Eastern codling moth: what is dangerous, description, photo and control measures

Eastern codling moth: what is dangerous, description, photo and control measures
Eastern codling moth: what is dangerous, description, photo and control measures

Gardeners are seriously concerned: there is a threat to lose the harvest of fruit trees. And the reason for this is the eastern codling moth. Why is this harmless-looking butterfly dangerous? The main danger is not only that this insect is capable of making devastating raids on gardens, but also that it is extremely prolific and can spread very quickly. Therefore, in order to save not the remains of the crop or be left without anything at all, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the fight against a malicious butterfly. And for this you need to know her way of life, the characteristics of reproduction, measures to combat it and methods of protection. All this - further.


Eastern codling moth
Eastern codling moth

Oriental codling moth, which is called peach because of its special love for peaches, is not very large: its wingspan is about 1.1-1.5 cm. There are pearly strokes on the front wings of a gray-brown color, and on the hind, light brown wings, there is no such decoration. There is a grayish-white fringe along the edges of both pairs of wings. The difference between females and males is body size: females are somewhat longer.

Pest caterpillars reach a length of 0.9-1.1 cm. At the first stagetheir body is white and their head is black. As they mature, the caterpillars change their body color to red and their heads to brown.

Features of reproduction

Eastern codling moth than dangerous
Eastern codling moth than dangerous

The caterpillars survive the winter in cocoons, from which they emerge at the beginning of spring. When stone fruit trees bloom, butterflies begin to fly. A little later, when the fruits begin to ripen, the butterflies will lay their eggs. They choose leaves, shoots and, of course, fruits for this. Each individual can lay from a hundred to two hundred eggs. After 5-10 days, they will hatch into larvae.

Having hatched, the caterpillars penetrate the young shoots through the upper buds. Then they gnaw out an exit hole, which they use to move on to the next shoot. The ability to feed inside the shoot is inherent only in the eastern codling moth - this is what distinguishes it from other similar pests.

Damaged branches begin to wither and subsequently dry out. Those larvae of the eastern codling moth that have fallen on the fruits bite into the pulp, not hardened bones and seeds. Moreover, on one, for example, peach, there can be up to 10 of them.

After the feeding of the caterpillars is finished, they begin to pupate, choosing for this damaged shoots, fruits or any other shelters in the crown of trees. After a short period of time, butterflies emerge from the pupae. In just one season, an adult butterfly can give 4-6 generations. Moreover, by the middle of the season, the first generation is already laying eggs, so you can meet all stages of a harmful insect at the same time.

Thenthe time when the codling moth begins to multiply massively, it can completely destroy the entire crop of peaches, and quince and pears - by 70-75%.


Eastern codling moth control measures
Eastern codling moth control measures

Although the homeland of the butterfly is the eastern part of Asia, in particular China, Korea, Japan, today it can be found on almost all continents of the planet, with the exception of Antarctica. How could an insect cover such distances? And it moved not on its own, but with the help of man: during the transportation of cuttings, seedlings and fruits around the world, almost imperceptible larvae and eggs of a harmful butterfly were transported with them. Now, wherever quinces, pears, peaches, apple trees grow and bear fruit, the eastern codling moth appears. Photos on the Web depicting various fruits infected with insects of this species confirm the fact of its distribution on all continents.

Signs of infection

Eastern codling moth photo
Eastern codling moth photo

The eastern codling moth mainly lives on peach, but other fruit trees are also affected:

  1. Medlar.
  2. Almonds.
  3. Apple tree.
  4. Apricot.
  5. Cherry.
  6. Plum.
  7. Cherry.

It is not difficult to notice the appearance of a butterfly: in those places where the pest penetrates the fruit, gum appears, and the passages made under the bark are clearly visible. The caterpillars damage the fruits that have set, they, without having time to ripen, crumble from the tree. Yes, and those fruits that remained on the tree are already usually infected and quickly lose their presentation, which is why they are rejected and notallowed for sale.

