Creeping Gorchak: photo, control measures

Creeping Gorchak: photo, control measures
Creeping Gorchak: photo, control measures

Creeping Gorchak (pink) is a perennial plant of the Astrov family, which has a reputation as an extremely dangerous weed. Gradually capturing the territory on which it settled, the bitterling displaces its cultivated neighbors, significantly reducing their productivity, as well as the quality of the soil. This is a real thunderstorm of agricultural land and gardens, with the appearance of which they are fighting in many countries. In Russia, bitter bitter belongs to the group of quarantine objects, the distribution of which is under special control.

creeping bitterness
creeping bitterness

General characteristics

In English sources, this weed is often found under the name "Russian cornflower" (russian knapweed). Indeed, outwardly creeping mustard, the photo of which can be seen below, is very similar to individual types of cornflowers. The plant usually reaches a height of up to 75 cm. Its branched stems with numerous oblong leaves are crowned with dark pink flower baskets that open in July and bloom until August.

Gorchak creeping - the plant is quite unpretentious. It loves warmth and light and is very drought tolerant. Its roots can grow to a depth of more than 10meters and feed on moisture, which is not available to other plants. In addition, this weed perfectly tolerates soil compaction and the accumulation of harmful s alts in it: carbonates, chlorides, sulfates. The only thing bitterness does not like is soil flooding, so it does not grow in rice fields.

creeping bitterness photo
creeping bitterness photo

Distribution and reproduction

Central Asia is considered to be the birthplace of the bitterling. From there, he came to the North American continent, gradually spreading to the territory of Canada and the United States of America. The plant was also brought to Europe - there are centers of its growth in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Poland, Germany and other countries. The insidious weed has even reached Australia! The only continent where bitterness has not been found to date is Africa. In Russia, it is found mainly in the southern and southeastern regions, most often in the steppe zone. It grows in cultivated and uncultivated lands, meadows, orchards, pastures and human settlements.

The weed has a powerful root, which is a vertical rhizomes from which horizontal shoots grow. It reproduces both by seeds and vegetatively - through the development of rhizomes and root shoots. In a year, one plant can spread to an area of up to six square meters. Creeping mustard grows in clumps, that is, dense thickets - from several tens to hundreds of stems per 1 square meter.

Creeping bitter pink
Creeping bitter pink

Biological characteristics and harm

Due to its root system, bitterwort tends to absorb several (two to five) times more nutrients from the soil than other plants. It is difficult for many cultures to resist the onslaught of a gluttonous neighbor - the soil dries up and becomes unsuitable for growth. Therefore, developing, the bitterling occupies from 50 to 80% of the territory, displacing other species.

Besides, the plant is poisonous! Its roots secrete phenol derivatives, which accumulate in the soil and contribute to the deterioration of crop growth. The aerial parts of the mustard plant secrete organic substances that inhibit the development of neighboring plants. Even if crops manage to bear fruit next to this weed, the quality of the resulting product deteriorates sharply. For example, if bitter seeds are found in the grain crop in an amount of 0.01% by weight, then the flour produced from such raw materials will turn out to be of poor quality due to bitterness.

Toxins in the weed make it unsuitable and dangerous for animal nutrition. The milk of cows that have been eaten with bitter taste acquires a bitter aftertaste. And for the life of horses, creeping mustard can even pose a threat!

What makes the fight difficult?

Gorchak is deservedly considered one of the most difficult to eradicate weeds, because it has the ability to wait out a period of adverse conditions at rest. When the soil dries up or the area where the mustard is plowed up, its ground parts die, as well as the roots located directly underground. However, deeper roots retain the ability to livefor several years, and when normal conditions return, the plant begins to actively revive.

fight against creeping bitterness at their summer cottage
fight against creeping bitterness at their summer cottage

Thunderstorm of farmland

Farmers are sounding the alarm and believe that mustard can pose a threat not only to food, but also to environmental security. It is very difficult to fight it, so task number 1 is to prevent its appearance and spread. One of the ways to clog the soil with mustard is to get its seeds along with the seeds of cultivated plants, so it is important to sow the soil with clean material. To do this, Rosselkhoznadzor specialists, as part of phytosanitary control, check grain and seeds transported and imported into Russia for the presence of mustard seeds.

However, preventive actions are not always enough, so new territories infested with this plant periodically appear. The discovered focus must be localized, and subsequently the creeping mustard must be completely exterminated within its limits. There are different measures to combat it: agrotechnical, biological and chemical. These include plowing the soil and pruning the root system, as well as the cultivation of certain crops in the weedy area. Often it is necessary to resort to the use of chemicals that are sprayed on the clogged area. However, the key to success is the complex application of the above methods!

bitter bitterweed control measures
bitter bitterweed control measures

How to fight on your own?

From the above it is clear that it is extremely difficult to resist this weed alone. Whatwhat should a man do if he finds this unfortunate plant in his garden? The fight against creeping bitterness at their summer cottage includes a number of activities that should be carried out in a complex. Single specimens must be removed manually, including its underground parts. If thickets of mustard are found, they must be completely mowed before flowering begins. Before preparing the soil for sowing, it must be carefully plowed, cutting the roots of the plant as deep as possible. The same is recommended to do in late autumn. If the site has not yet been mastered, it is better to do the procedure several times. The cut sections of the roots must be selected and destroyed. However, it is quite possible that the above measures will not be enough and soon the bitterling will begin to attack the site again.

It's all about the repeatedly mentioned root system, which allows the weed to revive even after 3-4 years. To completely defeat creeping mustard, it is additionally recommended to use chemicals - herbicides "Roundup" and "Hurricane". They are best processed on a warm and dry, but cloudy autumn evening, when the entire crop has already been harvested. The method of application is quite simple and comes down to spraying the stems with a solution of the drug. It is described in more detail in the instructions for a specific herbicide. Probably, for the complete destruction of the harmful plant, the treatment with chemicals will have to be repeated several times.

In conclusion, let us remind you that mustard is a quarantine weed, and if it is found, it is necessary to inform the local branch of the Rosselkhoznadzor! For failure to comply with this requirement, establishedlegislation, you can get a fine - this applies to both legal entities and ordinary citizens!
