In winter, many prefer to wear sheepskin coats. After all, such warm clothes look quite stylish and attractive. But all sorts of divorces and stains spoil the look of sheepskin coats. Many people think that, apart from dry cleaning, there is no other way out. You should not think so, because you can reanimate a thing at home. How exactly - we will tell in our today's article.
What you need to know?
How to clean a sheepskin coat at home? Before you start, you need to learn that this thing is expensive and we have no right to make a mistake (this thing is very easy to spoil). And at the first stage - the selection of cleaning products. After you need to test - find an invisible area and apply the product on it. Then the sheepskin coat is laid out on a flat surface to take into account all the dirt.
Suede should be cleaned with special products, but genuine leather can be handled with improvised substances. Sheepskin coats are often sewn from other materials, all this is neededconsider. Fur needs an individual approach at all so as not to spoil anything.

It is clear that after any cleaning, outerwear will need to be dried well. For this, you can not use improvised tools - hair dryers and other heating devices. Hang on hangers in a well-ventilated area. Everyone chooses their own approach, but it's not worth the risk. It is better to play it safe once again and come to a good result than just throw away an expensive thing.
Cleaning Methods
How to clean a natural sheepskin coat? It is necessary to exclude the process of washing things in a typewriter or by hand. Most often, two methods are used. It is dry or wet processing. How to clean a sheepskin coat yourself in the first way? This method is suitable if the sheepskin coat has a coating. If the places are not very dirty, then the napkin is wetted, and the problem areas are rubbed with it. In the presence of stubborn stains, you will have to prepare a special composition. To do this, take:
- 200 grams of water.
- Any shampoo or gel (one teaspoon).
- Ammonia - half a teaspoon.
Everything mixes well, after which you need to wait until the resulting foam settles. Next, carefully treat each stain. Since the composition is slightly soapy, after that you need to wipe the item well with damp gauze. After that, the sheepskin coat is hung on a coat hanger and ventilated. Do not dry with heaters.

How to cleansheepskin coat at home using the dry method? If there are stains on outerwear, then this method can also be applied. There are special components for this, they include:
- S alt.
- Manku.
- Soda, etc.
What's next?
Then everything is simple: after choosing the material, you need to pour it on all the existing spots. But first, if there is dirt, shake it off. Leave on for at least 30 minutes to absorb any dirt. After the selected cleaning agent is thoroughly shaken out. To completely remove everything, you will have to walk over the surface of the sheepskin coat several times with a brush. The most problematic areas are the sleeves and collar. They should be treated with a special rubber comb.
Features of cleaning suede
Products made from such material are very capricious. They require a delicate and correct approach. How to clean a sheepskin coat yourself? It's easy to do. But remember that if you start rubbing hard, the stain may become larger or deepen. This will only add to our problems. In this case, it is difficult to return the sheepskin coat to normal.

The first thing you need is a special brush for cleaning suede. It is sold in many stores, it will not be difficult to find. It can be of different types:
- Rubber.
- Brass.
- From coarse hair.
If there is nothing like this, then you can use an emery sheet with a small embankment. In order not to spoil the thing, you will have to use specialfunds.
How to clean a suede sheepskin coat?
Let's list a few fixed assets:
- Aerosols and sprays. These substances are suitable if there are large stains. But before using, it is better to study the instructions in detail.
- Table or sea s alt. It is this tool that helps to remove dust and dirt from the surface of many things. If there is a large stubborn stain, you need to slightly moisten and rub with s alt, but so as not to spoil the surface. Then gently brush the suede with a brush.
- The use of gasoline. For this, the desired fabric is selected, burlap is best. The method is suitable for old stains. The method is very effective, so the question of how to clean a natural sheepskin coat at home is not so difficult. A small amount of the proposed liquid is taken and applied to the stain. Rub lightly and rinse with water.
- Acid. For this, sorrel is suitable. A solution is being prepared: 1 tablespoon per 200 grams of warm water is enough. After that, a small amount of soda is added to the resulting mass.
The most problematic sheepskin coat is made of white materials. Spots quickly appear on it, and it is difficult to constantly send it to dry cleaning. How to clean a natural white sheepskin coat at home? You can use milk with soda, taken in equal proportions. Then apply the resulting liquid with any cloth to the stain. The clothes are left for twenty minutes and then washed.
Alternative method
Another way is to use ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Not tothere were additional problems, you need to brush the entire sheepskin coat and remove dust from it. Need to take:
- 200 grams of water;
- 1 teaspoon 3% peroxide;
- 1 teaspoon of ammonia.

Mix everything well and use a cotton pad or any other material to apply the product on the stain. Then wipe everything well and process with a cloth moistened in plain water. Then dry on hangers at room temperature. So everyone can clean a sheepskin coat, without going to a dry cleaner.
Restore the skin
How to clean a leather sheepskin coat with your own hands? Such things are usually purchased because they are not only beautiful, but also reliable, last a long time and look stylish.

To clean stains and other dirt on genuine leather, you can use:
- Soap solution. This will be wet cleaning, but do not wet the surface too much. You can choose any shampoo or simple soap. However, cheap funds will not work. The only exception is laundry soap. It washes things very well, while its cost is quite affordable.
- Starch. It is not diluted with water, but simply applied to the surface and rubbed lightly, shaking off the residue. Do not be afraid that traces will appear on dark fabrics. It's completely out of the question.
- Semolina. This product works by absorbing unwanted stain. To do this, a small amount of semolina is applied to the stain and rubbed. But worth beingcareful not to damage the coating. Further residues are removed with a damp cloth or brush. You can use semolina in relation to any sheepskin coat.
- Kerosene. This substance copes well with old stains. For this, a cotton pad or stick is taken, moistened in kerosene and held in the right place. But there is one drawback. After application, the smell remains. Therefore, the sheepskin coat will need to be well ventilated.
- Ammonia and tooth powder. Sometimes there are no big stains and dirt, but you want to give the sheepskin coat freshness. Make it possible. When some places are worn, then ammonia and tooth powder are mixed in equal amounts. But don't add water. The resulting composition is applied to the desired areas. This tool restores the surface well.

If the sheepskin coat is light, then do not use kerosene or other alcohol-based substances. All methods must be initially tested on a small and inconspicuous area of outerwear. It will be more difficult with an artificial top, because it requires a delicate approach.
How to restore fur?
Now it's clear how to clean a sheepskin coat. But what about the fur?

It needs to be handled separately. There are easy ways:
- Using animal hair shampoo. Foam is whipped from any product, after which it is gently applied to the ends of the fur with a sponge and washed off.
- The lemon is taken, the juice is squeezed out, andends are processed. After complete drying, the surface is combed with a fine-toothed comb.
- Wheat bran. You will have to heat the substance and apply it to the fur trim. Next, you need to take a good brush and remove everything unnecessary.

So, we figured out how to clean a sheepskin coat with our own hands. Such simple ways help bring any clothes back to life. If a stain is found, do not throw the thing in the trash. There are many ways to restore it, and with improvised means.