Ranetki are tiny apples. In the people they are also called "paradise". Despite the fact that they are very small, they contain pectin in large quantities. It is this feature that makes them an ideal product for making jam, marmalade and jam. Not everyone likes ranetki raw, because they are tart and sour. But during cooking, after adding sugar, all unpleasant tastes disappear. That is why ranetki jam is so popular.
Ranette jam recipes
There are a huge number of various and interesting recipes from ranetki for the winter.

However, they are united by the fact that jam apples must be selected, small, ripe and completely red. They must be free of dents and wormholes. When the apples are collected, it's time to start cooking. So let's get started.
Ranetki with lemon juice
For cooking you will need:
- apples - 0.5 kg;
- cinnamon - ¼ tsp;
- lemon juice - 50 g;
- sugar - 500 g;
- water - 100g
Sequence of actions:
- First, wash the apples and cut off the tails.
- Then sprinkle them with sugar, leave for 24 hours to release the juice.
- Adding a little water, put on fire and cook for fifteen minutes with a break, bringing to a boil twice.
- Squeeze the juice from the lemon, pour the cinnamon.
- Boil several times over low heat and leave to cool.
- Put into sterilized jars and roll up.
Jam is ready! What does ranetki jam look like in the photo below.

Paradise apples with ponytails
- 1 kilogram of apples;
- 1 kilogram of sugar;
- 1 glass of water;
- ½ tsp citric acid.
What and how to do:
- We take sugar, water and citric acid and cook syrup.
- Dip the apples into it and boil for fifteen minutes.
- Cool and then boil again.
- Leave for 24 hours, then bring to a boil and put in jars.
Ranetki apples are an excellent product for making jam at home.
Cooking Methods
Ranetki jam can be prepared in the following ways:
- In the oven. Before boiling ranetki, it is better to cut them into two parts and bake in the oven. After that, they are rubbed through a sieve, sugar is added, boiled.
- In the microwave. Ranetok jam is easy if you cook it in the microwave. To do this, cut the apples into four parts and remove the seeds. Then put on a plate, pour over water and put in the microwave for three minutes. If they are ready, we separate the pulp from the peel and interrupt it in a blender until smooth along with sugar.
- Water cooking. To boil ranetki, it is necessary to fill them with water and boil. Then take it out of boiling water and grind it hot. Add sugar to the resulting puree and cook over low heat.
How to prepare apples for jam twist?
Ranetki is a very delicate product that must be carefully prepared for processing. It doesn't matter where they got the apples: they bought them in the market, in the supermarket, or picked them in their garden. The main thing is to rinse thoroughly under running water. Or, better yet, soak in warm water for thirty minutes. Apples can be cut into pieces or left whole. It all depends on the recipe and cooking method.

The consistency of apple jam is thick, reminiscent of mashed potatoes. To achieve this result, the fruit must be boiled, rubbed through a sieve and brought to readiness over low heat. When the jam rests on a spoon, it means that it is ready and you can start rolling it into jars.
Banks also need preliminary preparation: they need to be washed and sterilized.
Tips and tricks for swirling ranetki jam
If you make jam according to all the rules and advice, then the dessert will turn out simply incomparable. To get a delicious jam or jam of the required consistency as a result, contactPay attention to the following tips while making jam:
- ranetki are fairly dense and dry apples, so be sure to add water;
- you can add vanilla, cinnamon, optionally, cocoa to the dessert - this will add flavor to the finished product;
- if the apples are transparent and do not spread over the surface, they are ready;
- jam is perfectly and long stored in a cool pantry, basement and on the loggia;
- you need to cut the apples very quickly so that they do not have time to darken.

Such a delicious and bright, thick jam is also often decorated with cakes and pastries.
Ranetki are small, fragrant apples that make a great treat. Of course, the cooking process is quite long and painstaking, but it's worth it. Also, do not forget that, like any other jam, ranetki dessert should be stored properly.