Preventive measures

Eastern codling moth than dangerous to humans
Eastern codling moth than dangerous to humans

Prophylaxis can have a big effect. Of course, it will be effective in the first stages of infection, when the eastern codling moth has just begun to occupy the garden. What should be done to prevent a massive infection? The following measures have a great effect:

  1. Removal of dead bark from large branches and stems. If this is not done, then under the bark, in cracks, a huge number of caterpillars will remain to winter, and then next year it will be very difficult to fight the pest.
  2. Destruction of plant residues, including carrion. Moreover, you need to collect the fallen fruits every evening and do not leave them at night: at night, the caterpillars get out of the carrion to move onto the tree. Therefore, crumbled fruits must either be destroyed or buried very deep, at least 0.5 m.
  3. Disinfection of containers.
  4. Digging the soil in autumn, spring and summer, when the eastern codling moth is in the pupal stage. Moreover, it is necessary to dig not only around tree trunks, but also between rows. Such a measure will significantly reduce the number of harmful insects on the site.
  5. Regular cutting and burning of damaged shoots.

In addition, it is necessary to arrange baits in crowns to attract butterflies. And also to impose trapping belts made of corrugated paper, burlap or other materials impregnated with chlorophos on supports and boles of trees in order to catchcaterpillars, which, having got out of the crumbled fruits, are looking for a place to pupate or feed.

Biological methods

Larvae of the eastern codling moth
Larvae of the eastern codling moth

There are quite a few natural remedies that the eastern codling moth does not like. Measures to combat them require time and labor, but the destruction of such a serious enemy of any garden is worth it.

The following methods have proven themselves best:

  1. Making pheromone traps. Attracted by their smell, male codling moths fly in and stick to the trap.
  2. Use during mass oviposition of Trichogramma ovi-eaters. This is the name of the codling moth's enemies that parasitize on its eggs.
  3. Sprinkling trees 2 weeks after flowering. For this, it is necessary to use infusions and decoctions of wormwood. The treatment must be repeated 2-4 times. The interval between treatments is 5 days.
  4. 3 weeks after the flowering period ends, spray the trees with a special preparation. These are Sumialf, Rolovikurt, Intavir, Deltacid and others. After a couple of weeks, you need to re-treat, and a month later - the third.

Chemical treatment

Oriental codling moth on peach
Oriental codling moth on peach

Various chemicals are used when the insect has multiplied so abundantly that other methods of control were powerless. What is the eastern codling moth afraid of? Why is it dangerous for a person to treat a garden with chemicals? To prevent people or animals from being harmed,it is imperative to follow the instructions and recommendations of specialists. And the very first thing you need to know and observe: in no case do not cultivate the garden during the flowering period or during the harvest.

It is best to use the following preparations to kill the pest (the rates are based on 10 liters of water):

  1. "Trichlor-metaphos-3" - 60 g of a 10% drug.
  2. "Rovikurt" - 10 g.
  3. "Chlorophos" - 20 g;
  4. "Karbofos" - 60 g;
  5. "Chlorophos benzophosphate" - 60 g.

For each fruitful adult tree, you need to use 10 liters of solution, two liters are enough for a young plant. At the time of processing, all other plants must be covered with a film.


Eastern codling moth is a quarantine insect. All seedlings, cuttings and fruits that are imported into the territory of Russia, exported from it or moved around the country, must be checked by the state quarantine inspection. If even the slightest signs of insect infection of any type of product are found, it will be subject to disinfection, and in too severe cases, destruction.

Thanks to this, it is possible to localize the foci of infection and partially prevent the spread of the pest. This serves as proof that, despite the treachery of the table of a dangerous enemy, it is possible to fight it, and moreover, very successfully. The main thing is not to hesitate and not give up, and then you can find a way out of the most difficult situation and protect your garden and crops.
