too often can affect the fabric negatively. It may lose color and deform. It is absolutely impossible to squeeze the curtains in the washing machine. Not suitable for cleaning surface stains:
- gasoline;
- acetone;
- solvent;
- aggressive stain removers.
Recommendations from hostesses
Leave detergent residue on the materialit is impossible, otherwise stains and stains will appear on the dried canvas. Roller blinds should not be dried in an unfolded or twisted state. Do not leave them on the heater or battery. This also applies to direct sunlight, as well as hot exposure from the stove. Hanging canvases near the oven is not recommended. It is better not to hang curtains when wet on the window.
In conclusion
Along with Roman blinds and blinds, roll-curtains are gaining more and more popularity today. They are used not only to protect the premises from excessive sunlight, but also in the design of modern interiors of premises for various purposes. In order for such a decor item to last as long as possible, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for the canvas. It can be made from a variety of materials, but such products have one property in common. It lies in the fact that the fabric at the production stage is treated with a special compound to repel dirt and dust. It is clear that washing such a coating will not benefit.
Roller shutters should be wet cleaned as little as possible. Roller blinds can be made with your own hands, but in this case, a fabric is selected that will be especially wear-resistant. In this case, you can erase it without restrictions.