Spider mite. Houseplant pest control measures

Spider mite. Houseplant pest control measures
Spider mite. Houseplant pest control measures

This is a real attack on our houseplants! The spider mite, which is becoming more effective every day, is a very small creature that cannot be seen without peering. It lives on the leaves of house plants. The shape of his body is rounded, and it is covered with tiny bristles. This parasite is usually brown or orange in color. Colorless specimens are very rare. In general, their color is constantly changing depending on habitat conditions.

spider mite control measures
spider mite control measures

These pests got their name because they weave cobwebs on the leaves. The parasite loves warm and dry places that have dust. Dampness spider mites just hate!

Spider mite. Parasite control measures

So, what do you need to know first of all, and how to deal with the parasite? Our tips will help you with this:

  1. In the premises where the spider mite appeared, measures to combat it should be taken, starting with air humidification. After all, famousthe fact that these parasites start up where the air is too dry. Raise the humidity!
  2. Then you need to determine if it is really a spider mite. Methods of dealing with it have long been invented, but if it turns out not to be him, then there is no guarantee that the means by which you will remove the pest will have an effective effect on the false tick! It's pretty easy to determine this. If it is this parasite that harms indoor plants, then, firstly, their leaves will be braided with cobwebs, and secondly, multiple white specks will be visible on them.
  3. houseplant pest control
    houseplant pest control
  4. Unfortunately, the tick is an arachnid, not an insect, so conventional insecticides designed for insects will not be able to overcome it. The easiest thing to do in the fight against this parasite is to thoroughly wash the leaves of houseplants in soapy water. Use laundry or tar soap. Flush your plants once every 20 days. In general, daily wet cleaning and spraying flowers with cool water will not be superfluous. Important! If you find a plant damaged by a parasite, be sure to isolate it!
  5. The fight against houseplant pests, of course, is not complete without garlic and onions! Prepare aqueous extracts of onion, garlic, Persian chamomile and dandelion. Treat flower thickets with them. Alternate these solutions to avoid pest adaptation to them. In addition, onion peel is a wonderful antiseptic. The tincture prepared from it will also effectively protect your plants from the parasite.
  6. Spraytheir flowers with solutions of "Intavir" and "Karbofos". After spraying, wrap the flower with a polymer bag. This will help you get the most out of it. In general, one of the most effective and most harmless to humans drugs for combating spider mites is Vermitek, Fitoverm, Aktofit.
  7. spider mite control methods
    spider mite control methods

    These are quite effective means, if everything is done strictly according to the instructions. However, they are powerless against the eggs of these mites and non-feeding females. That is why it is necessary to process plants, as they say, "until victorious".

So, the spider mite, the measures against which are carried out "not for life, but for death", is a fairly common small pest of indoor flowers. We advise you to prevent its appearance, initially correctly and conscientiously caring for your pets. Wipe them down every week, keep them dust-free, and humidify the indoor air as often as possible.
