How to clean the fur? Not always there is an opportunity and desire to go to dry cleaning. Fortunately, fur products can be put in order at home. The recipes given in the article will help restore the former beauty of a fur coat, hat, vest and other things.
Method for determining pollution
How to clean fur at home? First you need to make sure that it is dirty. It is easy to see yellowness and spots. The test with a hair dryer will allow you to determine the degree of contamination of the product, to identify the most greasy areas.

Assume that we are talking about a fur coat. It must be hung on a coat hanger, and then cold air should be directed at it. There is no doubt that the fur is clean if the villi first fly apart and then return to their place. Otherwise, the product needs to be cleaned.
How to clean fur at home? First of all, you should figure out what you should never do:

- Washing excluded. The skin that holds the furwhen wet, it will crack and become coarse. As a result, the thing will grow bald and lose its shape.
- Drying must be correct. The product must not be dried in direct sunlight, on a radiator or with a hair dryer. Fur can only dry in a well-ventilated area or outdoors.
- Ironing is excluded. It cannot be done even from the inside out.
- The use of certain household chemicals is prohibited. For example, do not treat fur with bleach, enzyme powders, rust removers.
A little test
How to clean natural fur? Before proceeding with this procedure, you should definitely conduct a test. The selected product should be used to clean a small area. For example, you can focus on the armpit area.
Get rid of the dust
This is a dangerous enemy that threatens all furs. A fur coat or hat can be hidden in a cover and closed well, but this does not completely solve the problem. Therefore, before storing the product or before wearing it, be sure to freshen it up.

Where to start? On the floor you need to spread a cotton white sheet. This material should be slightly damp. A fur product is placed on top of the fabric, which needs to get rid of dust. A fur coat (hat, vest, and so on) is well knocked out first on one side, then on the other. Next, the thing must be hung on a coat hanger and combed.
What if the fur is matted and tangled? The product must be sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle. Then you have to waitsome time to dry. In order for the pile to fall into place, the thing must be combed or carefully walked over it with a steamer.
How to get the shine back
How to clean the fur to restore its original shine? To make the product play in the sun, you can treat it with a special solution. The mixture is prepared from lemon juice and table vinegar. It is important to pay attention to the fact that you need vinegar, not essence.

Vinegar and lemon juice are diluted in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is applied to a soft natural cloth or sponge. This is followed by careful processing of the fur. The rag or sponge should not be too wet, they must be wrung out with high quality. The task is to wipe the pile, not wet it. After drying, the thing must be combed. This tool helps a lot, especially when it comes to mink.
Walnuts - a product that can also restore lost shine to fur. You need to grind the kernels, put them in gauze. This is followed by processing of the fur, during which the nut oil is released.
Fight against yellowness
It is easy to clean the fur from pollution, return it to its original shine. The methods discussed above will help to cope with this task. However, more serious problems may arise. For example, fur things can become greasy, turn yellow, and become stained. What should their owners do in such situations?

How to clean the fur from yellowness inat home? The appearance of plaque negatively affects the appearance of the product, it immediately loses its presentability. Fortunately, there are ways to easily and quickly solve this problem at home:
- It is necessary to dissolve a tablespoon of s alt in a glass of warm water, and then add half a tablespoon of ammonia. The resulting solution is best applied with a cloth that must be well wrung out. After the end of the procedure, you should definitely dry and comb the product.
- A tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide dissolves in a glass of warm water. After applying the composition to the product, you should wait for some time. When the thing dries, you can start combing it.
- A tablespoon of animal shampoo should be dissolved in a glass of warm water. Next, the foam is whipped, applied to the pile with a sponge. Five minutes later, the foam must be removed with a rag or the same sponge. Then the thing is dried and combed.
So, we figured out how to clean the fur from yellowness. It should be remembered that cleaning compounds must be applied to a long pile according to its growth. Things with a short pile can be processed not only in wool, but also against it.
When removing stains and plaque, it is important to consider the color of the product. How to clean white fur? Semolina, talc and starch will help to cope with greasy stains and greasy. They are famous for their ability to absorb unpleasant odors, absorb dirt. The cleaning technology is as follows:
- You need to take the selected product (talc, semolina, starch) and apply it to the area to be cleaned.
- Next, the substance is carefully distributed between the villi. The easiest and safest way to do this is with a soft brush.
- Fur needs to be wrinkled by hand. The movements are reminiscent of washing.
- Then you should remove the remnants of the product. To do this, the thing is shaken well. If not all residues are removed, then this will attract moths. Therefore, a fur coat (hat, vest) can also be processed with a low-power vacuum cleaner. Let's say a device designed for cleaning the keyboard is suitable for this purpose.
Increasing the efficiency of the procedure is easy. To do this, heat semolina, talc or starch before cleaning. You can use the microwave or do it in a dry frying pan.
The above describes how to clean white fur at home. The principle of processing dark products is similar, but different absorbents are used:

