Composition and application of ammonium nitrate

Composition and application of ammonium nitrate
Composition and application of ammonium nitrate

Ammonium nitrate is mainly used as a fertilizer in agricultural production. It occupies a special place among mineral fertilizers, since it contains two forms of nitrogen readily available to plants.


The main active ingredient of this fertilizer is nitrogen. It is its content that determines the use of ammonium nitrate in the implementation of agronomic and horticultural reclamation measures. Its mass fraction in this fertilizer reaches 35%.

The action of nitrogen is enhanced by sulfur, which is part of the fat. In addition, various microelements are included in s altpeter, but they no longer belong to active substances, but to impurities.

Fot is a white granular substance with a grayish tint in appearance.

Physiological role of nitrogen and potassium

The use of ammonium nitrate in the garden
The use of ammonium nitrate in the garden

Nitrogen is the main macronutrient,necessary for all plants. It participates in the process of their growth and development, enhances their immunity, improves protein content and its quality, and increases yield.

Potassium nitrate also includes potassium. It is necessary to increase immunity, helps strengthen roots, makes plants more resistant to drought and frost, improves the taste and appearance of an economically valuable part of the crop.

Types, advantages and disadvantages

The properties and use of ammonium nitrate are largely determined by the form of the produced fertilizer. The industry produces the following types:

  1. Ammonia simple is used to provide crops with nitrogen at the initial stages of development.
  2. Ammonia brand "B". It is classified into two varieties. It is mainly intended for growing indoor plants and seedlings. Has medium-sized packaging.
  3. Potassium. In addition to nitrogen as a macronutrient, it also contains potassium. It is used in the spring for pre-sowing dressing, as well as top dressing during the periods of budding, flowering and fruit formation. It is widely used for fruits and vegetables.
  4. Limestone. Ammonium nitrate is used not only to enrich the soil with nitrogen, but in this case also to deoxidize it, since it also contains magnesium and calcium in its composition, in addition to the previously discussed nitrogen and potassium. It is divided into two varieties: granular and simple. The first one is the best preserved. The use of calcium ammonium nitrate is enhanced by fuel oil, which contributes to its better digestibilityplants.
  5. Calcium. It contains a high content of this element, it is used mainly in the case of the onset of root decay due to a lack of calcium.
  6. Magnesium. Mainly used on legumes and vegetables.
  7. Sodium. Includes an element of the same name, suitable for all types of soil.
The use of ammonium nitrate in the country
The use of ammonium nitrate in the country

Fertilizer advantages:

  • promotes soil enrichment with nitrogen in a form readily available to plants;
  • enhances the growth and development of plants under which it was applied;
  • increases yield and improves crop quality;
  • helps improve photosynthetic reactions;
  • has granules that are easily soluble in water, so it can be used not only in dry, but also in dissolved forms.

Disadvantages of ammonium nitrate:

  • has explosive properties, which leads to the use of ammonium nitrate in pyrotechnics;
  • has a high level of fire hazard;
  • highly hygroscopic, highly caking;
  • may cause burns if it comes into contact with green parts of plants;
  • contributes to an increased accumulation of nitrates in those crops that are most sensitive to the nitrate form of nitrogen.

Use on different soils

The use of ammonium nitrate
The use of ammonium nitrate

The application of ammonium nitrate fertilizer is somewhat different depending on the type of soil. This isdue to the fact that the fat itself is physiologically acidic. When applying on various acidic soils, including podzolic ones, it is necessary to use calcium carbonate at a dose of 75% of the s altpeter dose. On neutral and alkaline types, this additional application is not carried out.

Before use, if caking of the fertilizer is observed, it must be broken down to give it a crumbly structure. This is due to the fact that in large lumps it will dissolve for a sufficiently long time period and can cause burns to plants.

The use of s altpeter in the spring helps to strengthen the immunity of plants.

Nitrate accumulation

Avoid excessive accumulation of nitrates
Avoid excessive accumulation of nitrates

Nitrogen in ammonium nitrate is in two forms - ammonium and nitrate. The latter substances are necessary for the nutrition of various plants. But at the same time, attention should be paid to their content, because if they enter the body excessively, they turn into nitrites, nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic in nature.

Therefore, when applying ammonium nitrate fertilizer in the garden or in any other place, it is necessary to strictly observe the recommended norms. Cucurbits and gourds can accumulate a significant amount of nitrates, so it is better to fertilize them with other forms of nitrogen fertilizers, in which nitrogen is only in the ammonium form, such as urea.

