Lack of space for flowerpots with plants is a fairly common problem among indoor flower lovers. If you no longer have a free window sill, and there is a cactus on each bedside table, then we recommend that you make several flower shelves yourself. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and we will try to help you with this. In our article, you will learn all about how to make DIY flower shelves that will allow you to place several pots.
Variety of materials and solutions
Thinking about how to make a flower shelf on the windowsill with your own hands? Any indoor plant lover will tell you that such structures are not just a place to place plant pots, but a real decoration for your interior. If you choose the right design for a shelf for flowers, then it willnot just to harmonize with the composition of your room, but also to complement it in every possible way. Well, to create a really interesting product, you can use various materials (wood, metal, plastic, plywood, and so on), as well as all kinds of processing methods.
In addition, depending on the type of plants, shelves for them can be floor or wall. Also, structures can be divided into several types depending on the number of pots that are planned to be placed on them:
- Single. As a rule, such shelves are attached to the walls or to the ceiling with a special rope. On such shelves, small densely flowering bushes, climbing greenery or cacti look great.
- Double. Can be mounted on the wall or stand on the floor. Before building such a shelf, you must first select several crops with the same care rules.
- Many seats. In most cases, such shelves are placed on the floor or occupy a large section of the wall. You can not be afraid to put heavy pots with a variety of plants on them.
In addition, all these options are divided into a huge number of varieties depending on size, location, design, material and so on. Any shelf can be beautifully decorated with beads, tinsel or garlands. In general, the appearance of a decorative product is limited only by the imagination of the author.
Metal and wood floor shelf
If you decide to make a floor shelf for flowers with your own hands, then you simply cannot find a simpler option. For the manufacture of such a structure, a metal frame is usually used, and the shelves themselves are made of wood. This combination allows you to significantly save on building materials, but at the same time it will be possible to make the structure as durable and decorative as possible.

To make a frame with your own hands, it is best to purchase thin reinforcement with a cross section of no more than 1 centimeter. You should also prepare electric welding and a grinder with disks in advance so that you do not have to be distracted during the work. To make the structure strong, it is necessary to build it according to pre-prepared drawings, since even the slightest mistake in the calculations can lead to inconsistencies in the parts.
After you manage to weld the steps together, as in the figure, you can proceed to the decorative part - the manufacture of the back wall. To bend metal of this shape, you will have to heat it in a forge to a high temperature or contact the forge for help. After that, it remains only to weld the parts together and paint them with black paint.
Wooden parts are easy to make. It is enough to take some kind of board or sheet of plywood, and then cut out the squares of the desired size. Do not forget to process the saw cuts with sandpaper or a jigsaw so that no one gets hurt about them. They can also be further painted or varnished to increase their durability and give them a more decorative appearance.
Wooden floor shelf
To make this floor flower shelf you will needuse only wood - no metal frame. The first step is to draw up a competent drawing, which would take into account not only the number of parts, but also their dimensions. After that, it is necessary to cut out all the necessary slats with a jigsaw or a circular saw and process them with stain or varnish.

Machined parts are connected to each other with a screwdriver. Remember that the dimensions of the fasteners should not exceed the thickness of the parts, otherwise the screw will simply stick out from under the shelf. To give the shelf a decorative look, you can use special soft nozzles that are screwed together with screws. However, their color should not stand out too much against the general background.
For many florists, just making a wooden flower shelf with their own hands is not enough - they use various decorative elements to give it originality. In this case, such an element is a small fence in the background, which is quite simple to make even for an amateur. After that, all that remains is to attach the fence to the back (you can also from the front), and then place your green pets on the shelf.
Step-ladder for plants
If you have ever made a stepladder at home, then making a wooden flower shelf in the form of a ladder with your own hands will not be difficult. To do this, you just need to make a simple frame and cut out three shelves of different sizes from plywood.

"Skeleton" of the futureThe shelf consists of four one and a half meter beams, which are fixed to each other with screws in the upper part. As for the shelves, there can be three or even four (depending on the size of the pots and the height of the flowers). In stepladders, the connection is made using couplings and grooves, but ordinary screws will suffice here. Once you've made the platform locations, you can also add some more steps at the back to give the structure some extra decorative touches.
You can also use stain or paint to process the structure. However, do not forget that the color should be in harmony with your interior. Also, when choosing a shade of paint, it is necessary to take into account what material the pots are made of. For example, white plastic will look too dazzling on a white staircase. In this case, it is better to paint the structure brown or just varnish it.
Multilevel iron shelf
Don't know how to make a window shelf for flowers with your own hands? The main rule that should be followed in this case is that the design should be as lightweight as possible so that your window sill can withstand it. To do this, the shelves must be made in the form of light metal lattices.

If before that you have ever de alt with a grinder and electric welding, then it will not be too difficult to make the same design as in the picture at home. Most importantly - do not forget to draw up a drawing and do all the work in stages. I.efirst weld the frame, and only then add rods to it.
To make the shelf as beautiful as possible, do not forget to process all the welding spots with a grinder, and also paint the shelf with paint. As you can see, you can not only put pots on such a design, but also hang them with threads. Such a product will be the envy of any passer-by, and the flowers will feel great even in winter, receiving enough sunlight.
Two square wall shelf
Making a shelf for flowers on the wall with your own hands is quite simple, since the design, as a rule, does not differ in anything special, and the only difficulty lies in attaching the product to the wall. However, the master class from our article will help you understand the manufacturing steps in as much detail as possible.

