Most of the time, Mouton coats don't need cleaning. But wise housewives know that with the onset of spring, this procedure is worth doing, then your favorite thing will delight with its appearance for many years. The main thing is to have an idea of how to clean a muton fur coat at home correctly, so as not to count annoying losses later. Get professional, yet easy-to-follow fur styling tips.

Prophylactic cleaning
How to clean a mouton fur coat at home from dust?
- Put the fur item on a sewing mannequin or coat hanger, then hang it freely. Cover the fur coat with a sheet soaked in water and, without too much zeal, beat with a fly swatter or just with the palm of your hand. All the dust that has settled on an expensive item during wear will cling to a damp cloth. Comb the fur with a special brush (available in department stores) and wipe the fur coat with the prepared solution. It is done like this: a tablespoon of 9% vinegar is diluted in a liter of warm water. Final stageHelps remove odors and adds shine to fur.
- Wood sawdust with bran is well cleaned from a muton fur coat. In the old days, a thing was lowered into a huge drum with sawdust and bran and scrolled through it. Then the fur coat was taken out and simply shaken off.
- Walk over the product with a sticky roller.

Stain removal
Even in the presence of heavy pollution, you can do without dry cleaning. Fur products have been worn for centuries, during which time generations have accumulated many ways to clean a muton fur coat at home. For example, for grease stains:
- Make a solution of one tablespoon of washing powder or shampoo and one liter of water. Moisten the contaminated area with it well and rub it. Wash off the soapy liquid with clean cold water using a soft cloth.
- Ammonia solution, made in the same proportions, is also able to remove grease stains from a mouton coat.
- Another way. Add a teaspoon of s alt to the ammonia solution. Soak a swab in the resulting mixture and treat the grease stain. Rinse with a damp cloth and dry.
- The modern way: use a foam spray can to clean suede, velor and nubuck.

Shiny areas: how to clean
Mouton fur coat at home can also be rid of a worn look. Soak a cotton swab wrapped in gauze in gasoline, and then rub the shiny areas. After thata procedure should be carried out to remove the remnants of the smell of gasoline. To this end, sprinkle ordinary potato or corn starch on the treated areas of the fur, rub it in, and then rinse with a soft cloth dipped in cool water.
Difficult stains
If it happens that your fur product has a stain that is difficult to remove (from blood, chocolate or wine), it is better to dry-clean the item. Professionals know how to clean the muton from such stains without damage. Time and financial costs are more than compensated by a guarantee against damage and a significant extension of the life of an expensive item.
How to clean a muton light fur coat
- An aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 2: 1 is capable of returning the color to a white fur product. It is necessary to wipe the yellowness with this composition and dry it.
- A light fur coat can be refreshed with potato starch and an aqueous solution of washing powder. Thoroughly sprinkle the product with starch. Spray the fur coat with prepared soapy liquid from a spray bottle. Rub everything with your hands and let things dry completely. Only then remove the starch with a regular brush.

How to clean a faux fur coat
- Wipe the stains with a solution of starch and gasoline in a ratio of one to one. Wait for the product to dry completely and brush off the mixture that has absorbed all the dirt.
- A solution of washing powder that has cooled to room temperature (one tablespoon per liter of hot water) is goodclean the product from an artificial muton. The solution is applied with a swab, then washed off with a sponge dipped in warm water.
Safety rules
- Before cleaning, make sure that the solution you prepare will not damage the color of the product. On the wrong side of the fur coat, try the liquid and see how the fur reacts to it. If no changes occur, feel free to proceed with the cleansing procedure.
- You cannot clean a fur coat from a muton, however, like from any other fur, with undiluted vinegar or acetone.
- Wet fur coats are dried naturally, without the help of a hair dryer, radiator and other heating devices, which will inevitably lead to deformation and damage to the fur.
- Do not spray perfume on your fur coat. It is also undesirable to get hairspray on the fur. These substances have a negative effect on the muton.
- Moth sprays and alcohol have a deforming effect on the fur.
- Mouton fur coats cannot be washed in a household washing machine.