Growing honeysuckle. Every gardener can propagate this shrub

Growing honeysuckle. Every gardener can propagate this shrub
Growing honeysuckle. Every gardener can propagate this shrub

Have you ever tried honeysuckle? The propagation of this shrub is mainly carried out by fans of an unusual berry. Those who love a tart, sour taste.

honeysuckle breeding
honeysuckle breeding

They are famous for honeysuckle. It can be propagated if you have suitable conditions on the site. Let's look at what, as well as the main properties and features of this unusual shrub.

Cultivation and propagation of honeysuckle. Is this possible in your area?

You probably bought the seedlings of this shrub by mistake. No need to despair. Indeed, even without the slightest experience, it is possible to grow delicious honeysuckle in your garden. You will deal with its reproduction a little later. In the meantime, let's plant a shrub and learn how to care for it. It is quite unpretentious, and a necessary condition for its cultivation is the bright sun, as well as the shading of the root zone. Forty-degree frosts honeysuckle easily tolerates.

honeysuckle honeysuckle reproduction
honeysuckle honeysuckle reproduction

Extremely resistant to pests. This is an ideal plant for the Siberian climate. Best fitvarieties "Cinderella" and "Gzhelka". They are cross pollinated. And if they are planted side by side, this problem will be solved. The distance between the bushes should be about one and a half meters. Although honeysuckle has a fairly compact root system, it extracts nutrients from the soil quite actively. Therefore, it is better not to put this shrub in conditions where it will have to compete for the resources contained in the soil with other plants. After the seedlings were in the holes, and you carefully covered them with earth, you do not need to water immediately. Only the next day. Subsequently, it is desirable to water during dry periods, pouring water directly under the root of the plant.

honeysuckle breeding
honeysuckle breeding

After the seedlings take root and grow, you need to prune: trim the live shoots and remove the dried ones. This will not only affect the appearance of the honeysuckle, but will also help you harvest without problems later. Mineral fertilizer should be applied no more than once a month. Loosen regularly, being careful. The air flow will not interfere with the roots. But mechanical damage can damage the plant. If you follow all the conditions for caring for a shrub, you will get a beautiful and he althy honeysuckle. It will be possible to reproduce it later without problems. Just in case, you can treat the plant with natural plant adaptogens. By planting this shrub along the fence, you will ennoble the appearance of the site, close the problem areas of your hedge.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle: reproduction and benefits

Berries will appear onshrubs in the third year after planting. They are sweet and sour, sometimes tart or bitter. From them you can cook jam, compotes, jelly, add to pies. Honeysuckle is extremely useful: it treats hypertension and beriberi. It helps people with skin diseases to cope with exacerbation. From the fruits used to make jam, it is better to remove the seeds. These seeds can be taken for propagation. First, it is recommended to harden them in the cold, keeping them in wet sand for a while. Then germinate in a box and land on the beds. Seedlings should be cared for according to the standard program, watering and weeding. In autumn, transplant to a permanent place and mulch with peat, sawdust, humus.