First, you need to make the shelf itself - there should be no problems with this. We just cut out eight meter parts from a sheet of plywood, after which we cut two of them in half, since the assembly must begin with the central square. The main parts are connected to each other with screws, and all the rest - with glue
As soon as the structure is ready, we make several holes in the wall with a drill (it is best to use a thin drill first, and only then a thick one), after which we hammer dowels into them, on which our shelf will be hung. To give the product a more vintage look, you can use special grout paint.
Small compactshelves
Another DIY option for making flower shelves on the wall. They are ideal for accommodating small flowers that grow in small pots, such as violets. Wood is the best material to use as it is strong enough to work with a jigsaw.

To make beautiful carved shelves, it will not be enough just to make drawings. You also need to be able to beautifully transfer all the details with a pencil on a tree, so that later you can cut out the contours with a jigsaw. It's easiest to cut out the top part as it's flat and has no holes. But with the "legs" you have to tinker.
As soon as all the work is completed, we glue the parts together and leave them alone for about a day. After that, you will need to paint them yellow or red and hang them on the wall with self-tapping screws. It remains only to arrange your flowers in their places and enjoy the beautiful sight.
Shelves for flowers on the street
We have already considered several options for how to make do-it-yourself flower shelves on the floor. However, this design deserves special attention from readers, since its purpose is to decorate a garden plot.

To make such beauty, you will need to use several types of iron parts. For example, for legs it is best to use durable metal that will stand firmly on the surface, but the very plane for potscan be made from twigs so that the production costs are not so large. In addition, if you decide to make a flat metal surface, water will accumulate on it, which will lead to corrosion. Using wood is also not an option, as it will dry out and warp in the sun even if you varnish it.
It is also necessary to add corners on the legs so that the structure does not diverge to the sides when loaded. Two diagonal reinforcements should be additionally welded to the back of the frame, which will protect the frame from strong winds. After welding, all that remains is to process all the problem areas with a grinder and paint the structure with paint to protect it from rust.
Glass flower shelves
In recent days, glass structures have become increasingly popular. If you have always dreamed of making a flower shelf on the windowsill with your own hands, then you should definitely consider this option. Of course, for the manufacture you will need to purchase a lot of expensive materials, and the process itself is quite complicated, but the game is worth the candle spent on it - we assure you.

All the difficulty lies in fixing the glass with the frame. To do this, each plane must have metal corners, softened with a special material from the inside. As for the frame, its manufacture should not cause you any particular difficulties. You can make it from metal or wood, but the first option remains morepreferred. Most importantly, do not forget to make special holes or lunges in the design that will allow you to place glass on them.
Special attention should be paid to safety during the manufacturing procedure. Do not forget that you are working with a very fragile material, so carry out all actions with extreme caution. Even a small sudden movement can cause the glass to simply crack. As for the pots that can be placed on such a shelf, they should be as lightweight as possible. It is best to put those flowers on the window that are in a plastic pot with a light substrate so that the glass does not experience unnecessary stress.
Don't be afraid to experiment
To create a really unusual and beautiful composition, don't be afraid to experiment with different materials during the workflow. It is not necessary to strictly follow the instructions. It will be enough to read one of the sections, highlight something useful for yourself from it, and then combine the new information with the idea that you already had. Well, or you can find those shelves that were presented in our article, a completely different purpose.
Designs made from several materials at once look rather unusual and decorative. For example, you can combine wood and glass with each other, creating some kind of transparent cube on which your flower will stand, and inside you can place some kind of funny figure. Some designers make up entire compositions from such cubes, after whichThe main decoration of the interior is not a houseplant, but a flower shelf.
Also, do not forget about the "hanging" options. These shelves are perfect for sprucing up a kitchen or bathroom. It will be enough to screw some kind of cornice to the ceiling and make several wooden planes with holes in the corners through which the rope will pass. Most importantly, don't be afraid to arrange the flowers at different heights to give the arrangement a more beautiful appearance.
Don't forget to decorate your piece after it's finished. For example, on the eve of the New Year, you can put tinsel or garlands on the shelves with flowers, giving your apartment a New Year's mood and an unusual appearance. Who said that monstera cannot replace our Christmas tree or pine tree? Well, or you can just decorate the shelves with beads or other materials that are sold in any stationery store. Decoration options are virtually endless!
Video and conclusion
We hope our article helped you figure out how to make shelves for flower windows with your own hands. If this information seemed not enough for you, then we recommend watching a short video in which a man makes one of the simplest designs for flowers in the form of a plywood Christmas tree. Each stage of the work is clearly explained by the master, so after watching you will almost certainly be able to repeat all the actions of the author of the video at home.

This concludes our article. As you have noticed,There are a huge number of different options for flower shelves, which differ not only in functionality and appearance, but also in purpose. Some are made for violets and cacti, others are more suitable for weaving plants. Whatever the case, creating something truly unique is not difficult if you know exactly how to do it.
Which shelf did you like the most? Share your opinion, especially if you managed to make such a design at home. Perhaps you will be able to help one of the novice masters with practical advice, after which someone on the other side of the planet will remember you with a kind word.