Hyacinths: when to dig up?

Hyacinths: when to dig up?
Hyacinths: when to dig up?
flower hyacinth
flower hyacinth

The "hero" of the article will be the hyacinth flower. Surely, many gardeners and landscape designers have heard a lot about him, because in early spring it is one of the most beautiful primroses that decorate city flower beds and garden plots. Quite deservedly, hyacinth is also popular in the preparation of flower arrangements. It stays cut for a long time, elegantly framing small bouquets.

Growing hyacinth

How to grow this miracle in your garden? Hyacinth is not only a garden flower, but also a home flower. In the southern part of our country, it is much easier to grow it, so the rest can only envy and continue patiently caring for a capricious plant. Plant and propagate it with bulbs, but you can do it with seeds. The latter method is not popular with gardeners, because flowering and the formation of daughter bulbs occur after 5 to 6 years. This is

hyacinths when to dig
hyacinths when to dig

too long andabsolutely unjustified. Before planting in the ground, the planting material must first be carefully sorted out and soaked for several hours in a weak (pink) solution of manganese. This process will help to avoid unnecessary diseases in the flower. Hyacinth is planted in late September or early October, using large and he althy bulbs without damage. The plant is very demanding on the lighting of the site, as well as soils (it needs humus-rich ones), so it is advisable to fertilize at least two times. It is usually produced during planting and then flowering. When digging up hyacinths, their yellowed leaves will tell you.

Features of care

The thing is, there are a few rules to remember when breeding flowers like hyacinths. When to dig this plant, you need to remember first of all, because this is one of the main difficulties in growing it. These flowers are very sensitive to wet soils, so if groundwater passes near the flower bed, you should consider choosing a new place for the plant. In shady places, the plant feels uncomfortable, and may even wither away. And finally, hyacinths can often be subject to various diseases, such as yellow bacterial rot.

Hyacinths: when to dig up?

when to dig up hyacinths
when to dig up hyacinths

After the flowers have withered and the leaves have completely turned yellow, carefully inspect the plant: when it dries completely, it's time to prepare it for the next season. If you, of course, want to propagate it and again admire the bright and fragrant flowers. New bulbs ripen afterhyacinths have faded (when it's time to dig them up). This happens about a month after the complete death of the flower arrow. Carefully separate the new small bulbs from the main mother bulb, sort them out, eliminating the damaged ones, and dry them in the sun. Their next landing will take place only in the fall. To grow large varietal hyacinths, when to dig them up, you need to know first. Otherwise, every year the flowers will degenerate, becoming smaller and smaller. Remembering these few simple rules, you will always have a spring flower bed, fragrant with colorful primroses.