- Sawdust. This tool should be paid attention to if it is necessary to clean the fur of an otter or muskrat. It is strictly forbidden to use sawdust of coniferous wood, as they contain resins that are dangerous for fur products.
- Rye bran. They are ideal if the task is to clean coarse fur. For example, a wolf, a goat, a nutria.
- Sand. This tool is suitable for processing beaver and mole fur. It does an excellent job of removing dirt.
Stain removal
It's stillone task that is easy to handle at home. Spots can have a different origin and nature. For example, fur can suffer due to constant contact with natural suede bags. You can also put a blot with a pen, get dirty with sauce while eating on the run, and so on.
To cleanse light fur, it is best to give preference to alcohol or acetone. The liquid is mixed with baking soda or starch. Refined gasoline will help bring dark fur to a decent appearance. In some cases, it is used in its pure form, but most often this product is mixed with washing powder or starch. It is necessary to achieve the consistency of sour cream. The mixture is applied for just a couple of minutes, then gently removed with a sponge dipped in clean water. Gasoline is absolutely not suitable for removing stains from white fur, as the thing may turn yellow.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to cope with old stains. If the methods described above do not bring the desired result, it remains only to use the services of dry cleaning.
Noble items
How to clean mink fur? In most cases, this task can be done at home. Cleaning can be wet or dry. Wet technology involves the use of vinegar, which is mixed in equal proportions with medical alcohol. To apply the composition to the product, it is most convenient to use a sponge. Be sure to blot the fur with a dry cloth.
Dry technology involves the use of talc. This substance is manually rubbed into the contaminated area.
Faux Fur
A special approach is needed if you need to clean faux fur items. This task can also be done without going to the dry cleaners. How to clean faux fur? The good news is that the product can be washed. To do this, it is allowed to use the machine by setting the delicate mode (up to 600 revolutions, up to 40 degrees). Of course, sparing powders should be chosen, and it is better to refuse spinning. It is best to do the laundry by hand, as this ensures the safety of the item.

Mechanical cleaning is also available for faux fur. It is important to remember that acetone and vinegar cannot be used. These funds will not only not help things to acquire an attractive appearance, but will also have a destructive effect. All other methods suitable for natural fur are also relevant for faux fur.
Mezdra care
The leather base of the fur product (mezdra) also needs proper care. If she is coarsened, a simple procedure that is quite feasible at home will help solve this problem. So, how do you get the job done quickly?
The method is based on the use of vaseline or glycerin. The ointment is mixed with egg yolk and then dissolved in a liter of warm water. The resulting mixture is used to process things from the inside out. The leather base needs to be slightly wrinkled, stretched. Next, you need to get rid of the remnants of the mixture, they must be removed completely. The product must be dried inside out. This procedure must be repeated regularly, it will be a good prevention.
Summing up
How to clean fur at home? The cleaning process can apply to the entire product or affect specific areas. The means used must not pose a threat to human he alth. It is also important that they do not disturb the structure of the skin base and pile. The color and its saturation after the application of a particular agent should remain unchanged. When cleaning light products, streaks are not allowed.