What is the size of the roofing screw

What is the size of the roofing screw
What is the size of the roofing screw

Installation of the roof of a private house or building is a responsible event, the quality of which quite often determines the durability and strength of the structure as a whole. A roof laid with violations of technology sometimes begins to collapse already in the first season. And the reason for this can be not only the roofing material itself, but also the fasteners used, which are responsible for the reliability of fastening the coating. Today, the most affordable, reliable and popular are roofing screws, the price and size of which vary significantly.

roofing screws 4 8
roofing screws 4 8

Roofing screws

This is an improved model of metal screws with its own specific application. They are distinguished by a sharp tip designed for drilling holes for fasteners directly during the installation of the roof, without pre-drilling it with any tool at all.fastened elements.

For each type of building material and type of truss system, its own roofing screws are needed: with or without a polymer coating, screws with different threads, head types and tips.

In some cases, a roofing self-tapping screw with a drill is used to connect metal and wooden panels, which makes it possible to exclude metal destruction during drilling.

To perform certain installation work, roofing screws are specially designed, which include a metal washer with a rubber gasket. Such fasteners with sealing washers press the roofing material more tightly to the structure, provide a tight connection and prevent moisture from penetrating into the joints of parts, preventing corrosion.

roofing screws price
roofing screws price

How to choose quality self-tapping roofing screws

Today, the building materials market offers a huge amount of fasteners. But not all products are of good quality and are able to serve for a long time and reliably. When choosing self-tapping screws, you should not buy the first products that come across. First of all, when choosing, you should decide for what specific purposes they are purchased, what specifics the structures they fasten (made of wood, metal or combined) have, find out what dimensions the roofing screw should have. Then you need to evaluate the quality of products. Branded fasteners on the hat are marked (brand). In addition, a quality product must havea rubber gasket that fits snugly against a metal washer. It should be borne in mind that in cheap self-tapping screws they are made of low quality rubber, which over time will begin to lose its properties and will crack under the influence of temperature changes, which can lead to leakage at the attachment points.

To choose a high-quality self-tapping screw, you just need to squeeze the washer with pliers - the paint should not burst. The rubber washer should be fairly tight against the metal.

roofing screws for wood
roofing screws for wood


As a rule, roofing screws are made of carbon steel and galvanized. Due to the anti-corrosion coating, these products serve for a long time - up to 50 years. The market also presents stainless steel hardware, which is used in especially critical areas that require increased strength. They cost much more.

Roofing screws for metal tiles differ in the shape of the hat, which can be:

  • Standard look, that is adapted for a screwdriver.
  • With edges. To work with such hardware, special bits are used.

Depending on the roofing material, the heads of the self-tapping screws can, so to speak, sink into the coating or press it.

Among the huge variety of options, you can always find the right fasteners, the length of which exactly matches the wavelength of the roofing sheets.

What dimensions can a roofing screw have?

The size of self-tapping screws for mounting the roof is chosen according todepending on the characteristics of the materials being fastened.

  • For fixing metal tiles, roofing screws 4.8 mm are considered the most optimal. The length may vary depending on the installation location. For example, for fastening sheets with wooden structures on a supporting frame, depending on the crate, the length for high-quality and reliable fastening should be 28-35 mm. Roof sheets can be connected with fasteners 20 mm long, and to fix additional elements, you will need products with a length of 50-70 mm.
  • For fastening corrugated board, due to its dimensions, you may need self-tapping screws with a large diameter, for example, up to 6.3 mm and with a fairly wide range of lengths (20-250 mm).
  • Roofing self-tapping screw 5.5 mm is used for fastening corrugated board and metal tiles to metal substructure, the thickness of which is up to 5.0 mm.
roofing screw with drill
roofing screw with drill

Weight, price and consumption

A thousand standard self-tapping screws (size 4.8×28 mm) weigh 5.23 kg. The price range of products is quite wide. The cost most often depends on the manufacturer, the quality of the products and their dimensions. Today, roofing screws are considered the most rational and in demand, the price of which is 2 rubles.

Many are interested in how many pieces of hardware are needed to securely fasten 1 sheet of roofing material. There is no standard answer to this question, since for different materials their number can vary significantly. For example, the consumption of roofing screws per 1 m2profiling - from 5 to 8 pieces. Self-tapping screws for metal tiles have more consumption - you will need about 8-10 pieces.


There are 2 types of fasteners:

  • Roofing wood screws. They have a rare thread, it is very difficult to screw them into metal.
  • Metal. They are distinguished by frequent carving, they are larger in diameter and do not hold well in wood, therefore they are practically not used for wooden structures.
roofing screw dimensions
roofing screw dimensions

Wood screws

Roofing wood screws will be needed if you need to attach the metal tile to the wooden crate on the roof. The product for sealing the drilled hole is equipped with a special washer and equipped with a rubber gasket that performs a waterproofing function. For convenience, the tip of such fasteners is equipped with a drill. The main difference between wood screws and metal products is the shape of the tip (drill) and the thread pitch.

The main dimensions of the wood roofing screw are as follows:

  • 4, 8x28mm;
  • 4, 8x35mm.

Such fasteners can be used both for mounting metal tiles to a wooden crate, and for stitching sheets together (or use specially designed sizes: roofing self-tapping screw 4, 8x20 mm).

If it is necessary to fix the ridge bar or snow retainer, you need to use longer products - 4.8x70 mm or 4.8x60 mm.

Metal screws

Used if the roof lathing is made of a metal profile.

Basicthe dimensions of the roofing screw for metal are as follows:

  • for drilling metal with a thickness of not more than 3 mm, a product 4, 8x19 mm is used;
  • for metal up to 6 mm thick, size 5.5x25 mm is required;
  • roofing self-tapping screw 5, 5x35 and 5, 5x50 mm is able to drill metal, the thickness of which is up to 12 mm.
roofing screw 5 5
roofing screw 5 5

Painted Roofing Screws

Designed to connect metal painted roof elements to a roof base frame made of wood or metal. This type of fastener differs only in the presence of a color similar to that of the metal profile fixed by it.

Secrets for corrugated board mounting

When using them, there is no need to pre-drill a hole with a drill. These fasteners are easy to mount to supporting structures up to 12.5mm thick. However, the corrugated board itself should not exceed 1.5 mm in thickness. Maximum tightness at the point of contact with metal is provided by a rubber gasket. And the use of self-tapping screws with a polymer coating will create a more aesthetic appearance, since the fasteners will merge with the general appearance of the roofing.

self-tapping screws for metal tiles
self-tapping screws for metal tiles

Tapping screws with drill

Such fasteners are characterized by a drilled end. They are intended for drilling through holes in metal corrugated board during installation, without using a separate drill. This mount is equipped with a metal washer with a rubber gasket, which is maximumseals the joint.

Despite the fact that self-tapping screws are small fasteners, they perform a very important function: they are responsible for the reliability and durability of fixing the entire roof. It is on their quality that the resistance of the roofing to all the vagaries of the weather will largely depend. Otherwise, it may simply "fly away" at the first storm.
