Means "Global" from cockroaches: composition, instructions for use

Means "Global" from cockroaches: composition, instructions for use
Means "Global" from cockroaches: composition, instructions for use

For a long time, cockroaches were the scourge of all mankind - insects rapidly multiplied, and pest control was of varying success. No means helped to completely eliminate the problem, often after processing the premises, the number of cockroaches only slightly decreased for a while. But a month or two later, the situation repeated itself, and again hordes of insects crawled through the apartments, poisoning the existence of household members.

Why are cockroaches so hard to kill?

Cockroaches are very tenacious and unpretentious in everyday life. It doesn’t matter what they eat, they are able to survive for a long time by absorbing polyethylene or even their own excrement. Much more important for these insects is the ability to drink. That is why the main places of deployment of cockroaches are the bathroom and kitchen. They nest under gutters, under sinks, in baseboard crevices, etc.

Insect poisoning with various aerosols is recognized as ineffective, because cockroaches have one interesting feature: after inhaling harmful vapors, they fall into suspended animation, during which they do not breathe. But as soon as fresh air enters the room, the cockroach regains consciousness and runs away. ExceptMoreover, the young generation of insects, which is still in a special capsule, is not exposed to the aerosol at all and continues to develop, even if the female has died. That is, if a female pregnant with a capsule with offspring died somewhere in a gap, and you did not remove it from there, then with a hundred percent probability, young cockroaches will hatch and after a few molts turn into adult insects that will give new offspring and again fill the room.

global against cockroaches
global against cockroaches

During a long stay next to a person, cockroaches have developed the ability to get used to various poisons. That is why it is necessary to destroy the entire colony of insects in the house at once, because if this is not done, the next generation of pests will appear that have innate immunity to a particular poison. And so the old and seemingly proven methods of getting rid of parasites stop working.

Cockroach remedy "Global"

But everything changed with the arrival on the Russian market of the German-made "Global" from cockroaches. With it, it has become much easier and faster to get rid of unwanted neighbors, since it leaves no chance for cockroaches to survive. The poison from cockroaches "Global" combines quality, fast action and efficiency in terms of the destruction of insects.

global from cockroaches
global from cockroaches

Today every now and then there are new recommendations for getting rid of unwanted insects in the house. In the lists of effective drugs, the "Global" gel from cockroaches is in the lead, reviews about it are onlypositive, cockroaches disappear after the first application of the remedy. It is also noted that there are not many dead insects. Of course, individual corpses of insects come across, but the disgusting need to sweep out hordes of dead cockroaches disappears. They just disappear from the home.


Cockroach remedy "Global" is a dark beige paste (gel) in a 75 ml tube. The drug is in demand, in particular, also because it is very economical - one package is enough to process an apartment up to 70 square meters. m. And the price of the Global paste from cockroaches is about 300 rubles per unit. Plus, it's pet-safe, which is essential for animal lovers.

On the original packaging of the "Global" cockroach remedy, manufacturers placed a branded round holographic sticker to avoid fakes. The name is written in Latin letters, the country of origin is indicated: Germany.

Included is a nozzle with a long thin nose, it allows you to dose the product in hard-to-reach places:

  • behind the plinth;
  • behind the sink;
  • between bath and wall;
  • in cracks in the floor, etc.

Important information! This year (2016), the name of the drug has changed to "Exil", but the packaging design has remained unchanged - the German cockroach gel "Global" is easily recognized in the new product.

german cockroach gel global
german cockroach gel global


As part of the main active substanceis chlorpyrifos (0.5%) and attractants that enhance the action of the main substance. Cocoa butter was chosen as the fat base, thanks to which the Global remedy for cockroaches does not dry out for a long time, in addition, it attracts pests with its sweet chocolate smell. The preservatives that make up the drug allow it to not deteriorate for a long time, do not dry out, and also prevent environmental influences.

