Honeysuckle is not only a beautiful garden shrub, especially during its flowering period, but also a very useful plant. Its fruits contain a whole range of useful components: vitamins B and C, iron, pectins, rubidium and antioxidants. Compote or jam can be cooked from these miraculous and tasty berries, but the beneficial properties of fruits are best preserved when they are frozen. That is why this plant is so popular among gardeners. However, many do not know how to propagate honeysuckle in their area. And there are several ways to do this.

Basic landing conditions
The height of the honeysuckle bushes reaches two meters, and the diameter of their crown is up to one and a half meters. Honeysuckle loves light, organic-rich soils. This plant does not tolerate waterlogging and does not bear fruit in the shade. Before planting, the site must be dug deep and carefully removed.rhizomatous weeds. Fertilizers must be applied to the soil: 4 kg of manure and 3 kg of peat per 1 square meter.

Planted honeysuckle in the second half of September or in the spring. Bushes should be located at a distance of one and a half meters from each other. The landing pit should have a size of 60x60x50 cm. Planted bushes must be watered and mulched with humus, sawdust or peat. In the future, the mulching process must be repeated periodically, because. honeysuckle garden has a superficial root system. Sanitary pruning is done for young bushes, and branches are rejuvenated for old ones, cutting them to a strong growth. The vegetation of the plant begins in early April, flowering - in early May, and by the end of May the first berries appear. Autumn warming often causes repeated flowering. Honeysuckle is winter-hardy, and its flowers can withstand temperatures down to -3°C.

How to propagate honeysuckle with horizontal layers?
In early spring, even before the buds wake up, old branches are removed from the mother bushes. Then the soil is loosened under the plants. Some of the young branches are gently tilted to the ground and secured with hooks. After germination of 6-8 cm shoots from the buds, they are spudded 4 cm with moist, loose earth. After about a couple of weeks, the hilling process is repeated, bringing the height of the earth layer to an average of 10 cm. When hilling the layers again, it is necessary to feed them with mineral fertilizers or slurry. digging outlayering produced next spring.
How to propagate honeysuckle with green cuttings?
Cuttings are rooted in containers with a sand-peat substrate (ratio 1:2). The best time for planting cuttings is June. Cuttings are made from overgrown shoots. They are cut into 2-3 internodes up to 10 cm long. A lower cut is made under the kidneys, and the upper one is 1.5 cm away from the node. The lower leaves are removed, and the top pair is left. Boxes with cuttings are placed in a well-insulated greenhouse. Cuttings must be systematically sprayed, preventing them from waterlogging. At the end of autumn, the boxes are moved to the basement or insulated.
How to propagate honeysuckle from seeds?
Sow seeds in a dive container, preferably in spring, in a substrate of equal parts of peat, sand and soddy soil. The seeds are covered with sifted humus or washed sand, the layer of which should not exceed 0.5 cm. The container is covered with glass, and then the propagation of plants by seeds is carried out in a greenhouse or room. Seedlings are dived after the leaves appear. Young plants are planted in open ground in spring.