Forcing hyacinths at home: instructions

Forcing hyacinths at home: instructions
Forcing hyacinths at home: instructions

What woman doesn't love flowers? Probably there are none. Of course, you can buy already cut plants, but they fade very quickly. But in order to enjoy their flowering for a long time, choose crops that can be planted in pots and grown on the windowsill. This is exactly what hyacinth is. Beautiful inflorescences and pleasant aroma will create a festive atmosphere in the house.

This type of flower is considered garden, but it grows well at home. Forcing hyacinths, although it requires certain actions, even a novice grower can handle it. The main thing is not to violate the technology, which will be described in detail in the article.

The flower got its name not by chance. From Latin, the word "hyacinth" is translated as "rain flower". The fact is that this type of plant loves moisture very much. In nature, its flowering occurs in the spring rainy season. And those who are going to grow it at home will have to artificially create such conditions. In this case, beautiful fragrant inflorescences will become a permanent gift by March 8.

Forcing hyacinths is carried out withobservance of two basic rules: the choice of the bulb and the necessary atmosphere. That's all it takes to get a successful result. So, let's look at what is special about forcing these beautiful flowers.


Hyacinth was brought to our latitudes from Southeast Asia. It is a perennial bulbous plant. Belongs to the asparagus family. There are three main types, although in fact there are many more. Hyacinth orientalis is best suited for growing in a pot. It is this variety that is used by gardeners to breed hybrids.

Outwardly, the flower has special features, due to which it is impossible to confuse it with others. Blooming inflorescences emit a delicate sweetish aroma. They can reach a height of 30 cm. The shape of the flower is a bell with bent petals. The stem is dense and rather thick. The leaves are fleshy, oblong in shape, rich green in color. Their number can vary from 5 to 8 pieces. They occupy the entire area of the donets. Leaves grow from the bulb. In a he althy plant, it is quite dense.

After flowering, fruits appear. They are a three-cell box. When breeding hyacinth at home, after the end of flowering, the stem with flowers is cut off, since the fruits greatly weaken the bulb. This makes her unfit for forcing.

Distillation of hyacinths
Distillation of hyacinths

What is forcing?

Most beginner gardeners are unfamiliar with the concept of forcing. Naturally, we need to talk more about this. Without this knowledge, one cannotbreeding a plant, neither for himself nor for sale.

Forcing hyacinths is a set of actions, by carrying out which, you can accelerate the growth of a flower, thereby guessing the flowering period by a certain date. This method is widely used in floriculture. Ideal for greenhouse growing. During distillation, special conditions are created: a certain temperature regime, an optimal level of humidity, additional lighting. This promotes active growth and flowering. This is how potted hyacinth and other bulbous crops (lilies, tulips) are grown.

Having figured out what forcing is, it's time to move on to practical actions. Next, detailed instructions will be provided that will help you grow beautiful flowers on your windowsill.

Distillation of hyacinths by March 8
Distillation of hyacinths by March 8

Preparing bulbs

In order for the hyacinth to please with its beautiful flowering, first you need to properly prepare the bulbs. This process consists of several manipulations. The best time for preparatory work is the summer season. For forcing hyacinths at home, only he althy and dense bulbs are suitable. They must be at least 5 cm in diameter. More is possible, but not less. The bulb will need to be dug out of the soil. Clean up the rest of the earth. It is also necessary to remove the dry peel. After trimming the roots and leave for several days in a well-ventilated place to dry. Important! The bulbs should lie in the shade. The direct rays of the sun at this stage negatively affect the plant. During drying, it is recommended occasionallyrotate bulbs to dry evenly.

Next, they must be placed in a rather damp place. It will be necessary to provide a high temperature regime (about +30 ° C). Such conditions are observed for 14 days. After that, it is necessary to gradually reduce the temperature until it reaches +16 … +18 ° С. It is important to ensure that conditions change smoothly.

Paying the attention of beginner flower growers, it is worth noting that the quality of flowering will directly depend on ensuring the correct temperature regime.

Most stores sell bulbs that have already been prepared above. They can be purchased if it is not possible to independently fulfill the required conditions. The main thing is to pay attention to the presence of the marking "For distillation". However, even such bulbs should be stored at a temperature not higher than +18 ° C before planting in the ground.

hyacinth bulb
hyacinth bulb

Forcing dates for hyacinths

In most cases, the forcing of a flower is done so that the flowering period falls on a certain date. You can accurately guess the timing only if you know the variety. Hyacinths come in late and mid bloom as well as early.

1. Hyacinths of early flowering are planted in the twentieth of October, flowering is expected in the first months of winter (December, January).

2. Hyacinths of medium flowering are planted in the first decade of November, flowering is expected by the end of winter (February) - the beginning of spring (March).

3. Late flowering hyacinths are planted at the beginning of winter (December), flowers will appear only byApril.

As follows from the information above, the planting and forcing of hyacinths by March 8 is carried out approximately on November 10. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to a specific date, since the flowering period is about 3 weeks. If the temperature in the room is above +22 °C, then the duration of this period will be reduced to 14 days.

