Any clothing with a zipper is very convenient and practical as long as there are no problems with a zipper or a dog. As a rule, this happens at the most inopportune moment and causes a lot of inconvenience. Often with such problems, girls, and not only them, run to the studio in order to completely replace the zipper. Which is not always wise to do, because you will have to pay much more for this than with a simple replacement of the dog. Is it possible to change the zip dog at home?

If there was a problem with the lightning
If you have problems with a zipper on clothes or shoes, do not immediately rush to the studio or shoe repair service. You can do this yourself at home if you have a few minutes of free time and a desire to perform such an action.
First of all, it is worth identifying the root of the problem. For what reasonIs the zipper coming apart or the zipper not closing? This is very important, further actions depend on it. Consider the main problems that can arise with these types of fasteners.
- Lightning spreads.
- The dog flew off the teeth.
- In a certain place, the dog does not fasten the zipper, but is simply removed from one side.
- When fastening, the dog is not fixed, but flies off the lock.
If the zipper teeth are not damaged, then the best option is to replace the slider, do not immediately change the entire lock. This is only necessary if the zipper teeth have been pulled out. How to change the dog with a zipper, we will consider below.

Zipper issues
Zipper is a very popular and convenient type of fastening, which is used both for outerwear and for suits, dresses, shoes and so on. It is used for children's clothing and adult outfits. How to change a zip dog on boots if there is no time to visit the atelier or funds do not allow it at the moment?
It is not recommended to immediately start looking for a dog that can be removed from old clothes. The reason for this is simple: a new dog costs a penny, everyone can afford to buy it. But if you put the old, used version, then it is very difficult to determine its service life. No one can give you a guarantee that you can no longer worry about problems with the clasp again.

Types of zippers
The main types are one-way or two-way zipper. The second option can often be found on outerwear (jackets, down jackets, sweaters, and so on). This is a very practical type of clasp.
As for the types of lightning by size, there are countless of them, the teeth on them can be large, medium or small. It depends on the type of clothing to which a similar type of fastener is applied. Zip fasteners differ in the type of material from which they are made. So, you can find runner dogs made of metal or plastic. The second type is convenient and easy to use, but when compared with a metal dog, it is not so reliable and durable. The best option is a zipper with a metal slider, everyone knows it under the name "dog". Even preschool children can cope with such fasteners, which adds to their advantages.

An alternative to these types of fasteners are buttons or buttons. But at the same time, lightning saves you time. Professionals and not only distinguish between zipper sizes by number, which depends on their thickness.
What is needed to replace the dog?
How to change the dog with a zipper on a jacket on your own? It will take a few minutes, but for a long time will relieve you of the inconvenience caused by a faulty lightning. What is needed to replace a dog? You will need the following:
- new runner dogsame type as failed variant;
- needle and thread;
- scissors;
- pliers;
- knife or screwdriver.
After determining the cause of the lightning problem, you can begin to replace the pawl. If the reason is not in the slider itself, but in the teeth of the zipper, then you can try to rearrange the lower latch a little higher, if possible. This option is suitable for a zipper on trousers if a few teeth popped out on it or they are damaged and do not allow you to fasten your fly.
How to replace a zipper dog at home?
If you have prepared everything you need and are ready to replace the zipper slider, then do it like this:
- We take a knife or a screwdriver and remove the limiter on the clothes.
- After that, put on a new dog.
- Put the limiter in place.
This algorithm applies to detachable types of fasteners that are used on triggers and jackets. These are also used on boots and shoes. If the zipper on a skirt or trousers does not work for you, then the task is a little more complicated because in order to remove the limiter and put on a new dog, you must first unzip the zipper in the place where it is sewn to the clothes. To do this, it is best to use a blade or small sharp scissors. After installing the pawl, you will need to re-sew the end of the zipper.
As for the limiter, if you lose it, you can do it yourself with a needle and thread. In the place where the latch should be installed, we make a few stitches that will not allow the dog duringzipper fly off.

Another option
How to change the inside zipper pawl without removing the limiter? Some make a replacement like this:
- Using a knife or a screwdriver, one edge of the dog opens up a little so that it can be safely put on the zipper.
- The part is put on the teeth of the zipper.
- Press open edge with pliers. Done!
This option is much faster in terms of replacement time, but you need to be very careful, because when opening the edge of the pawl, it can simply bend. Then you have to buy it again. Caution must also be used when clamping it on the teeth of the zipper. Don't push it too hard as it may not work well or even break.