Paths between beds: options, manufacturing process

Paths between beds: options, manufacturing process
Paths between beds: options, manufacturing process

The paths between the beds can decorate any garden, transforming it beyond recognition. The main thing is that they look aesthetically pleasing. But the passages in the garden also have a purely practical function - they protect plantings from weeds. To design a summer cottage is within the power of any gardener on their own. How to do it right?

Material selection

Whatever material the gardener chooses, the paths between the beds should be comfortable, practical, durable and safe. Cost also plays an important role. What properties should the material for country paths have? Factors for choosing paths between beds:

  • resistance to damage and temporary changes;
  • tolerance to low temperatures and seasonal weather fluctuations;
  • ease of care;
  • durability;
  • ability to repair if needed;
  • track load;
  • general design and relief of the site.

When choosing paths, do not plan them near trees and bushes. The roots of these plantations can destroy any cover. Also, paths in places where a lot of water flows down are undesirable.

How to cover the paths between the beds? All country paths are divided into hard and soft. Tosolid include wood, concrete, brick, stone, as well as a variety of tiled. Soft ones are bulk made of sand and other materials.

Paths between the beds
Paths between the beds

Rubber modules

A new and convenient material for paths between the beds - these are crumb rubber modules. This material is made from used rubber, which is subjected to grinding. The material has excellent characteristics:

  • the path of this material is beautiful;
  • the track is completely safe - it does not slip in wet weather;
  • easy to assemble without the involvement of specialists;
  • has a long service life - at least 10 years;
  • withstands temperature fluctuations - extreme heat and severe frosts;
  • resistant to harmful effects, not susceptible to fungus and mold;
  • permeable - rain water is quickly absorbed;
  • environmentally friendly - no emission of substances hazardous to he alth;
  • repairable - if necessary, the desired section is changed.

Unfortunately, the material is not without flaws:

  1. High cost - at least 1500 rubles. per sq. meter.
  2. Combustibility of rubber, which makes its use impossible in the area of contact with open fire, for example, near the barbecue.

In addition, the ease of assembling the material may be a disadvantage for the owner, since the tile can be quickly and easily stolen by attackers.

How to lay paths between the beds
How to lay paths between the beds

How to install rubber tiles yourself?

Installation of crumb rubber tiles is simple and accessible to every gardener. Tiles with parameters 500 x 500 mm, 30-40 mm thick are suitable for giving.

  1. Editing begins with the preparation of markings for the track.
  2. Next, the sod layer is removed and all weeds are removed. The soil is removed to a depth of 140-200 mm, the trench is rammed.
  3. Then, small gravel is laid by 70-100 mm. A layer of cement and sand (70 mm) is poured on top. You can do with just sand. However, cement will give strength.
  4. Installing rubber curbs.
  5. Special bushings are placed in each tile. Prepared modules are stacked, docking them together. It is not necessary to make a slope for water to escape, as water will easily seep through the tiles and into the gaps.

The smaller thickness of the rubber modules is not suitable for making tracks. They are used to renew old coatings such as concrete.

Concrete paths

Decoration of suburban paths with concrete is a very popular way to improve a summer cottage. This is a convenient and economical method. The concrete coating looks, of course, not very attractive, but it is not without reliability and stability.

Stages of construction of a concrete path between the beds (you can see a photo of this coating option below):

  1. The cord stretched between the pegs is marked. The width of the walkway for pedestrians is 50 cm. For wheelbarrows, 70 cm will be required. When planning the curb, its width is also added.
  2. Remove the top layer of earth 15 cm thick.
  3. Geotextiles are laid on the bottom.
  4. Installing curbs.
  5. The bottom is laid with sand, filled with water, leveled and compacted. The thickness should be 5 cm.
  6. Crushed stone is poured on top of the sand with a layer of 5-7 cm. Cover with a reinforcing mesh. Rebar allows you to use half the amount of concrete.
  7. Pour concrete.

It is important that the concrete pavement has a slight slope or is slightly convex. This is necessary for the flow of water. The surface of the finished track should protrude 3-5 cm above the ground.

Paths between beds
Paths between beds

Pouring concrete

Before you pour the formwork, you should make sure that the separating elements are installed in it. They should be placed every 1-1.5 meters. Suitable plates made of metal or plastic. After drying, they are removed.

For pouring, you can buy mobile concrete. Alternatively, you can make your own concrete mix. Recipes vary:

  • cement and sand in a ratio of 1:3, plus water;
  • for one part of cement, two parts of sand and crushed stone, water;
  • for one part of cement, three parts of sand and gravel, water.

Clay is added for elasticity.

Water is added in such a volume that the finished solution can slowly drain. The finished mixture fills the entire formwork to the brim. For uniformity, pierce with a shovel or rebar.

The top is lined with a rule or a board. Cover with a film, which is removed after 5 days. The formwork is also being removed.

Paths between the beds in the country
Paths between the beds in the country

How to decorate concrete

Noteveryone loves the gray, boring look of concrete. By showing imagination, the tracks can be given an attractive and original appearance.

Concrete path decoration options:

  1. To diversify garden design, paths can be made not straight, but with smooth and beautiful curves.
  2. Brick can be added to concrete. For example, lay it around the edges.
  3. When mixing concrete, add special coloring pigments.
  4. Apply liquid glass impregnation to the surface.
  5. Decorate concrete with interesting stones, pieces of tile, pressing elements into the base.
  6. One day after pouring, apply grooves on top that imitate tiles or stones.

These simple tricks will help decorate the paths between the beds and add zest to the design of the garden area.

Paths between the beds so that the grass does not grow
Paths between the beds so that the grass does not grow

DIY concrete tiles

To get a beautiful concrete path, you can use ready-made casting molds.

To do this, prepare the base - just like for a regular strip of concrete. Then proceed to create the track:

  1. The base is spilled with water.
  2. The molds are covered with grease from the inside.
  3. Lay the molds on the sand, pressing a little.
  4. Sprinkling with water.
  5. Pour the finished solution into the mold. If necessary, a pigment is added to the solution in advance, as well as a plasticizer.
  6. Compacting and leveling.
  7. After 30 minutes, the form is removed and moved to the next section.
  8. Covered with a film that can be removedin 5 days.

Other designs

Paths between the beds, so that grass does not grow, can also be made from other materials. Brick paths are beautiful.

Paths between beds photo
Paths between beds photo

For their manufacture, you can use brick, preserved after construction work. Unfortunately, the service life of such tracks is short. If you want to extend it, you can purchase clinker bricks.

In addition to hard ones, gardeners also make artificial paths. Such transitions are difficult to maintain, but they are much easier to make, and their cost is much lower.

Suitable for backfills:

  • gravel;
  • rubble;
  • broken brick;
  • small tree bark.
The path between the beds with their own hands
The path between the beds with their own hands

To make a backfill path between the beds (it's easy to create such beauty as in the photo with your own hands) you need:

  • dig a trench to a depth of 20 cm;
  • compact the soil;
  • lay out the bottom with geotextiles;
  • make plastic borders;
  • add a mixture of gravel and clay, compact;
  • pour sand;
  • fill in the prepared material, wetting it (except for the bark);
  • tamp the surface.

Roofing felt, a layer of sawdust, shavings, cardboard are used as economical coatings for paths between beds in the country. Such embankments are temporary. But they do not allow weeds to grow. Sawdust and bark can be composted in autumn.

Some summer residents came up with an interestingway to control weeds. They sow green manure between the beds. As soon as the plants grow up, they are cut down and left on the soil to fertilize them.

These are the main ways to create country paths between the beds. It remains only to make a choice and start creating. Good luck!