How to plant hyacinths for distillation
How to plant hyacinths for distillation

Choice of pot and soil

Above it was told how to choose an onion for distillation. Now it is worth considering an equally important point - the requirements for the pot. Be sure to select a container with a height of about 15 cm. There are no special requirements for its diameter. The main thing is that the distance from the sides to the bulb is approximately 2-2.5 cm. If you plan to plant several flowers at the same time, then their bulbs should not touch each other.

Having picked up a pot, it is important to take care of the drainage layer. Although it is desirable to moisten the soil well during the forcing of hyacinths, there should not be stagnant water, as this can lead to rotting of the bulb. The drainage layer can be made using various improvised materials. Eggshells, crushed stone, broken shards, sand are poured into the bottom of the pot. This completes the preparation of the container for planting. Now you can fill the soil.

Which substrate is best for hyacinth? In this matter, the opinions of professional flower growers differ slightly. Some advise purchasing a special primer, others prefer a universal one. In any case, it should consist of 2 parts of earth, one humus and 0.5 partscoarse river sand.

Before planting the bulb, the soil must be moistened and slightly compacted after falling asleep in a pot. Now you can proceed directly to the landing.

How to save hyacinth bulbs
How to save hyacinth bulbs

Preventive measures

Forcing hyacinths is carried out only using he althy bulbs. Before planting, they are carefully inspected for signs of decay and insect damage. In order to avoid infection with a fungal infection, it is important to make a simple manipulation. It is recommended that the bulb to be used for forcing be immersed in a weak manganese solution. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes.

Forcing hyacinths for sale
Forcing hyacinths for sale

Planting and care

So it's time to learn how to plant hyacinths for distillation. For a successful result, it is important to follow the instructions below.

  1. The bulbs that have been prepared are planted in a pot. Only a third of it can be deepened into the ground. Make sure that the distance between the sides of the pot and the bulb is at least 2 cm. The soil is slightly compacted and watered so that water drops do not fall on the plant.
  2. Having planted the bulb in a pot, you will need to cover it with a thick paper or plastic bag, making several small holes in it beforehand. The latter are needed so that the plant can breathe. The pot with hyacinth is cleaned in a rather cool place where the temperature will not exceed +6 ° C. This allows you to simulate the wintering of the plant in natural conditions. Duration of the procedurewill be 2 to 3 months. During wintering, it is desirable to constantly maintain sufficient humidity, so it is necessary to water so that the earth does not dry out too much.
  3. During the three-month rest period, the first leaves should appear. Once this happens, the pot can be moved to a warmer place, such as a windowsill. The package is not removed until the peduncle stretches up to 15 cm. Throughout the flowering period, the room should not be warmer than + 20 … + 22 ° С.
  4. It is possible to regulate the development of a plant artificially. To do this, simply change the conditions of the flower. If you increase the daylight hours and increase the temperature, then the hyacinth will bloom faster. Conversely, by darkening the plant, slow down development.
Temperature during dormancy
Temperature during dormancy

Forcing in water

Forcing hyacinths is carried out not only in the ground, but also in the water. Many growers consider this method as easy as possible. All you need is just to buy a special vase. It has a characteristic shape, thanks to which the bulb does not get wet and, accordingly, does not rot. Its upper part is quite wide, after which there is a sharp narrowing so that the roots can sink into the water. Such vases are sold in specialized stores.

How to make forcing in water?

  1. Pour chilled boiled water into a container.
  2. Put onion on top.
  3. The water level should not be high - just barely touchbottom.
  4. Place the flower vases in a cool place.
  5. Plants to darken.
  6. Rearrange on the windowsill when the roots appear. Do not remove the paper bag yet.
  7. Wait for the first leaves to appear. Then remove the package.

It will take approximately three months from the start of forcing to the flowering period.

Terms of distillation of hyacinths
Terms of distillation of hyacinths

Complementary food

In order for the plant to be strong and fleshy, as well as quite tall, it is important to know how to feed hyacinths during forcing. It is recommended to fertilize the flower at least twice a month. For these purposes, flower growers are advised to use any universal means that are intended for bulbous plants growing at home. The main thing is to water the hyacinth before adding fertilizer.

Reasons for unsuccessful distillation

Why can forcing hyacinths fail? There are several reasons. Here are the main ones:

  • Overwatering causing leaves to wilt.
  • If all the requirements were not met during the dormant period, the peduncle has a small height.
  • Leaves change color to yellow in the presence of drafts or lack of light. During the flowering period, the daylight hours should reach 15 hours.
  • Buds fall off with irregular watering.
  • The peduncle does not appear if a weak bulb or still very small was chosen for cultivation.
Hyacinth in a pot
Hyacinth in a pot

How to save hyacinth bulbs after forcing?

After the plantwill fade, do not throw away the bulbs. They can be saved for next year. As a rule, for re-forcing, it is recommended to plant the bulb in open ground in a garden plot. If this is not possible, you can do this:

  • After the end of flowering, gradually stop watering.
  • When the leaves begin to dry out, dig up the onion.
  • Clear her roots from the soil, cut them off, leaving about 1 cm.
  • Remove leftover leaves. To do this, use simple scissors.
  • The onion is dried and wrapped in newsprint.
  • In this form, she is removed to a dark, cool place, where she will pass a period of rest.

In a couple of months this bulb can be used for reforcing.
