Dollar tree: home care

Dollar tree: home care
Dollar tree: home care

Today, flower growers grow many indoor plants. Flowers allow you to decorate the interior, make the room more comfortable, and the microclimate - he althier. One popular species is the dollar tree. Care of the plant must be considered in detail before growing it.

Reason for popularity

Zamioculcas or, as it is often called, the dollar tree, has become one of the most popular houseplants in the last few years. There are several reasons for such a demand for the plant.

dollar tree flower
dollar tree flower

Firstly, it is a spectacular appearance. The plant fits perfectly into the interior of an apartment, office or educational institution. Secondly, he is credited with miraculous properties to attract we alth and prosperity, so it is considered fashionable to give it for various celebrations.

The third reason to have a dollar tree is that caring for it at home is extremely simple. Therefore, even the myth that the flower is a symbol of celibacy does not prevent its growth in popularity.

Origin and appearance

Dollara tree, the care (photo is presented below) for which you want to consider in detail, it is enough just to grow it. Its homeland is Tanzania. This is a small arid country, which is located in eastern Africa. The structure of the plant is quite unusual. From the roots in the form of tubers upwards grow leaves up to one meter high. They resemble tree branches.

Home care for a dollar tree
Home care for a dollar tree

In fact, this flower belongs to the group of herbaceous plants. The leaves are fleshy. They have a shiny surface. Leaves are dark green.

The dollar tree blooms quite rarely. Its inflorescence looks like an ear. It is painted white or beige. The cob is on a low peduncle. It sprouts directly from the tuber. Small flowers are collected by gender. There are male and female inflorescences. The whole cob is protected by a light green leaf. In nature, pollination occurs with the participation of wind currents and insects. After the fruits appear in the form of brown berries. Fruiting is extremely rare.

The natural conditions in which the flower grows make it an extremely unpretentious plant. Therefore, when growing at home, it will not require much trouble.


To see the flowering of the dollar tree, care must be provided correct and thought out to the smallest detail. The plant is photophilous, so it needs to provide a place on the south window.

Photo of a dollar tree
Photo of a dollar tree

However, in the first two or even three days, the plant willget used to their new growing conditions. At this time, he needs to provide partial shade. In the future, the flower can be rearranged on a sunny windowsill. It is also worth considering that the tree needs to be shaded. This will protect the leaves from direct sunlight. Otherwise, ugly yellow spots may appear on them, which are burns.


The plant belongs to the species of African heat-loving flowers. Therefore, appropriate care must be provided for the dollar tree. The plant feels good in a room where the air is heated to +26 ºС.

dollar tree blossom
dollar tree blossom

In winter, during the dormant period, they contain a tree at a temperature that does not exceed +15 ºС. Some flower growers recommend taking the plant to an insulated balcony or veranda. However, this can be done if the air heating here is not less than + 13ºС.


Despite the arid climate of its homeland, the plant requires maintaining high humidity. In this case, the dollar tree flower, which is cared for at home, will feel great.

dollar tree flower care
dollar tree flower care

To do this, the foliage is sprayed every day in the morning or in the evening. Water should be at room temperature and settled. Also install a drainage tray under the pot. It needs to be moistened periodically. If the plant is on the windowsill above the battery, its leaves will need to be wiped with a damp cloth.

Irrigation, fertilization

Homecareconditions behind the flower, the dollar tree does not require frequent watering. The plant is drought tolerant. It can go without watering for a week. These plants can be grown by those who leave their homes for long enough.

Home care for a dollar tree
Home care for a dollar tree

Water the flower should be plentiful. This procedure should be performed only after the soil is completely dry. If you perform this procedure often, it will cause rotting of the tubers. The liquid should not stagnate in the pot or in the pan underneath. Overflow is much worse than drying out.

During the development period, the flower needs to provide a certain amount of top dressing. Therefore, once every two weeks, the flower should be fertilized with special compounds. Substances intended for cacti are suitable. If the plant is kept in a cool room during the winter period, it is not necessary to water and feed it.

Transplant procedure

Caring for a dollar tree involves a transplant. It is needed in three cases:

  1. If the plant was purchased from a store, it should be transplanted a couple of days after purchase. It is sold and transported in special containers with peat. After the purchase, the transplant procedure should not be performed. The flower should be given time to get used to the surrounding conditions.
  2. Young plants should be repotted every 12 months in a slightly larger container.
  3. Adult flowers are transplanted when the roots fill the entire space of the pot and begin to bulgeout of it.

It is best to carry out the transplant procedure in the spring. This must be done very carefully. The root system is tubers that are vulnerable. They are easily damaged during transplantation, and this can lead to the death of the plant.

The root system of the dollar tree
The root system of the dollar tree

The plant is planted in a ceramic container. Do not use plastic containers, otherwise the roots can easily break the pot during the development process. Drainage must be placed at the bottom. When planting, use soil for cacti. It can be purchased at the store. Expanded clay should be added to the ground to improve its air permeability.

To protect the roots from damage as much as possible, transplantation is carried out by transshipment. The plant with an earthy clod is removed from the old container and installed in a new container. The top tubers should remain bare by about a centimeter. They cannot be completely covered with substrate.

When transplanting, precautions should be taken, since the sap of the dollar tree is poisonous. If it gets on the skin, it will cause itching and irritation. Therefore, it is better to work with protective gloves.


The dollar tree is propagated at home in several ways. The choice depends on the skills of the grower. The following methods are used:

  1. Cuttings. The method is applied to adult flowers. The shoot is cut off from a bare branch. You need to take the lower cutting, on which a small kidney appeared. The bottom of the stem is cut with a knife (necessarily sharp). The result issmall stem with bud and leaf. Its bottom is sprinkled with activated carbon. The stalk must be dried for a couple of hours, and then placed in a filled container. Vermiculite must first be added to the container. A month later, roots appear on the shoot. All this time, the soil must be constantly moistened.
  2. Division of a tuber. The root system is tubers. They can be divided and then seated in containers. The container should be a few centimeters wider than the roots.
  3. Reproduction by a leaf. This is the longest way. A small leaf is separated from the branch and deepened into loose nutrient soil or peat. It should be slightly moisturized. It is recommended to plant several leaves at once. Seedlings are placed in a well-lit place and covered with polyethylene film to speed up ripening. This allows you to create greenhouse conditions. The tubers will mature for several months.

Knowing such techniques, you can independently grow several plants of the presented species. It's an exciting process. A new plant can be presented to relatives or friends.

Learning how to take care of the dollar tree, you can grow a strong, he althy plant yourself.
