How to install concrete sockets

How to install concrete sockets
How to install concrete sockets

An integral part of the power supply system of any building are wires and devices that allow you to receive electricity for the operation of all electrical appliances in it - sockets. To correctly distribute all the wires and fix them, you must first install concrete sockets in the wall.

I would like to note that all socket boxes are made of materials of increased fire resistance - PVC, polypropylene, polyamide.

socket boxes for concrete
socket boxes for concrete

Size and shape

Structurally, all concrete sockets, although they have differences in external shape (round, rectangular, square), are usually made in the form of an open case on the front side with holes for the entry of wires and cables, fixed latches and plugs.

Standard sockets and switches are made for a certain inner diameter of the socket, which varies from 60 to 68 millimeters. It is important to pay attention to the depth of the box, it can be different, designed for installation inwalls made of hard materials or drywall.

socket boxes for concrete price
socket boxes for concrete price

Sockets for concrete are produced with a depth of 4-8 cm. For ease of installation in the wall, electrical installation products are produced with mounting frames located both vertically and horizontally.

Sometimes you need to install more than one outlet, but several, or several outlets and a switch (especially convenient in the kitchen). Both single socket boxes for concrete and block ones are produced. Single ones have special side protrusions for serial connection, but it is more rational to buy a ready-made block right away, it is easier to install. All products must be of the same diameter and the distance between them must be the same (71 mm).

Installation of socket boxes

The process of installing boxes in concrete has its own characteristics, since their correct installation depends on how ready-made sockets and switches will look.

The first step in this process is to prepare the holes in the concrete. If the holes are planned to be made with a puncher, then diamond crowns can be used, thanks to which a perfectly even hole is obtained. If reinforcement is found in the place chosen for installation, then it can be cut with a grinder.

concrete sockets dimensions
concrete sockets dimensions

When installing concrete sockets, the dimensions of the holes are made such that the box does not fall deep, but does not protrude from the wall either. Strobs in concrete for wires must fit from the side of existing holes.

The next step is to installsocket box. Alabaster is considered the most suitable solution for mounting the box, as it quickly hardens and the final outlet can be installed very quickly. First, the space behind the box is poured with a solution, then on the sides, a socket box is inserted and the excess is removed with a spatula. Make sure the box is flush with the wall. The socket or other equipment can be installed as soon as the solution is dry.

Price options

The range of installation boxes presented on the construction market allows you to choose the desired shape, size, color and completeness. At the same time, the price for concrete sockets ranges from the minimum (up to 10 rubles) for domestic ones to several hundred for imported ones (Legrand).
