Cornflower is one of the simplest and at the same time favorite flowers of the vast majority of gardeners. They love it for its modest, but very beautiful appearance, and for its long and abundant flowering, and most of all for its healing properties. Many flower growers refer to it as a "no-hassle" or "lazy plant" because it is very easy to care for. The modest cornflower flower has long attracted the attention of breeders, and they have now bred a large number of hybrid varieties. Thus, already now there are about 500 of its species. Convenient for gardeners, the cornflower plant: growing from seed does not cause much trouble.

Its colors are varied: yellow, white, lilac, purple, blue, blue, pink, red, burgundy cornflowers are found almost everywhere. Fans can choose the most suitable varieties for their site: tall or dwarf, ordinary or terry. The most popular is the large-flowered perennial cornflower, which is good both for a flower bed and for a bouquet, andalso tolerates winter frosts well without special shelter.
The most unpretentious flower can be called a cornflower. Growing from seed is one of its benefits. Pubescent achenes of cornflower with a tuft are planted in moist, fertile soil rich in humus. It should be remembered that this flower does not tolerate getting wet, and the only care for it is weeding and loosening. Remarkable and such a property as drought resistance.

Only blue cornflower has medicinal properties. Growing from seed is a common practice to obtain medicinal concentrate. Gather marginal, funnel-shaped flowers. Then they are dried in the shade, without access to sunlight to preserve the color and beneficial properties. Only fresh, not withered inflorescences should be collected. Cornflower infusion is bitter and astringent, but very useful for increasing diuresis, it is also used as a choleretic and antimicrobial agent. They treat the kidneys, liver and edema with this remedy, cleanse the urinary and biliary tract. To make a medicine, a teaspoon of dry cornflower petals is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for 20 minutes, then cooled and filtered. Take the infusion should be 2 tablespoons 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Even the flowers of this plant harmoniously complement any herbal tea.

Cornflower meadow is considered a symbol of fidelity and constancy because of its sky-clear blue color. However, some people, thanks to the iridescent variation of its shades, on the contrary, considered itindicator of instability. In combination with daisies, it was meadow cornflowers in the old days that were included in bouquets for beloved girls. And the pullets, in turn, wove it into wreaths, which they then put on the heads of their chosen ones.
Sunny glades and meadows, unshaded beds and flower beds love cornflower. Growing from seeds allows you to find the most suitable place for it. The best neighbors in the flower bed for him are white chamomile, gaillardia, gravel, peach bell. It has long been indisputable that the cornflower is one of the best decorations for any flower garden.