What is the secret of the effectiveness of the drug

Gel "Global" from cockroaches (the composition is described above) does not allow parasites to get used to the poison. The fact is that its action is slowed down, it affects the nervous tissues of the insect, but does not kill immediately. The calculation is made so that the parasite has time to bring poison to the habitat of the rest of the cockroaches. So, a cockroach, which decided to profit from the Global gel, crawls on it, then returns to the colony, bringing a poisonous agent on itself and infecting others along the chain.

global cockroach remedy
global cockroach remedy

It is noteworthy that cockroaches can devour a dead relative. If he was poisoned, then particles of poison will enter the body of cannibals, after which they will also die.

Insects affected by poison become slow, get confused in space, crawl out of shelters in daylight, etc. Death occurs a few hours after poisoning.

How to apply

First you need to knead the tube with the gel in your hands until you feel that the "Global" paste from cockroaches has become soft inside. Then unscrew the cover and screw it on if desired.nozzle with a thin spout. Now you can apply the paste.

There are several ways to use "Global" paste against cockroaches:

  • apply with a dotted line in the habitats of insects, the distance between the points will be up to 10 cm;
  • apply the paste on sheets of paper in the form of dots, spread the paper in hard-to-reach places - on cabinets, under the bathroom, etc., the method is good because in this case children and pets will not get to the gel;
  • due to the rather thick texture of the gel, paper with it can also be placed on vertical surfaces with adhesive tape - behind the refrigerator, behind the TV, etc.

How to make cockroaches disappear forever?

In apartment buildings getting rid of insects becomes a whole epic. After all, for an effective fight against parasites, it is important that all neighbors simultaneously decide to exterminate all cockroaches. But often this is physically impossible - someone is on vacation, someone rarely appears in the apartment, and for someone the neighborhood with cockroaches does not cause any inconvenience. In this case, you can try to secure only your apartment.

global from cockroaches reviews
global from cockroaches reviews

Apply the "Global" cockroach remedy in places where insects are located - under the sink, under the bathtub, in the cracks near the baseboard. Treat all cabinets and surfaces where insects can crawl. Place traps - sheets of paper coated with Global gel - in hard-to-reach places: under the refrigerator, under the bathroom, etc. Place suchtraps on vertical surfaces - behind the refrigerator, behind cabinets, etc.

cockroach poison global
cockroach poison global

After that, consider all the ways in which insects can enter your apartment from neighbors and treat surfaces or place improvised traps there. These places could be:

  • common riser in bathroom or kitchen;
  • ventilation;
  • apartment threshold;
  • adjacent wall with neighbors.

In addition, you can treat the common stairwell with Global gel.

To destroy the infection in the form of cockroaches in a private house, you will need two or more tubes of Global paste - depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. You need to process the same surfaces as in the apartment, but, in addition, it is advisable to coat the gaps in the porch with gel and set traps in the attic and in the basement of the room. You can also process the foundation, this will protect the house from some other insects, such as ants.

pasta global from cockroaches
pasta global from cockroaches

Don't give cockroaches a chance to come to the liberated area and breed again!


Remember that the main ingredient is a poisonous substance, so it is best to keep the gel package out of the reach of children.

When using the Global gel, use household gloves.

It is better to open the tube immediately before use.

Pros and cons

To the undoubted advantages of the drug "Global" from cockroachescan be attributed to:

  • pleasant chocolate scent - no need to ventilate the room after application;
  • low toxicity - not dangerous for pets; in addition, the manufacturers made sure that the pet did not even have a desire to eat pasta - a special bitter substance was added to it;
  • thrift - a small amount is enough to handle fairly large areas;
  • does not lose its characteristics throughout the validity period;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • lack of many dead insects;
  • several possibilities of using the gel - dotted and in the form of traps on sheets of paper;
  • high efficiency in insect colony destruction;
  • sales availability;
  • the main substance retains its effect up to 60 days.

The only negative of the product, according to user reviews, is that the high popularity of the Global gel leaves the possibility of acquiring counterfeit products. To avoid this, it is better to order pasta from a trusted seller on the Web or purchase it in specialized stores where you can familiarize yourself with the quality certificate.