Other plants should stop feeding with the fat in question two weeks before harvest.

Application Rates

The use of ammonium nitrate in the country shouldtake place in compliance with mandatory standards, so as not to harm the plants and not contribute to the excessive accumulation of excess nitrates by the economically valuable part of the crop. Before planting various agricultural and ornamental crops, an aqueous solution is used, applied to a depth of up to 12 cm. The concentration in this case is achieved by dissolving 30-40 g of the fertilizer in question / 10 l of water.

In early spring, ammonium nitrate can be applied in bulk. If seedlings are planted, then the rate of its use is 2-3 g / hole. In the soil intended for planting root crops, 25-30 g of the fertilizer in question per 1 sq. meter. If nitrogen fertilizers were not previously used in this area, then the dose can be increased to 50 g.

When using ammonium nitrate as a top dressing, it is used in the following dosages:

  • root crops - 5-7 g/sq. m, carried out twice during the growing season - before flowering and after the ovary is formed;
  • other vegetables - 5-10 g/sq. m by pouring granules into the recesses in the soil 10-14 days after shoots appear on the surface;
  • fruit trees and shrubs - 15-20 g/sq. m (undiluted fertilizer - when leaves appear, diluted - during the growing season);
  • flowers are fed with a solution prepared at the rate of 10 peas per 1 liter of water (roses - 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

Apply Tips

Top dressing with ammonium nitrate
Top dressing with ammonium nitrate

Instructions for the use of ammonium nitrate takes into account that fertilizer should be used when taking into account the agrochemical properties of the soil,how much nitrogen it contains, as well as meteorological conditions and plant species. If agriculture is carried out in a region with sufficiently high humidity, then fertilizer is used both in spring and autumn. In other regions, they are limited only to spring basic dressing.

For perennials, top dressing is carried out in the second year. For this, a groove is made with a depth of 10 cm, and granules are placed there at the rate of 10 g per 1 sq. m, after which they fall asleep. Instead of dry application, it is possible to spray with a prepared solution at the rate of 20 g per 10 liters of water. In this case, the application should be carried out under the root in order to prevent burns of leaves and stems.

Use in pyrotechnics

The use of ammonium nitrate in pyrotechnics
The use of ammonium nitrate in pyrotechnics

As noted earlier, ammonium nitrate finds its use not only in agronomy or horticulture, but it can also be used in pyrotechnics. It is of two types - natural origin and synthetic, obtained by chemical means. The first has found its application as mineral fertilizers, and the second has become widespread as a component of pyrotechnic products. Ammonites and ammonals are made from it, which are explosives used in industry. Potassium nitrate, which is found in potassium nitrate, acts as one of the ingredients of black powder.

Storage conditions

The composition of ammonium nitrate includes a highly volatile element - nitrogen. In this regard, the fertilizer should be stored in a sealed shipping container withoutvisible signs of damage. During the hot season, fat should be stored in a cool, well-ventilated room. This is due to the fact that the ammonium s alt in the composition of ammonium nitrate is capable of exploding when exposed to elevated temperatures (exceeding +32.5 ° С).

Storage of ammonium nitrate
Storage of ammonium nitrate

Due to the fact that the fertilizer is quite hygroscopic, it is necessary to store it in dry rooms. It is better to place water absorbers in bags in which ammonium nitrate is stored.

In the process of this process, the commodity neighborhood must be observed. Flammable substances, acids, coal, wood, oil products, lubricants, sawdust should not be nearby. Smoking is prohibited in warehouses, as well as the use of open flame lamps.

There are also requirements for a minimum distance from walls and heat sources when storing ammonium nitrate. So, in the first case, it is at least 0.2 meters, and in the second - 1.5 m.

In conclusion

The use of ammonium nitrate is possible on most types of soil for any crop. However, under some of them - gourds and pumpkins - it is better to apply ammonium forms of nitrogen fertilizers, since an excessive amount of nitrates may form. On acidic soils, simultaneously with the introduction of ammonium nitrate, liming should be carried out, since it will contribute to an even greater acidification of the environment. The substance is hygroscopic and flammable, it must be stored in compliance with the commodity neighborhood with various explosive and flammablesubstances. In addition, some components of the substance in question are included in the composition of explosive substances, which leads to their use in pyrotechnic products.
